Remember the XLNT tamales? Not half bad if you were really really hungover. Would you mind telling me why guys care if your pubic hair is red? I've always wondered about that?Oh yeah there is no substitute for a REAL tamale. I once saw tamales in a can and almost threw up
and they probably didn't make it in the sink lol but you have to wash the shit out of the stomach or it taste gross
Godwined! Oh and ^^^^^^^^^^^ that is why EU is soooooooooo fucked up! I mean my god NO discipline, simply none. You guys will swallow anything won't you?I get my belgium fries from a moroccan, vegetarian vietnamese loompias(?) from a dutch fat chick, and weekly go to a french deli ran by chinese who make a mean croissant tuna.
That sure is racism. You claim brown persons and hispanics are inferior at creating Asian food. Pretty sure that's hitler.
I will not return you to your regularly schedule shenanigans while I go puke my ankles up.
Good night, and thank you Clayton I needed!