Employer discriminated against me for prescription.


Well-Known Member
MeiMei? You are very ignorant. You haven't even diagnosed your own headaches and you are now a doctor perscribing to someone who is undiagnosed and to boot you are suggesting some pharmaceutical Aldehyde. Then you want to mess with his blood pressure?
And you want to keep him on these for the remainder of his life undiagnosed? Now I know why I am here. To protect these patients from you. WELCOME TO PETER TOSH's WORLD. Get used to it.
Actually toshie dear, I've been diagnosed by neurologist for my migraines. Also I see an internist, a chronic disease specialist and fuck you.
You are ignorant. I have no idea what this "aldehyde" is.
Olmetec is the brand name for olmesartan. It's a secondary line blood pressure medication that is used idiopathically for inflammation due to polyarthritic myalgia, fool. I also take it due to the fact migraines are a sudden increase and decrease in blood pressure in your brain, you dickless wonder.
And this is basic knowledge, you retarded amoeba.
Clearly you know NOTHING!

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Actually toshie dear, I've been diagnosed by neurologist for my migraines. Also I see an internist, a chronic disease specialist and fuck you.
You are ignorant. I have no idea what this "aldehyde" is.
Olmetec is the brand name for olmesartan. It's a secondary line blood pressure medication that is used idiopathically for inflammation due to polyarthritic myalgia, fool. I also take it due to the fact migraines are a sudden increase and decrease in blood pressure in your brain, you dickless wonder.
And this is basic knowledge, you retarded amoeba.
Clearly you know NOTHING!
Don't waste your time. He's a piece of manure impersonating a human. The only good reason to have him hear is to see how pathetic mankind can become. Only a looser would hang out where your hated.
Actually toshie dear, I've been diagnosed by neurologist for my migraines. Also I see an internist, a chronic disease specialist and fuck you.
You are ignorant. I have no idea what this "aldehyde" is.
Olmetec is the brand name for olmesartan. It's a secondary line blood pressure medication that is used idiopathically for inflammation due to polyarthritic myalgia, fool. I also take it due to the fact migraines are a sudden increase and decrease in blood pressure in your brain, you dickless wonder.
And this is basic knowledge, you retarded amoeba.
Clearly you know NOTHING!
Migraine is not a diagnosis. It is a symptom. There is hope you can be cured. You need to understand what is wrong with you. There are so many things in this world that can cause that and it is solvable. Put your effort and get more and more opinions. Go see a natural path. There could be something living in your brain. Not a joke. It could be a fungus a yeast a parasite. It could simply be your teeth. I want you to get help. You can say all you want negative and I understand you are in pain. That is why I care to help.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Migraine is not a diagnosis. It is a symptom. There is hope you can be cured. You need to understand what is wrong with you. There are so many things in this world that can cause that and it is solvable. Put your effort and get more and more opinions. Go see a natural path. There could be something living in your brain. Not a joke. It could be a fungus a yeast a parasite. It could simply be your teeth. I want you to get help. You can say all you want negative and I understand you are in pain. That is why I care to help.
Oh boy.....that's rich....delusion time. Now he thinks he's a doctor.


Well-Known Member
Migraine is not a diagnosis. It is a symptom. There is hope you can be cured. You need to understand what is wrong with you. There are so many things in this world that can cause that and it is solvable. Put your effort and get more and more opinions. Go see a natural path. There could be something living in your brain. Not a joke. It could be a fungus a yeast a parasite. It could simply be your teeth. I want you to get help. You can say all you want negative and I understand you are in pain. That is why I care to help.
Seriously dude. I don't know where you get off saying anything you do. It's sad and pathetic.
I'm just assuming your touching Your micro peen, whilst staring at the screen right now. Jerking it to Hippy's goat pic. All debauched and flea ridden, like a pock marked whore you write like.


Well-Known Member
Actually toshie dear, I've been diagnosed by neurologist for my migraines. Also I see an internist, a chronic disease specialist and fuck you.
You are ignorant. I have no idea what this "aldehyde" is.
Olmetec is the brand name for olmesartan. It's a secondary line blood pressure medication that is used idiopathically for inflammation due to polyarthritic myalgia, fool. I also take it due to the fact migraines are a sudden increase and decrease in blood pressure in your brain, you dickless wonder.
And this is basic knowledge, you retarded amoeba.
Clearly you know NOTHING!
Have you ever been prescribed or used Stadol NS for your migranes ?

