Employer discriminated against me for prescription.


Well-Known Member
I snorted some off a whores patch once....is this the same thing?
I let whores snort lines of my hard knob.

True that drug testing causes harder drug use.

I don't want to be ripped for this.
When I was in the military, just 12 years ago, there were a lot of drugs used. Still are.

See the military and large companies do batch testing. All specimens tested at one time. If the caught anything then a retest separate. It saves money. It also gives you extra time to clean up.

A sporadic joint will be out of you system in a few days. Especially if you work out.


Well-Known Member
He had a doctor say he had no restrictions!!! Why isn't that good enough?
It's upto the company not his doctor to say he's fit to work. Insurance plays a huge roll in that decision. That just the way it is. He sould be allowed to make a living doing what he's trained for.


Well-Known Member
The whole time. Then there was an accident that I wasnt even involved in. Everyone on lease got piss tested. Around half the people on lease popped positive for something as well. Had to choose between drug treatment or find another job. The job market was hot so the choice was easy.
Sad story.
Bob Marley Says Why Boasteth Thy Self?
You should have never talked with the nurse.
Find out what is really wrong with you and try to get cured.
Then it will be a simple decision for you.
You sound like you need to get fixed or life will really be tough.
Cannabis cures cancer. You are not getting cured from cannabis.
Cannabis is ruining your life.
You probably need the job.
Keep the job.
Go back to work.


Well-Known Member
Sad story.
Bob Marley Says Why Boasteth Thy Self?
You should have never talked with the nurse.
Find out what is really wrong with you and try to get cured.
Then it will be a simple decision for you.
You sound like you need to get fixed or life will really be tough.
Cannabis cures cancer. You are not getting cured from cannabis.
Cannabis is ruining your life.
You probably need the job.
Keep the job.
Go back to work.
We would be lost without your words of wisdom


Well-Known Member
Sad story.
Bob Marley Says Why Boasteth Thy Self?
You should have never talked with the nurse.
Find out what is really wrong with you and try to get cured.
Then it will be a simple decision for you.
You sound like you need to get fixed or life will really be tough.
Cannabis cures cancer. You are not getting cured from cannabis.
Cannabis is ruining your life.
You probably need the job.
Keep the job.
Go back to work.

First of welcome saskabush that is a terrible predicament and a bunch of bs.

And as for this broken heads post please ignore this tool. He's a shill useless piece of shit probably with a small cock I don't know. He has issues and thinks that marijuana is just for rec users. He also gets his jollies off of coming on to a patient forum and telling someone they shouldn't be using MMJ cause it is ruining your life. No dumb ass! The failure form HC to do there job and actually look at research that has been done on cannabis. From PTSD anxiety depression, sever pain , sleep aid, hunger aid, cancer cure, relieves ms/MD symptoms, cures diabetes 2 glaucoma and the list goes on. Educate yourself broken head tosh the think before you open your mouth!

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Not true, Gmack. The employer cannot discriminate against someone for using a legal medicine or substance.. Beyond that, they MUST accommodate. Accommodation could mean setting guidelines ie. impairment at work, but they can not summarily dismiss you because of it. They need to PROVE impairment at work in order to have cause to take action. This is an easy open and shut win in a human rights tribunal, with or without a lawyer. If the employer wins in this case who are they coming after next? The guy who takes a couple of prescribed morphine every day or the guy who enjoys a beer or two after work? I've been down this road and it's hard to get people to look past the stigma of marijuana, but they are perfectly fine with opiates. I bet if the doctor had of prescribe cannabis is pill form there would be no issue. With my situation, after we had worked through the fact that I am legally protected from discrimination, the one sticking point was the smell. WTF? It is almost as if someone catching a whiff of pot smoke will somehow be damaged!

I think it's also a matter of needing to change their drug policy. In their minds it's not just a question of if he's showing up to work impaired or not. But if it is in his system PERIOD. This is where the update to drug policy needs to be made to take into account people who use MMJ, as the stigma of that tends to be terminal or bedridden patients. I agree 100% it's bullshit as saskbush has stated he only medicates after work and allows ample time before going to his next shift. I'm just stating the way it works.

The mining industry does NOT fuck around with safety. This cannot be stated enough. The safety there goes well above and beyond what the average person will ever come across or hear about. This is what takes it from an open and shut case to a tricky one. Although completely misguided in this case since it revolves around a legal medical patient. You have to understand why the rules are there to begin with. This is why I think(although it's unlikely) a policy change or revision for these special circumstances is warranted. I am actually a little surprised that a case like this hasn't come up earlier in the time we've had legal MMJ
You want this guy to ruin his life? He is not at the front lines? He has no epilepsy No Cancer? Why would you push him in the front lines to fight and ruin his life? I care about everyone and he asked for help and I gave him some words of wisdom. He has a real issue causing his headaches. That is what we all should care about. Not about his job and not the fight for cannabis in the workplace. What about the human being that is suffering from a real undiagnosed severe issue. Where is your compassion?
Cancer is one thing. Undiagnosed ailments are another. He has to live the rest of his life with a headache if he takes your advice. My advice will improve the quality of his life. Bless


