bout to switch to 12/12.

the best advice I can give is control your ph. Im not sure on any details been that you did not include any, I can simply tell you most newbies screw up by not controlling ph. This will cause lockout of nutrients. Then when you come back for help, almost everyone will attempt to convince you that you have deficiencies and begin to tell you to add all kinds of crazy shit to remedy it. this will only make things worse and discourage you.
just do what ya been doing if you made it this far. don't rush it man, check trichs and be sure its where ya want. I like 10-20% amber
Now would be good time for final shaping. Shave the legs and take clones with the lower branches and leave the biggest and tallest ones to focus the flowers on.

After a month of 12/12 you can increase the on hours by one per week up to 2 or 3 hours total. (keeping 12/hr dark) This will give you a little bit more grow time and slightly larger yield.
the best advice I can give is control your ph. Im not sure on any details been that you did not include any, I can simply tell you most newbies screw up by not controlling ph. This will cause lockout of nutrients. Then when you come back for help, almost everyone will attempt to convince you that you have deficiencies and begin to tell you to add all kinds of crazy shit to remedy it. this will only make things worse and discourage you.
This guy has given some real advice take it bud...its all about ph most other things are a symptom of ph problems...peace and good luck..if you don't already have one get a digital ph reader and ph up and ph down-)nutrient adsorbtion chart.jpg
no one has mentioned this so i will, whatever your fert schedule is you want to stop using Nitrogen rich ferts and move to Phosporus rich fert.the plant should use up the remaining N during the stretch.
no one has mentioned this so i will, whatever your fert schedule is you want to stop using Nitrogen rich ferts and move to Phosporus rich fert.the plant should use up the remaining N during the stretch.
Don't do this you will end up with a half dead plant starting from the bottom up I feed a 9-3-6 all the way through veg and flower keep it green and you will have a wonderful harvest. Feed low balanced diet and your golden.


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Don't do this you will end up with a half dead plant starting from the bottom up I feed a 9-3-6 all the way through veg and flower keep it green and you will have a wonderful harvest. Feed low balanced diet and your golden.
that's awfully strange then because that would mean all the feeding schedules on every single nute bottle being manufactured are wrong, and all the advances in botanical sciences are wrong...geez you better get emailing then cuz you gave ALOT of people to tell they are wrong sport.
that's awfully strange then because that would mean all the feeding schedules on every single nute bottle being manufactured are wrong, and all the advances in botanical sciences are wrong...geez you better get emailing then cuz you gave ALOT of people to tell they are wrong sport.
Yup the bottles are wrong they are there to make money not make you grow perfect plants by following a lable. Learn to read your plants not a lable and you will have a much better time.
Just do what your doing if they are healthy. Don't listen to the hype on flowering nutrients, they are a crock of shit. A plant needs a balanced feed throughout its life. Yellow leaves are non-productive leaves. Dont defoliate either. Leaves directly make the buds bigger, not nutrients, or lights. so leave them alone. Just listen to your plant. If your growing in soil then don't worry about PH and runoff and bla bla bla. You'll end up killing your plat by trying to fix the PH. If you have a decent soil don't worry about it at all.
Yup the bottles are wrong they are there to make money not make you grow perfect plants by following a lable. Learn to read your plants not a lable and you will have a much better time.
Wow never a shortage of bad information. Just because you like to grow using high nitrogen ferts that leave you with smaller, compact, leafier, harsher tasting buds due to nitrogen buildup doesnt mean everyone else does. OP you are on the right track. Nitrogen is for leaf growth, not flower. The only way your plants will yellow and die off early is if you have no Nitrogen at all. If the plant has build up plenty of nitrogen, it can be and should be reduced drastically to stop foliage from growing and encourage flower development. This is the only way you will get stacked colas damn near from top to bottom. using high N will leave you with popcorn looking colas. If you disagree, try switching your formula over and Ill be here waiting for you to thank me. Also higher nitrogen encourages plants to burn easier and prevents you from raising up P and K levels... Also if you are ending up with a half dead plant from the bottom up you did something to cause that. Ive completely eliminated nitrogen from flowering before and simply got a very yellow plant. Never half dead. Unfortunately P and K do not work at their prime by themselves. A little N goes a long way with these 2
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Continue grow nutrients through pre flower. Resist the urge to swith to more phosporus bloom nutrients until a couple weeks into flower. Even then go half grow half bloom and gradually switch to all bloom nutrients 3-4 weeks into flower. Also change your lights to a more red spectrum while still leaving some blue like 70%red 30%blue.
The truth lies in your growing medium and style.

Organic soil does not need PH and typically have a LIGHT balanced diet. Your enlisting the help of microbes to break down the foods to make them bio-available to the plant. Some break down faster than others, the plants takes what it needs and they eat the rest. These plants typically harvest mostly green and are not necessarily harsh if done right.

Hydroponics and synthetics are force fed to the plant not needing to be broken down first. Typically more than the plant can absorb is offered to it. Thus most hydro growers "flush" or use more of a sliding feeding schedule ending up in very low N. These can be harsh if not done right.

And everything in between..
Wow never a shortage of bad information. Just because you like to grow using high nitrogen ferts that leave you with smaller, compact, leafier, harsher tasting buds due to nitrogen buildup doesnt mean everyone else does. OP you are on the right track. Nitrogen is for leaf growth, not flower. The only way your plants will yellow and die off early is if you have no Nitrogen at all. If the plant has build up plenty of nitrogen, it can be and should be reduced drastically to stop foliage from growing and encourage flower development. This is the only way you will get stacked colas damn near from top to bottom. using high N will leave you with popcorn looking colas. If you disagree, try switching your formula over and Ill be here waiting for you to thank me. Also higher nitrogen encourages plants to burn easier and prevents you from raising up P and K levels... Also if you are ending up with a half dead plant from the bottom up you did something to cause that. Ive completely eliminated nitrogen from flowering before and simply got a very yellow plant. Never half dead. Unfortunately P and K do not work at their prime by themselves. A little N goes a long way with these 2
this gg4 and querkle are actually dense and not harsh but lip smacking delicious all grown on a 3-1-2 veg-flower on no more then 1.1ec usually .9-1ec it's all in how you feed aka reAd your plants
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