Something funky (yellowing + clawing)


New Member
So I've got a little thing going on with 1 of my 3 plants.

These are Dinafem Auto Blue Amnesia XXL going on day 54 (just about to finish week ocho).

About 10 days ago, the leaves on this plant started turning yellow pretty quick (and to claw). It's not all of them, the ones around the top are doing ok.

The other 2 plants are still mostly green..

I'm pretty sure I haven't over or underwatered this plant.
I am thinking it could be the heat (closet it at 86 degrees right now with no fan).
It appears to be the portion receiving the most light, so maybe its stress.

Here is a picture with the other 2 plants for some comparison.

I know the yellowing is part of the process. Maybe this plant is in a hurry? It was the smallest of the 3 starting out and then it took off and now has the biggest buds so I want to make sure I dont screw something up these last 2 - 3 weeks.

There is a slight difference in the soil and I'm not sure it has the best drainage in the world, but it does eventually drain.


Well-Known Member
Auto hybrids are still very new so the stability of them are not very good. Your others may be one part of the hybrid while the one other is a little different and the other part of the hybrid. Im not sure if you are giving it a balanced feed or not but you should with autos and honestly anyn plant. If your feeding it just bloom nutes then give it some nitrogen cause the bloom nutes lack them. Bloom nutrients are a joke and are made for the sucker buyer not the plant. Yellow leaves are non productive leaves. Buds directly get bigger from leaves, not nutes. It may just be hungry being its a hybrid and different from the rest. When you feed your plants give them a balanced feed throughout the life of then plant.. Plants need a constant supply of water and food (nutrients, micro and macro) throughout their whole life.


Well-Known Member
The light your taking pictures with doesn't help much cause we cant see the greenery of the lady so turn it off and take a pic and maybe a more fine tuned diagnosis will come.


New Member
Auto hybrids are still very new so the stability of them are not very good. Your others may be one part of the hybrid while the one other is a little different and the other part of the hybrid. Im not sure if you are giving it a balanced feed or not but you should with autos and honestly anyn plant. If your feeding it just bloom nutes then give it some nitrogen cause the bloom nutes lack them. Bloom nutrients are a joke and are made for the sucker buyer not the plant. Yellow leaves are non productive leaves. Buds directly get bigger from leaves, not nutes. It may just be hungry being its a hybrid and different from the rest. When you feed your plants give them a balanced feed throughout the life of then plant.. Plants need a constant supply of water and food (nutrients, micro and macro) throughout their whole life.
First off, thanks for the quick reply.
I started out using some veg nutes (something called biobizz bio grow), now in flowering I was giving it Guanol (Nitrógeno total: 2% Fósforo 12% Potasio: 2%).
I stopped giving them any because I seemed to read that nutes aren't good to give during the last 2 - 3 weeks (maybe I read wrong). I have only been giving water. About 2 - 4L water every 2 days atm.

Is there any plant food I can make at home? I have heard of people boiling banana peels and spraying / watering with the leftover water. I would imagine that's mostly postassium though and my problem (yellow leaf) would indicate nitrogen deficiency.

The leaf clawing I am guessing due to heat + general stress. This plant is near the wall and I have the other two near the closet door which I leave open most of the time now.

Some yellow leafs are dying off quick which I know is part of the natural process at 8 - 9 weeks, but I don't wanna speed that up. Hopefully I can halt the yellowing or even reverse it a tad. Maybe its now.

The light your taking pictures with doesn't help much cause we cant see the greenery of the lady so turn it off and take a pic and maybe a more fine tuned diagnosis will come.
I will get some better pics tomorrow when the lights are off.


Well-Known Member
N def....its normal in late flower and strain specific. Not all strains exhibit the def. U don't have claw. U could hit it with some N but I'm thinking it might be too late to do any any event you'll still get some nice dank. Buds look frosty and healthy.


New Member
N def....its normal in late flower and strain specific. Not all strains exhibit the def. U don't have claw. U could hit it with some N but I'm thinking it might be too late to do any any event you'll still get some nice dank. Buds look frosty and healthy.
Ok, if you look close, there are some leaves with sharp drooping (which I thought was clawish).

I read human urine dilute with water (1:10) has a decent amount of nitrogen, obviously weird to most and depends on a decent diet.
But this will be my own batch so it wouldn't be too big a deal to test out imo.

Thanks for your input