Need your fortune read? Ask and I'll tell you your fortune!


Well-Known Member
@Hookabelly I've gazed into my shiznit for a long time and now I see your future much clearer....

View attachment 3327532

Ahhhh.... Yesssss..... I see you hallucinating from a dangerous online meat sauce recipe you found on a pot forum. While tripping balls you will force your mexican slave @mr sunshine to shovel your driveway naked with a trowel while you ride him and spank him. You then will bash him the face with a plastic bag filled with your own trippy recipe of the meat sauce mixed with human shit from a group of retarded midgets you bought on eBay until the bag breaks, filling his face holes with what you've been calling "mama's hot chunky soup." You will both laugh heartily and hug each other. A great day will be had by both of you.
Whoa!! you were right on the money! How do you DO that??

Only one small detail: it wasn't midget shit it was smegma


Well-Known Member
do something impressive great bu$leaguer

pick some stocks or tell us about a big event that will soon happen

do you talk to dead people ?

where is Pinworm? is he warm and dry and well fed ?
There will be more stupid terrorist attacks this year.

No, I don't talk to dead people. I make love to them and enjoy munging with my other gypsy friends.

Pinny is fine, he's just in rehab still. When he gets out and gets his shit back together he'll be back.


Well-Known Member
I desperately need to seek some of advice from the ball.....
How will monday work out for me?
Sorry, Dia! Tomorrow will work out great for ya, you can settle down- don't stress out about it! It's just another vagina exam- forceps, papsmear, fisting.... You'll be fine. Besides, they say the vagina is extremely elastic, and can stretch to accommodate almost anything, and then it will slowly shrink back to its original size.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, Bushy, I didn;t mean to hijack your awesome thread.

Back to our regularly scheduled programming....

Will I make any money this year?
Nah, no need to apologize, I knew it would happen- I saw it coming a few months ago.

Yeah, you'll def make money this year Clayton. You and @chewberto are going to come up with a plan to take advantage of his handicapped uncle. Something about selling off his property on ebay and using the funds to pay for some kind of human trafficking program you've devised.

Don't worry, you're going to be a-ok!