Jihad, Inc. Not a Religion


Well-Known Member
lol @ crying racism.

the shoe fits, princess. now you get to wear it.

really it's bigotry to be technical, but it's all hateful intolerant nonsense however you slice it.


Well-Known Member
Ok, excuse me, not a people a RELIGION. Fine.

Freudian slip? What? saying race of people instead of religion?

Race baiting WHO??!!! Muslims? the people on this thread? I'm totally confused.

How would you know WHAT my political views are on Muslims in Dearborn? And If I would try and sway a city council to let a religious group self govern? I said in my earlier post that any group should have to follow the laws of the land without religious exemption or live somewhere else. Did you not see my comment on the Sikh kid with the knife? I thought I was clear.

As I said before, my bad… didn't mean to imply all Middle Eastern people are Muslim or vice versa… I think you know I wasn't intentionally being crass.

Nope. American born and raised. Why the smiley face? Do you typically add that after tearing someone a new asshole? I'm sorry for my apparent in articulation, but truthfully Doer, I don't understand most of your post I just parced out. Don't bother clarifying. I can see now that it is no use to try and understand each other.

After all, in your eyes I'm a
lost in logic,
self trolling
race baiter
…Oh but I have good abs though so….

WTF is shoe gum and all that crap in the last sentence?
You are messed up a bit, woman. No one tore anything. But you feel torn. Fix that. :) And I can't be explaining gum-shoe except it refers to detective work between Buck and me.

I use a smilie because I am not, at all, ridden by fear and scorn. Nor to I get insulted by your careless comments. I just call it as I see it. I design my words as thought provoking.

And if you go back, girlfriend, you will see that all of those terms, I used in the situation sense of the conversation. It was not about you are all that. It is about you acted that way, by what you said. Behavior. And you don't care what I think. Do you? So why pretend? Why cry and think I mean all this about you as a person, (I don't know you) and not simply about what you said?

That is why I say it. It is in response to you words, only. Canada has hate speech laws. Canadians here are forever telling me what to do, on RIU. They order folks about, They are raised I guess to enforced their political correctness with each other. It is where we got PC from, you know?

So, in the extent you seem Canadian.... oh how cares?

Do you have good abs? How would I know? Does that matter in this discussion (not debate?) :)

It matter to me, I like good abs. Send me a pic?


Well-Known Member
Racist, because like buck,. you can be knee-jerk about PC. You Knee-jerked this into the usual sophistry about Arabs-Islam-People being put down by Jihad. Not me. I didn't say anything about People ie race of People. So, don't tap dance. And you missed the point about your faulty logic train. I am trying to help.


Well-Known Member
Hooka, the political correctness you embrace sways the City Council of Dearborn, not you. :)

Canadian style PC is ruining us. It is a mind cloud as bad as Marxism.


Well-Known Member
lol @ crying racism.

the shoe fits, princess. now you get to wear it.

really it's bigotry to be technical, but it's all hateful intolerant nonsense however you slice it.
"lol" Who are you trying to convince? First you meltdown and show your true populistic nature because I point out the elephant in the room (you reducing everything to nazi vs jews* and white vs black)... something heavily frowned upon across the political spectrum in Europe for the reasons I clearly explained. Those obviously hit home as then you confirmed your pathetic extremist behavior a few times by going full retard and responding similar to how your friends echelon and some of the UK guys who think they are actors in Snatch reply.

And now you want to pretend you're laughing... over that perfectly fitting description of what you do. Crying racism with the same effect as crying wolf. Do you not realize you're just another Finshaggy on this forum, you're not fooling anyone.

And no, it really technically isn't bigotry. Bigotry involves prejudice, I only care about facts.

* Just curious, do you do that because makes you feel more legitimate? Is that what you think a good/real jew is supposed to do? You're a disgrace abusing the horrors of WWII for your own populism. It's thanks to the polarization you so fanatically choose that extremist, like you, spawn on both ends of the spectrum.

Populistic left, like you, is as dangerous as extreme right. If you don't agree with them, you're automatically a racist, bigot, and hitler himself.

You might as well have called me a filthy jew/gay/nigg* cause it's the same part of the brain that causes your hate towards people who don't agree with you and call you out on our dumb shit. It is very much like calling me fat or gay... but coming from a retarded ant, too stupid, too delusional.



Well-Known Member
Populistic left, like you, is as dangerous as extreme right. If you don't agree with them, you're automatically a racist, bigot, and hitler himself.

You might as well have called me a filthy jew/gay/nigg* cause it's the same part of the brain that causes your hate towards people who don't agree with you and call you out on our dumb shit. It is very much like calling me fat or gay... but coming from a retarded ant, too stupid, too delusional.

Stop making sense.

This is the politics forum.


Well-Known Member
"lol" Who are you trying to convince? First you meltdown and show your true populistic nature because I point out the elephant in the room (you reducing everything to nazi vs jews* and white vs black)... something heavily frowned upon across the political spectrum in Europe for the reasons I clearly explained. Those obviously hit home as then you confirmed your pathetic extremist behavior a few times by going full retard and responding similar to how your friends echelon and some of the UK guys who think they are actors in Snatch reply.

And now you want to pretend you're laughing... over that perfectly fitting description of what you do. Crying racism with the same effect as crying wolf. Do you not realize you're just another Finshaggy on this forum, you're not fooling anyone.

