Crazy Fruits 14/15 grow


Well-Known Member
LOL. quit feeding em all that "shit" and use maxibloom. :mrgreen: I think you can over do the size of the micro herd as far as to much of one or the other bacteria if you keep adding microbes. Maybe just try feeding your herd some carbs.? Imho ?

Kiss ( keep it simple stoner ) bongsmilie
Lol thanks TW, just to clarify I've used Gogo probably 4-5 times since potting. I am going to get onto that maxibloom straight away, I think bunnings carries it.
I love the kiss method, I'm gonna grow that troublesome gal out too see what she does. Thanks again!!!


Well-Known Member
Apart from cow poo, I have giving mine a couple of feeds with this, only when they have looked a little pale. Seems to work ok.

What do you guys reccomend for the flowering stage?
Hey man I'll just give you a breakdown so you can understand what to look for it is really helpful.
low nitrogen (n) high phosphorus (p) high potassium (k) or NPK,
Some folks like me like bat guano because it's totally organic and some like manufactured nutes, it seems I see better results from the manufactured nutes but both are good, just preference. But anyways just go KPN , the potassium and phosphorous having higher values than the nitrogen and opposite In veg go to NPK with nitrogen having the highest value. There's guys here that grow much better and have much more experience than me so they are the ones to recommend brands to you but Thems the basics, I am switching to maxibloom on recommendation from fellow growers like Ruby. Cheers
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ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I looked hard before starting for the best product i could find that was similar to maxsea.
The maxi bloom was the closest i could find to that.I have also learnt i can play around with the bloom to make it stronger/weaker etc and i like having that control.At the moment im using 20 grams per 8 litres and its people working well but i plant on increasing the dose enough to get the npk up near 7/20/20 which as far as i know is comparable to maxsea bloom :)


Well-Known Member
Hey I hope it's ok but I'm posting a link for a online petition for a father,​
Adam Koessler who was arrested in Brisbane for administering cannabis oil to his two year old terminally ill daughter.,
He was charged with possession and administering a dangerous substance to a child who is terminally is from Stage 4 neural blasphoma, he was given bail but the condition is he is to have no contact with his dying daughter. If you feel compelled to help please sign the online petition. he also has a fb link there describing his situation, I don't normally repost this stuff but it broke my heart, I would hope someone else reposts this.
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ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Ill look into it ^^^ that sort of thing is the doing of family services...they think they know best when they know fuck all....talking from personal exp here
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Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="redeyedfrog, post: 11227960, member: 786051"
Hey I hope it's ok but I'm posting a link for a online petition for a father,
Adam Koessler who was arrested in Brisbane for administering cannabis oil to his two year old terminally ill daughter.,
He was charged with possession and administering a dangerous substance to a child who is terminally is from Stage 4 neural blasphoma, he was given bail but the condition is he is to have no contact with his dying daughter. If you feel compelled to help please sign the online petition. he also has a fb link there describing his situation, I don't normally repost this stuff but it broke my heart, I would hope someone else reposts this.[/QUOTE]

Thats so fuckt up I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs. I have so much passion in me for this plant it really gets me down when I see shit like this, and I do mean that is pure evil shit they are doing to that family. I went through the courts for possession, intent, blah blah blah when I was younger so I know just how fuckt the situation is, and gd it gets me going.


Well-Known Member
Ill look into it ^^^ that sort of thing is the doing of family services...they think they know best when they know fuck all....talking from personal exp here
I have to agree that they must've gotten their noses in there, but how could any magistrate deny a father to be with his dying daughter in ICU? That just sucks shit! I'm so tired of honest people being treated like criminals because they use a drug that doesn't attract a tax. Fucking legalise it w willl pay the goddamn tax, just as long as we get equal treatment under the law in the same way alcohol is legislated and regulated.
I pay a shitload of tax, go to work everyday and do my best to be a great dad, husband, neighbour, co worker but if I got arrested for growing my plants I'd be treated the same as a meth dealer. How the hell is that fair? This poor guy was in utter desperation and did what any of us would do, try to save our kid my any means available. He's no criminal he's a fantastic heroic father!
Anyone here ever seen what chemo does to you?
It's a nasty ride and it kills you in some cases, why not try cannabis oil, better than that poison those oncologist are getting rich peddling. Chemo has its place but it can be complimented with cannabis derivatives and concentrates.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree that they must've gotten their noses in there, but how could any magistrate deny a father to be with his dying daughter in ICU? That just sucks shit! I'm so tired of honest people being treated like criminals because they use a drug that doesn't attract a tax. Fucking legalise it w willl pay the goddamn tax, just as long as we get equal treatment under the law in the same way alcohol is legislated and regulated.
I pay a shitload of tax, go to work everyday and do my best to be a great dad, husband, neighbour, co worker but if I got arrested for growing my plants I'd be treated the same as a meth dealer. How the hell is that fair? This poor guy was in utter desperation and did what any of us would do, try to save our kid my any means available. He's no criminal he's a fantastic heroic father!
Anyone here ever seen what chemo does to you?
It's a nasty ride and it kills you in some cases, why not try cannabis oil, better than that poison those oncologist are getting rich peddling. Chemo has its place but it can be complimented with cannabis derivatives and concentrates.
I hear you REF unfortunately nothing is fucking fair. From what I see, its only about money and control. More money more control. Fucking sucks. Reason I live where I live. Fuck em. This pisses me off to no end as I have daughters his daughters age so I cant even imagine being in those shoes. That would likely kill me

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I have to agree that they must've gotten their noses in there, but how could any magistrate deny a father to be with his dying daughter in ICU? That just sucks shit! I'm so tired of honest people being treated like criminals because they use a drug that doesn't attract a tax. Fucking legalise it w willl pay the goddamn tax, just as long as we get equal treatment under the law in the same way alcohol is legislated and regulated.
I pay a shitload of tax, go to work everyday and do my best to be a great dad, husband, neighbour, co worker but if I got arrested for growing my plants I'd be treated the same as a meth dealer. How the hell is that fair? This poor guy was in utter desperation and did what any of us would do, try to save our kid my any means available. He's no criminal he's a fantastic heroic father!
Anyone here ever seen what chemo does to you?
It's a nasty ride and it kills you in some cases, why not try cannabis oil, better than that poison those oncologist are getting rich peddling. Chemo has its place but it can be complimented with cannabis derivatives and concentrates.

I paid 36 grand in tax last financial year they can go get fucked if they think im giving up my right to grow 1 or 2 plants in my own backyard.
What grows in my yard goes to my lungs not to the local rag who wants to buy bulk lots cheap to resell double price and get there next hit of ice.