RO and AN. Help


Well-Known Member
I'm about to set up my first grow. Using dwc in single 5 gallon buckets, 6 inch net pots, air pumps n stones. I'm using advanced nutrients sensi grow and bloom and all of there nutrient kits up to the grand master pack. AN is ph perfect and recommends you use RO water. My friend uses tap water and he has no problems. I have read other growers using tap water had good results too. Then they switched to ro water and there plants withered and died. I'm not spending 4 grand on a 2 room set for my plants to wither and die. So what should I do? First question is do i still need a ph meter when using ro and advanced nutrients? Second, do i need a cal/mg supplement if using ro water and advanced nutrients ph perfect sensi products? And third, will I need ph up and ph down buffers when using this system (AN and Ro)?. Help please? Or should I just sticking to tap water since my friend does and has good results? Don't know what to do.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Tap water can be a problem especially if you have a water softener. I used AN Hobbist for my DWC along with city tap water, got OK results. But I seemed to have a lot of minor problems. I moved, switched to well water and soil, same kind of problems. Switched to RO and things got a lot better.

So I'd say, yes to the RO water. Because you're DWC, yes to the Ph tester. And yes you'll want a cal/mag supp. I kind like the liquid Ph adjust Up/Down

Just my opinion, AN is great for noobs, but when you've gained some experience, you might want to look at DNF (Dutch Nutrient Formula) for a step up.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
On advanced nutrients websit they say no need for ph meter. It's ph perfect technology and adjusts the ph for you so you never have too. So why are you saying I need a ph tester? Confused


Well-Known Member
On advanced nutrients websit they say no need for ph meter. It's ph perfect technology and adjusts the ph for you so you never have too. So why are you saying I need a ph tester? Confused
For one you should always have a ph meter that's calibrated every time you water . Better to know than not know . 2nd follow their lineup accordingly and get a ppm meter as well. I'd start the girls at 1/4 dose and work them up . Any type of water is not bad if you have good ph and put an air stone in for 1 hr before watering


Well-Known Member
So advanced nutrients is liars? They said no need for ph or ppm meters with there ph perfect products. Do you use advanced nutrienys ph perfect? Or what nutes do u use? Cuz I'd lIke feedback from ppl who use Adanced Nutrients ph perfect sensi grow and bloom. It says calcium and magnesium levels are dialed in. Along with no need to ever adjust ph. There technology takes care of all that for you there website says.


Well-Known Member
Any other nutrient line when using ro water wud need a cal/mag supplement added. But with AN they say that's all dialed in so you don't gotta worry. And they said no need for ph up and down as its all in there ph perfect formula. Adjusts any ph level between 4.5 and 8 there site says so no need for ph or ppm meters as long as you follow there feeding schedule.


Then continue using the method you were using. Obviously a tweak is necessary. But, you're resistant to anyone;'s opinion. It can't hurt to get a 7 dollar GH drip pH tester and check it. Any good grower spending 2k on a room would not leave it to strangers online to make a decision, but would find out themselves through research. No one to blame but yourself in that case, though. Which is how it is to be a grower anyways. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying I wud not take advice. I just did research and that's what I found. They say u don't need a ph or ppm tester with ph and ppm perfect sensi grow and bloom. So why wud I waste the money is all I'm saying? I read other growers who were used of adjusting ph levels and ppm on other nutrient brands and they thot they had too on this lineup of advanced nutrients. Which caused problems. The nutrients are desiged to fix any ph between 4.5 to 8. When using ro water you get 0ppm and 7 ph. If u add ph up or down to try controlling it your messing with the system. I read ppl killed there plants this way. Why I researched the whole matter. I also read when using ro water u need cal mag. Well with other brands you do. But i read advanced nutrients had that dialed in too. No need for cal mag wit ph perfect sensi grow and bloom. Look it up. It's pretty cool. Best for beginners like myself. I figured it all out on my own. Your right about researching. Guess I just wanted opinions of ppl using same nutes.


Well-Known Member
More expensive than fox farm or general hydro. But better results and easy to use for rookies like myself. I seen ppl fail at growing. I didn't want to do that. I want good results 1st crop. Researching hard. Thanks for feedback


Well-Known Member
Your not getting it either. Your not supposed to check it or mess with ph or ppm using AN. Look up AN ph ppm perfect sensi grow and bloom. Why test something if your not supposed to? Seriously look it up. I bet u never used this product either.


Well-Known Member
If you got time to watch DWC grow start to finish 14 parts
this guy used sensi grow and bloom still checks ph and ppm using ro water
both meter on ebay for under $20


Well-Known Member
I didnt when I asked. I researched after. Sry. But i just called AN and they said I don't need extra cal mag or to ever adjust ph or ppm. They said no need to ever dip a meter in because the ph perfect and ppm perfect nutrients are designed to take care of any soft or hard or neutral ph water. Between a 4.5 and 8 range it automatically adjusts itself. No need for cal mag or ph up and down or expensive testers. Ill trust his word since that's what I came up with in my research. Thanks for feedback. But that guys a idiot. He dont need to check his shit in them videos. He needs to research giving his plants too much cal mag cuz it's already dialed in the nutrients. You shouldn't be adding more unless your using a different line of nutrients with ro water. Thats the only reason AN makes a cal mag supplement. Is for other lines of nutrients when using ro water.


Well-Known Member
That dude shouldn't be adding h202 in with that either. Just the nutes. The company demos how to mix it. They don't add no extra shit like cal mag or ph up or down or h202. They use soft tap water in one and hard tap in another and Ro water in another. All three are measured out and they show u on there ph meters that everything balances out to ph perfect. Im only using ro water cuz i want the best for my plants. Ro water is meant for AN. Therefore they dialed in th right amount of cal mag the plant needs. He's overfeeding it. It's called ph perfect. If i use a whole line of products that cost like 900 bux yeah I'm gunna research what I'm using and what I shouldnt. Not that I don't trust you guys. But if i mix it right I won't need a meter at all. YouTube An ph perfect nutrient demo. You don't wanna add extra stuff with this particular line and Ro water. Thats all your plants need plus to stay at the right room and water temp. Humidity levels. Ventilation. Proper lighting water and nutes. I'll get a cheap meter to make u happy but I don't need one. As long as u change your resevoir once a week and follow there feeding schedule your fine. I've done my research and I'll trust the people who make it. Not a bunch of ppl who never used it or don't know how to use it


Well-Known Member
If u read on advanced nutrients sensi cal mag. It says not for use with AN products. It's meant for other growers. Not me. AN is ph and ppm perfect and works best with ro water. No need 4 meters. This shits expensive but cup winners use it and it's easy to use. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm not a troll. I spent hours last night researching it. And even called AN today and asked all these questions. And i watched AN demonstrate how to mix nutes properly with any water (hard soft or ro) and the ph ppm perfect technology fixed it. They showed you on the ph meters. never wanna adjust ph or ppm or add cal mag if ur using ro with this line of product. Trust me. I watched videos. Read and talked to AN. My best friend uses AN and it's the best bud around town. He's been doing it for years. Scrogging he prefers. I'm not a troll. Your the troll for calling me names. I did my research.