I'm a real fan of the flat tax idea. Everyone pay a minute percentage ~4% or so with no breaks, no loopholes, no exemptions. Especially not for the mega-corps and their owners/boards. No BS about where your home office is, if you make profits from our populace, then you pay taxes on it or go find another market to do business in. Let's see how fast loosing that large of a consumer base will hurt your profit margin. For those who whine about this idea. Yeah, 4% of $100 million (for instance) is a lot of money, but most of the populace will never make the remaining 96 million that goes into your bank account that year, over the period their entire lives. I'm sorry you rich and greedy bastards, that you would have to pay a larger amount of money than most of us, but you have more than the rest of us. Get over it and pay your share.
I also believe that politicians should have to live on minimum wage while they are in office and that the U.S. enact legislation, which limits the largest total of wage/benefits package of an establishment to something like a maximum of 10 times that of their lowest compensated employee. The upper management salaries have gotten out of hand, while those who are really making the money for the companies are having to decide whether they pay their utilities, pay rent (mortgage if they're lucky), or buy food, etc...
Foreign aid really burns my ass as well. Rebuild our infrastructure, feed our children, house our homeless, provide top-notch medical care to all of our people! Then, and only then, does this country need to consider sending financial aid offshore and then only to countries who can't feed their children, care for the sick, house their people. Certainly not to any nations that have money coming out of their back ends, just so they can bomb/shell their neighbors over some damned religion-based ideals or greed for more land that doesn't belong to them any more than the land they're already on (Oh, wait! I forgot that was the US's MO in general, but that's another debate. Not a native American myself. I would have to move to Germany, should all the land the Europeans took from the natives of North America, be given back. I'm just sayin'.).
Oh and don't get me started on the idiots who claim they don't want anything to do with Socialism, while they're driving down the highway to go to a park. Or have to call the fire dept. or police for help. It's almost as bad as the idiots who are so against a single payer health system when they're using Medicaid/Medicare.
Okay, I'll get off my soapbox. Have at it trolls. I could use some amusement after thinking about all of the above.