Your favorite sayings

My ex whore's grandfather was an old Texan through and through. He said some of my favorites:

More twists than a pretzel factory

Slicker than a slop jar

Colder than a witches tit

So dry the catfish are carrying canteens

Drier than a popcorn fart

He told me one time that he was a man of integrity. Hahaha. This is making me laugh thinking of him... Then he says in this super deep, sloooowwwww drawl "if I say a hen dips snuff, you can look under her wing for the can."
grandpa used to say " that girl looks like dammit ill bite ya"

mom used to tell us when we were askin for it "yall dont believe fat meats greasy"

recently heard "if ur too fly for coach better get those arms and hands flailin and jump like van halen and pray for a damn tailwind"

i like "im out this bitch" lots of ways to finish it
like a miscarriage
like a hysterectomy
like tears for no reason

"the party dont stop till everybodys pregnant"

"dont be no bitch"
Slicker than greased whale shit in an ice flow.
" " snot on a door knob.
" " cat shit on a linoleum floor


Busier than a one-armed man in a handshakin' contest.

Nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rockin' chairs.

Colder than a witches tit in a brass bra.

Looked like a monkey tryin' to fuck a football.

Darker than a well diggers ass. (back when they used shovels)

If your brains were dynamite, you wouldn't even be able to blow your own nose.

Dummer than a box of rocks.

Doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Cold enough to freeze the balls of a brass monkey. (This one has naval origins, Google it.)

Doesn't know shit from shinola.

Finer than frogs hair.