And no, it really technically isn't bigotry. Bigotry involves prejudice, I only care about facts.

* Just curious, do you do that because makes you feel more legitimate? Is that what you think a good/real jew is supposed to do? You're a disgrace abusing the horrors of WWII for your own populism. It's thanks to the polarization you so fanatically choose that extremist, like you, spawn on both ends of the spectrum.

Populistic left, like you, is as dangerous as extreme right. If you don't agree with them, you're automatically a racist, bigot, and hitler himself.

You might as well have called me a filthy jew/gay/nigg* cause it's the same part of the brain that causes your hate towards people who don't agree with you and call you out on our dumb shit. It is very much like calling me fat or gay... but coming from a retarded ant, too stupid, too delusional.

View attachment 3330227

From a slightly different perspective:

Simplistically, religion is nothing more than a belief system. The implication is that human interaction is required; without that, it's as static as a gun resting on a table.

Guns and religion are human tools. In the hands of stable thoughtful people useful things can be done.
In the hands of "less thoughtful and unstable people", all bets are off. It just boils down to the fact that there's some "crazy, stupid mofo's" out there.

Also, given the fact, that in the US, (at least not yet), you aren't prosecuted or pursued for your thoughts, but rather your behavior;

what are you suggesting we do to sort out these crazy fucks?


Well-Known Member
And no, it really technically isn't bigotry. Bigotry involves prejudice, I only care about facts.
you are prejudiced as fuck.

you want to outlaw ALL islam based on your skewed perception of the actions of a few.

that is textbook prejudice. pure bigotry. hateful intolerance.



Well-Known Member
" you're just another Finshaggy on this forum, you're not fooling anyone.
Only an imbecile would believe bucky holds any true convictions

so much of American society seems guilt-tripped by their genocidal past (slavery) native (Americans)
Bucky likes to aggravate this guilt by using the victims (blacks, gays, Muslims) as pawns in his troll game (exposing conservatives as white supremacists)

mention the fact white people can be victims of hate crimes and discrimination
bucks response ( "you poor persecuted white male" ) white people being victims does not fit in with his agenda

because i have mentioned that white people can be victims, this makes me a "white supremacist" the false dichotomy / black and white thinking buck has enslaved himself to

bucky the self appointed (judge of all) is also one of the most prolific users on this site of these words below

i say that inferring that bucky is just another Finshaggy is actually an insult to Finshaggy , the latter has a pretty cool beard


Well-Known Member
mention the fact white people can be victims of hate crimes and discrimination
bucks response ( "you poor persecuted white male" ) white people being victims does not fit in with his agenda

because i have mentioned that white people can be victims, this makes me a "white supremacist"

none of that is remotely true and you can not cite any of it. you are lying.



Well-Known Member
so much of American society seems guilt-tripped by their genocidal past (slavery) native (Americans)
Bucky likes to aggravate this guilt by using the victims (blacks, gays, Muslims) as pawns in his troll game (exposing conservatives as white supremacists)
I suspect his racism-phobia might be a strong indication that he's a closet-nazi.

Fun fact: a few hours ago a Dutch Turkish (pretty hot) muslim woman in a left-winged dutch TV show said: "on both sides there are radicals that are hijacking the debate..., and that pisses me off". Sounds familiar?


Well-Known Member
I suspect his racism-phobia might be a strong indication that he's a closet-nazi.

Fun fact: a few hours ago a Dutch Turkish (pretty hot) muslim woman in a left-winged dutch TV show said: "on both sides there are radicals that are hijacking the debate..., and that pisses me off". Sounds familiar?
you want to outlaw islam entirely and you have the temerity to call other people radicals?




Well-Known Member
I suspect his racism-phobia might be a strong indication that he's a closet-nazi.

Fun fact: a few hours ago a Dutch Turkish (pretty hot) muslim woman in a left-winged dutch TV show said: "on both sides there are radicals that are hijacking the debate..., and that pisses me off". Sounds familiar?
He is lost in the black and white world of false dichotomy
you either agree with bucky or you're the enemy/white supremacist

sounds familiar to me too



Well-Known Member
I suspect his racism-phobia might be a strong indication that he's a closet-nazi.

Fun fact: a few hours ago a Dutch Turkish (pretty hot) muslim woman in a left-winged dutch TV show said: "on both sides there are radicals that are hijacking the debate..., and that pisses me off". Sounds familiar?
Yeah, isn't it interesting how RIU is a "microcosm" of the real world. Knuckle heads stacked up on the extremes ... no useful thought here. Par for the course.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, isn't it interesting how RIU is a "microcosm" of the real world.
More like an incomplete subset. None of the US members here represent the US or the real world to me. Not even the ones I like. I work with people from across the global nearly every day, including the US, decent educated people who would be very much embarrassed by some people here, hoping I don't get the wrong impression.

Mr. Shine

Well-Known Member
image.jpg look they're doing such good for the world they embarrassed to even show their faces they have to wear ski masks because they're so embarrassed

image.jpg I mean these people clearly aren't out of touch with reality at all!


Well-Known Member
More like an incomplete subset. None of the US members here represent the US or the real world to me. Not even the ones I like. I work with people from across the global nearly every day, including the US, decent educated people who would be very much embarrassed by some people here, hoping I don't get the wrong impression.
no, you get the correct impression.

there are lot's of righties here..i didn't even think they would smoke weed you know all those conservative tight-assness.