The religion of peace

You are in possession of a fucked up mind. It is all moral equivalence with past acts for you.

You are Jihad.

you are so cute.

enjoy your little patch of land, it was stolen by genocidal white christians from peaceful natives who never did a thing to earn such savage treatment.

but ya kow...muslims. all 0.8% the US population. gonna kill us all.

be very afraid.
you are so cute.

enjoy your little patch of land, it was stolen by genocidal white christians from peaceful natives who never did a thing to earn such savage treatment.

but ya kow...muslims. all 0.8% the US population. gonna kill us all.

be very afraid.

What I fail to understand is your comments, since, I am not talking about Islam or trying to excuse Christians. So who or what are you sticking up for? Racism again?

When I mention violent Jihad, (constantly in the News, of course) the apologists jump up to say, WHY ARE YOU BRANDING AN ENTIRE people/religion/way of life/etc!?!?!?!!?!???!

I'M NOT!!!!!!

In a very real way you are. To bring in all Islam is not what we are doing when we talk about violent Jihad. Violent Jihad is not the Relgion of Islam. Don't you dumb-asses get that. Islam is trying to be a Plural Religion, but it is not yet.

To get all horrific at some made up Islam-o-phobia to stifle discussion about terrorism, is just a usual tactic of the Nut Left.

Do you even know what moral equivalence means?
Moral Equivalence: This fallacy compares minor misdeeds with major atrocities.

That parking attendant who gave me a ticket is as bad as Hitler.

But, your usage is even worse. It somehow excuses violent Jihad because we did bad stuff to the Native Americans 100 years ago?

No. What we see here is much worse. It is a type of brain rot. :)
What I fail to understand is your comments, since, I am not talking about Islam or trying to excuse Christians. So who or what are you sticking up for? Racism again?

When I mention violent Jihad, (constantly in the News, of course) the apologists jump up to say, WHY ARE YOU BRANDING AN ENTIRE people/religion/way of life/etc!?!?!?!!?!???!

I'M NOT!!!!!!

In a very real way you are. To bring in all Islam is not what we are doing when we talk about violent Jihad. Violent Jihad is not the Relgion of Islam. Don't you dumb-asses get that. Islam is trying to be a Plural Religion, but it is not yet.

To get all horrific at some made up Islam-o-phobia to stifle discussion about terrorism, is just a usual tactic of the Nut Left.

Do you even know what moral equivalence means?
Moral Equivalence: This fallacy compares minor misdeeds with major atrocities.

That parking attendant who gave me a ticket is as bad as Hitler.

But, your usage is even worse. It somehow excuses violent Jihad because we did bad stuff to the Native Americans 100 years ago?

No. What we see here is much worse. It is a type of brain rot. :)
I'm not reading it that way.
I'm not reading it that way.

Please tell me then.

What does it mean to be edgy, in a PC way, about defending Islam when we are talking about a violent sect within Islam, not ALL ISLAM?

Raised a Christian I don't get torqued about comments against skinhead.
Baptists as a rule don't sweat a discussion of the KKK.

So, tell me. What way do you read it?

Please tell me then.

What does it mean to be edgy, in a PC way, about defending Islam when we are talking about a violent sect within Islam, not ALL ISLAM?

Raised a Christian I don't get torqued about comments against skinhead.
Baptists as a rule don't sweat a discussion of the KKK.

So, tell me. What way do you read it?

I read bucky saying don't label all for the actions of the few
and I read your posts mostly saying they are all like that
I am not talking about Islam

excuse me while i nearly die laughing.

To get all horrific at some made up Islam-o-phobia to stifle discussion about terrorism, is just a usual tactic of the Nut Left.

oh, you want to talk about terrorism in this country is all?

then start with the violent right wing nuts who have a higher body count. ya know, the ones who share ideology with kynes.