I had a bout with migranes than no opiate could touch & weed made them worse,alot worse , doc wrote me a script for the nasal spray version of Stadol & POW ! shit gave my migrane the 2 finger death punch & i was pain free .

A word of warning , Stadol is a nightmare to be addicted to , thankfully my migrane issues went away before i became addicted .

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Seriously dude. I don't know where you get off saying anything you do. It's sad and pathetic.
I'm just assuming your touching Your micro peen, whilst staring at the screen right now. Jerking it to Hippy's goat pic. All debauched and flea ridden, like a pock marked whore you write like.
Hey ! the goat is sensative and has higher standards than tosh could meet. I mean he is sorta picky


Well-Known Member
Have you ever been prescribed or used Stadol NS for your migranes ?

I had a bout with migranes than no opiate could touch & weed made them worse,alot worse , doc wrote me a script for the nasal spray version of Stadol & POW ! shit gave my migrane the 2 finger death punch & i was pain free .

A word of warning , Stadol is a nightmare to be addicted to , thankfully my migrane issues went away before i became addicted .
Yep! I've done it all including the freezing certain nerves. Nada. That's why I take the BP meds controls it so instead of forever all the time migraines, the occasional bad weather knocks me on my ass. Funny enough the migraines are the least of my problems! Lol those are a fucking delight compared to other shit.


Well-Known Member
Im a retired union building tradesman myself & put up with alot of the same shit you are now , its a shame our ass kissing unions even allow testing for marijuana , all this work safe drug free work zone shit unions are pushing is a complete lie , my entire company stayed fucked up all day every day yet we pretended to play the game .

Makes ya want to take a shit in the piss cup they give ya & tell em " here ! Test this " & plop the ice cream cup on the counter .


Well-Known Member
Yep! I've done it all including the freezing certain nerves. Nada. That's why I take the BP meds controls it so instead of forever all the time migraines, the occasional bad weather knocks me on my ass. Funny enough the migraines are the least of my problems! Lol those are a fucking delight compared to other shit.
I hear ya , ive been thru the wringer too & live in constant pain as does my wife , ive been thru multiple bouts of freezing select nerves & never got any relief with my back pain .

I really hope shit works out for you .


Well-Known Member
I hear ya , ive been thru the wringer too & live in constant pain as does my wife , ive been thru multiple bouts of freezing select nerves & never got any relief with my back pain .

I really hope shit works out for you .
Dude! I have found that certain indica strains work just snazzy for my migraines and pain, nausea, insomnia (some nights). And mixing with some sativas I get great energy and alertness during the day.
This was my last line of hope. I've gone from taking about 25 pills a day to only 6. And i eat, smoke, vape cannabis. I'm still not at the amount I want to be, but it helps more than any fucking chemical crap or naturopathic remedy I ever tried.
I seriously am getting my life back because of it.


Well-Known Member
Dude! I have found that certain indica strains work just snazzy for my migraines and pain, nausea, insomnia (some nights). And mixing with some sativas I get great energy and alertness during the day.
This was my last line of hope. I've gone from taking about 25 pills a day to only 6. And i eat, smoke, vape cannabis. I'm still not at the amount I want to be, but it helps more than any fucking chemical crap or naturopathic remedy I ever tried.
I seriously am getting my life back because of it.
Excellent ! Good for you & i mean that in a good way , not snide remark .

I wish pot helped my pain more than it does , sometimes smoking helps take the edge off which means i dont have to take the 30mg oxycodone or 8mg dilaudid im prescribed for break thru pain .

Before my last surgery i was taking 5 80mg oxycontin daily for pain as well as 3 to 5 30mg oxycodone & 3 200mg nucynta daily & was still going insane from the pain , since the last surgery im down to 2 60mg oxycontin daily with 1 or 2 nucynta for break thru pain , on really bad days i up my dose to the 80mg oxycontins & have the oxycodone & dilaudid for break thru pain , thankfully 9 out of 10 days aren't bad days .

My wife has a severe form of Multiple Scleurosis & uses mj with great effect in stopping or lessoning the severe muscle spasms she goes thru about half the day , if i watch her close i can spot the signs before she has a spasm & give her a keif cookie & pack her a fat bowl & if i get it into her fast enough it will stop the spasm from comming on or lesson its severity 10 fold , its been a godsend for her because her system dont tollerate opiates well , when i inject her with demerol i have to watch her like a hawk .