Well-Known Member
You want this guy to ruin his life? He is not at the front lines? He has no epilepsy No Cancer? Why would you push him in the front lines to fight and ruin his life? I care about everyone and he asked for help and I gave him some words of wisdom. He has a real issue causing his headaches. That is what we all should care about. Not about his job and not the fight for cannabis in the workplace. What about the human being that is suffering from a real undiagnosed severe issue. Where is your compassion?
Cancer is one thing. Undiagnosed ailments are another. He has to live the rest of his life with a headache if he takes your advice. My advice will improve the quality of his life. Bless
you need to find out what cluster headaches are before you say crap like that.they are debilitating. i have never had one but have seen people pulling their hair out with an oxygen mask for relief for "a headache" some people kill themselves over "a headache" due to the intense pain....so if he gets relief from something that debilitating, i say go for it. his Dr said use it so I say fight for it. it will be a Human Rights case so he might be in for a fight.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Sad story.
Bob Marley Says Why Boasteth Thy Self?
You should have never talked with the nurse.
Find out what is really wrong with you and try to get cured.
Then it will be a simple decision for you.
You sound like you need to get fixed or life will really be tough.
Cannabis cures cancer. You are not getting cured from cannabis.
Cannabis is ruining your life.
You probably need the job.
Keep the job.
Go back to work.
How much degree of brain damage do you have? Is it close to 90% type thing ?


Well-Known Member
You want this guy to ruin his life? He is not at the front lines? He has no epilepsy No Cancer? Why would you push him in the front lines to fight and ruin his life? I care about everyone and he asked for help and I gave him some words of wisdom. He has a real issue causing his headaches. That is what we all should care about. Not about his job and not the fight for cannabis in the workplace. What about the human being that is suffering from a real undiagnosed severe issue. Where is your compassion?
Cancer is one thing. Undiagnosed ailments are another. He has to live the rest of his life with a headache if he takes your advice. My advice will improve the quality of his life. Bless
If demanding your employer respect your charter rights is going to ruin your life, this country has a whole lot more to worry about than a few pot smokers. Giving up your rights to a corporation is not an improvement in quality of life. Who are you to say what does or doesn't help his illness or what he should or shouldn't do about it?
Thanks for the Magic Mushroom Option. We have treated many cases that way with success. I didn't want to start perscribing him things like that on her but that is the usual migraine headache last resort I suggest to patients. He has bills to pay and possibly a family to support. The Mine has INSURANCE. The INSURANCE will not cover them if he is working there with cannabis in his system. They cannot operate the mine without INSURANCE. It is an impossible battle to win. Why fight something that is impossible?
Has nothing to do with Saskatchewan. This is a global INSURANCE thing.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the Magic Mushroom Option. We have treated many cases that way with success. I didn't want to start perscribing him things like that on her but that is the usual migraine headache last resort I suggest to patients. He has bills to pay and possibly a family to support. The Mine has INSURANCE. The INSURANCE will not cover them if he is working there with cannabis in his system. They cannot operate the mine without INSURANCE. It is an impossible battle to win. Why fight something that is impossible?
Has nothing to do with Saskatchewan. This is a global INSURANCE thing.
Again you speak of something you know nothing about. When I was working in the oilfield. One of our foremen had his MMJ papers and was allowed to smoke at a designated smoking area that was seperate from ours. As to protect the other smokers from second hand cannabis smoke. Lol so it is possible. It is a hell of a fight but not impossible. So please keep your ignorant unhelpful comments to yourself Tosh.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the Magic Mushroom Option. We have treated many cases that way with success. I didn't want to start perscribing him things like that on her but that is the usual migraine headache last resort I suggest to patients. He has bills to pay and possibly a family to support. The Mine has INSURANCE. The INSURANCE will not cover them if he is working there with cannabis in his system. They cannot operate the mine without INSURANCE. It is an impossible battle to win. Why fight something that is impossible?
Has nothing to do with Saskatchewan. This is a global INSURANCE thing.
Does this 'GLOBAL INSURANCE' thing also cover pills and alcohol? There are laws to protect Canadians from having their rights abused by employers. This person has a legal right to use marijuana, no different from your legal right or anyones legal right to take your percocet or morphine or what ever else you are prescribed or have a beer(or 12), the only control and in fact, a duty,an employer has is to ensure the employee is not impaired at work.Period. If the job isn't safety-sensitive, you even have the right to medicate on the job. If you're theory of blaming it on insurance is to be believed, I guess the employer needs to find another insurer that can follow Canadian law.


Well-Known Member
Dear toshie. Your treatment is last line and go away! You cause more stress than help!

Suffering from migraines is hell. and I used to suffer from cluster headaches due to the treatment of migraines.
I tried all migraine therapies. Metoclopramide, maxalt, IV therapies and lastly blood pressure medication.
the only 2 thinugs that help keep them down from every day to 2 or 3 a month is olmetec (BP medication) and cannabis.
when they get bad and they can I still have to go to the hospital.
saskabush dude. This sucks. I know you were only doing the right thing. Unfortunately, it can blow up in your face. Keep records of all conversations, topics discussed,and to whom you were speaking to.
I recommend doing what is in your healths' best interest. It's a hard spot to be in but you're not alone!
MeiMei? You are very ignorant. You haven't even diagnosed your own headaches and you are now a doctor perscribing to someone who is undiagnosed and to boot you are suggesting some pharmaceutical Aldehyde. Then you want to mess with his blood pressure?
And you want to keep him on these for the remainder of his life undiagnosed? Now I know why I am here. To protect these patients from you. WELCOME TO PETER TOSH's WORLD. Get used to it.