molasses problem?


Well-Known Member
so what ive been doing is,

filling up watering can to 1 gal. putting in canna nutes and molasses. let them sit for a couple days so the water ph is right. is this wrong?

could i apply molasses just around the soil? is there any need to put them in the watering can?

also i had some white kinda liquid once i left it for about a week. i did just chuck it and start with fresh water and nutes.

thanks for the answers in advanced


Well-Known Member
think maybe the mix had "fermented" over the few days cos of the sugar levels.
i let my water sit for a day or so and when it's drink time, it's then that i add the nutes and molasses.


Well-Known Member
water sitting for a few days may or may not effect the ph. it depends on what's in it. most people say to let tap water sit because it lets the chlorine evaporate. If you are going to continue with tap water, you should let it sit by itself for a couple days, and THEN add your nutes and molasses, check ph, then water. also, nute mixes settle. if you are gonna let it sit that long, you gotta get it circulating with a good pump.

Are you checking your ph? if not, get a test kit, and contemplate some up/down solution too. most canna nutes i've used have left the ph relatively usable anyway, but it's always a good idea to know. I check my ph right before i water every time.


Well-Known Member
yer i check my ph, the soil ph was 6 which is acid. i looked on the nutes and it said get a ph of 5.5 - 6.5. dont know if thats for hydro as well or not but i cant see any problems.

i think ill empty the watering can and start a fresh water supply. leave that for 2 days then add nutes when they need it.

about the molasses though... can i just put some around the plant in the soil or do they have to be mixed with water? or both?


Well-Known Member
u need to mix it really dude.1-2 tblsps per gal.
oh and r u using unsulphored blackstrap?


Well-Known Member
ur over here in Britain right? health food stores stock it but u may have to go online to get the blackstrap molasses dude. i've really struggled to find it. there's molasses and there's blackstrap molasses. molasses is the same as treacle (as we call it) but blackstrap is slightly different and BOTH america and britain call it blackstrap molasses. but u need to unsulphored sort.
oh and are u in soil? DON'T use it if ur hydro-apparently.


Well-Known Member
i would say a ph at 6 is fine for soil. definitely mix the molasses REALLY well. If left in a solution for awhile it'll start to sink.


Well-Known Member
yes im in soil. i heard that about hydro as well.

i got it from tescos for like 80p or whatever it was. i cant be botherd to register on tesco online but i found the manufacturer.

Billington's - Tesco

i dont think its blackstrap whatever that means. if its not the right one, is there really any point in using it?


Well-Known Member
cool cheers. +rep. i found one right near me that sells it. how expensive is blackstrap? so basicly bcoz ive been using the wrong stuff, once i use the new blackstrap i should start seeing more bud growth?


Well-Known Member
ta for the rep bro..back atcha!!!:smile:
blackstrap is cheap as chips!!!!! i don't think u will have done any harm using normal's just more "washed" (for want of a better word) and prob won't have the same level of micro nutes.
it'll certainly fatten ur buds up. that's for sure!


Well-Known Member
Dude, i've bought Billingtons molasses too and i wasn't sure either so i've written to them in email and am awaiting their answer, as soon as i get it i'll post it here for you.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Growing up in East Texas, we harvested Sugar Cane each winter & made our own molasses. Molasses, Back strap, it's the same thing, only the back strap tends to be thicker, I think. Around here, it can be bought at the local grocery store with the other Syrups. When I shopped for some, I just made sure that it said 100% pure molasses. Other than that, it doesn't matter. Check out the 'Library & Recipe section at Natural Organic Gardening and Living for Plants Pets Trees Lawns Crops Insects Flowers and Home - - Howard Garrett - The Dirt Doctor for some interesting ways to use molasses.