Well-Known Member
Hey mate good trip? Cheers yeah my plants are starting to get pretty big now pretty impressed with the Tashkenti it took topping like a boss and it smells really hashy if you rub the stems.
Also loving the Panma Dc which also has a nice berry smell and you can already see resin in the new tops. I went up yesterday so Il have an update soonish, theyre looking god but a little under watered. Weathers been amazing for the last 3 weeks most days have been 25 plus quite a few 27 - 28's and 29 today which is good but man we need some rain soon its dry as shit. Hasnt rained in about 3 weeks going on 4 so ive had to water them which is a mission.
Your plants look awesome i bet they're big nowYou been feeding with guano? The panamas are insane the branching and nodeing is really out of it how long after the hybrids do the panamas flower? Damn vine hoppers atleast your more prepared this time yea we drop down to 11 - 14 at night I haven't seen anymore bug damage just the rabbits digging around the holes.
Shit yeah the Taskenti is my favorite of them all so far and its growing in the more average soil and its the best looking one shes gonna be a monsterWhen do indicas hybrids start flowering usually? Your plants will be tall as if they aint topped I reckon youl be at 7ft by now? If I hadn't of topped the Taskenti it would probably hit 10ft for sure lol I think I saw that DC x Taskenti, really nice cross by the looks of it. Yeah your right I think its more of a Lavender pheno it has massive fans but its quite slow actually it drinks way more water then the rest of the plants and seems to be a light feeder. Malawi would be a nice smoke ha
Pictures soon Peace.
Yeah man got some good hunting in. They're growing fast as now, the Taskenti,LSD and PDC are nice solid beasts now. What kind of berry smell does the PDC have? a sweet or more danker indica berry?the Panama in flower has a sweet hashberry smell. It'll be interesting to see the similarities or differences between the 2. That big fan leaf on the PDC looks straight Deep Chunk with the classic indica pattern on the leaf, my guess is a Deep Chunk pheno. Man Taskenti X PDC would be to die for, can't wait to start breeding properly.
Yeah same here, I went and checked last night and they were pretty dry also - been hot as fuck up here too with 24-28 days. No rain for the past 3 weeks so I went down and watered them this morning. The rain crystals just stops them from dying which is piece of mind. Really need some rain though!.
Cheers yeah they range from 6.5-7ft, yep bat guano for the BD13 x OE's and I just used nitra phoska for the others cause I can't be fucked referting them all every 3 weeks lol. Yeah the Panama node spacing is another level aye, they flower 2-3 weeks later around mid feb the start showing their sex properly. Goddamn vine hoppers man, there was heaps(nymphs) around the bottom of the plants last night because the grass had overgrown round the cage and it was dark and shitty in there so I cleared the grass and lower branches away and put 600 grams of neem granules through the area - the all were hopping around going crazy after that lol. I'm going to war with these bastards this year. No other bug damage though which is good.
Haha awesome, glad Taskenti is your favourite. Your climate is probably similar to Tashkent so it'll probably grow better down there. Oh depends if clone or seed but anywhere from mid-late jan, I reckon it'll show sex in 2 weeks, 3 at the latest. When did your plant last year show sex or start flower?. I reckon the Taskenti will hit 10 ft. That CC is definitely not like any I've grown, weird looking plant - usually it's a high feeding vigorous sativa. Big gene pool I guess. Yeah I wanna grow out some Malawi fems and find a short flower pheno to grow outside next season.
Here's some shitty pics.
Black Domina x G13 late clones

(Black Domina x G13) x Orient Express

Cleared out the bottom of the plants to stop the vine hoppers from having a good breeding environment.