Well-Known Member
i really would much rather send it to you.
Oh, now you are just being mean.
i really would much rather send it to you.
Except that a bunch of supposedly peace loving muslims are murdering people across the globe...
Yeah, education, that will fix it. LOL!!!!
The difference is that Christians and Jews are not currently beheading people and committing mass murder in the name of their god.
It isnt propaganda that is slandering Islam, it is dead bodies.... Fix that....
We are out there all over, to protect ourselves and Jihad has always been a threat. All of what we have done in the Mideast is to contain Jihad.
Thank you GWN. This is what I am doing. (though not a political group) It's quite eye opening when you actually speak/work/socialize one on one with folks that have a different worldview than you do. Makes it really hard to lump groups together as a "they".How about you offer a solution instead of the menial incessant name calling?
Volunteer at a local political action group, or an organization that suits your agenda - if you're so passionate about it then make a difference rather than just name calling on a Cannabis site.
"Change your world"
You're smart enough apparently but you seem to have a mean streak.
Might want to address that, bad habits don't get better on their own.
Book of Secrets?I just saw a thing on Scientology. They have borrowed a trick or two on this subject. I don't see Jihad as a religion anymore than the KKK is a religion. These are both para-militrary sects. I think we can understand better if we just leave religion out of it. There are several ways of organizing human groups. We are trying a unique, self directed choice of views, ISIS uses subjugation and forced acceptance of one view.
One of those, however, lacks a serious track record of success. The other is tried and true.
-Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre, Aug. 5, 2012 - 6 dead Done By Racist, White Supremacist drunkard.
-The murder of Dr. George Tiller, May 31, 2009 Done IN THE VICTIM'S CHURCH by a dink with no noted religious affiliation.
-Knoxville Unitarian Universalist Church shooting, July 27, 2008 - 2 dead, 7 wounded Done by a dink who left a manifesto, ZERO religious content in said manifesto.
-The murder of Dr. John Britton, July 29, 1994 Frist actual christian affiliated nutbag..
-The Centennial Olympic Park bombing, July 27, 1996 - 2 dead, 111 injured "Chrisitan Identity" (racism wrapped in religious party dress)but fuckit, ill let you have this one.
-The murder of Barnett Slepian by James Charles Kopp, Oct. 23, 1998 Roman Catholic Nutbar.
-Planned Parenthood bombing, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1994 - 2 dead, 5 wounded Diagnosed Paranoid schizophrenic
-Suicide attack on IRS building in Austin, Texas, Feb. 18, 2010 Decidedly anti-IRS not Pro Christian.
-The murder of Alan Berg, June 18, 1984 Racist white nationalists, NOT religiously motivated.
-Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing, April 19, 1995 - 168 dead, 680 injured Anti-Government, NOT religiously motivated.
-2011 Norway attacks - 77 dead, 319 injured Breivik was a member of NO church. he was a frootloop, not a chrisitian zealot.
When Christians do it it's an "isolated attack"
When Muslims do it it's "because of Islam"
Wrap them up in a pig skin and shove pork down their throats. They can't ever get into heaven that way. No 72 virgins, too bad.They, the tabloid, had been firebombed before, had police protection (didn't work out that well), and have had numerous threats against them, for what? Showing cartoons about Mohammed continuously in a derogatory way. They wore it as a badge of honor to fuck with Muslims. You want to play with those crazy motherfuckers, you are taking your life, and any employees life, in your hands I am really pissed off right now, because I would love to figure out a way so those murderers never get to their afterlife. What can you do against someone that believes to die for Mohammed guarantees heaven? I would torture the shit out of them for as long as they could breath. That would make me feel good. Like do a serious Cheney on them, and post it on YouTube. See if that works. (just a thought).
3 hits out of 11, even random chance would have gotten you a better score.
sometimes i wonder if you even bother to read the shit you copy/paste
The editor had a bodyguard who was one of those killed. I wonder if he was private or public?I agree. If it happened here in the states the company would have paid for private security. I don't know how it works over there, but having the tax payers pay to protect them because of their own choices doesn't seem right.
I do find it interesting you say they should have hired private security to protect them but don't think the cops having guns would have made a difference.
actually, corpse defiling doesnt prevent moslems from entering "paradise"Wrap them up in a pig skin and shove pork down their throats. They can't ever get into heaven that way. No 72 virgins, too bad.
3 hits out of 11, even random chance would have gotten you a better score.
sometimes i wonder if you even bother to read the shit you copy/paste
Except possibly burning in Hell for all eternityNope. All the Davidians were acquitted of the murder related charges.
You're correct about the feds though, nothing happened to any of them.
i DID look into tiller's killer, and didnt see any of those claims.
Except possibly burning in Hell for all eternity
Only since 640 ADYou keep saying that as if it is beginning now. This has been going on for thousands of years.
yep... he was crackers, with a long history of mental you didn't, you just lied and hoped you wouldn't be caught.
roeder was a contributor to "prayer and action news", a christian publication that calls the murder of abortion providers "justifiable homicide". roeder was also a member of the "army of god". he posted on a chrstian website calle d"operation rescue" too.
fucking idiot.
this is all right on the fucking wiki page too.
calling Rapesy Toby is apparently racist.Toby is a genius, and unappreciated.
really?you are an unoriginal idiot who parrots kynes verbatim because you think his type of white supremacy is more catchy than yours.
your "source" makes NO MENTION of this alleged "army of god" and your claims are therefore unsubstantiated.
rhoeder was a fruitcake, just like brievik.