making hash on a small scale?


Well-Known Member
Plus Woo, did you not notice I replied with a method (the same as your bar one detail, which I disagree with) before even you did.
Yes, I was writing mine at the same time probably! Im just trying to help the guy out with a method I have tried and tested and compared, got the t-shirt bla bla......agree to differ....bla bla:joint:


Well-Known Member
Once it is reduced pour through coffee filters which collects the trichs, scrape then place onto cardboard.......
ok so once its boiled down pour rest of it through a filter over a sink or something. collect the stuff out of the filter and let it dry on a piece of cardboard.

think i got it.

thats for the info, ill be trying this method once my plants are done.

one more question thou, once i harvest my plants and seperate bud from crap. is it best to make hash out of dried cuttings or still wet?


Well-Known Member
ok so once its boiled down pour rest of it through a filter over a sink or something. collect the stuff out of the filter and let it dry on a piece of cardboard.

think i got it.

thats for the info, ill be trying this method once my plants are done.

one more question thou, once i harvest my plants and seperate bud from crap. is it best to make hash out of dried cuttings or still wet?
Personally I set up half a dozen pint glasses each with a filter in it, reason being sometimes the filter bursts and you lose it all down the sink!:joint:


Well-Known Member
I am not saying this is the 'best' method by any means, and I just get peopl all the time hitting me with old wives tales like the 29oc 'fact'. Please explain to me how condensing works if this were true?
I've never heard of 'condensing' using heat so you'll need to explain this process to me.

The only methods I have heard of for hash either involve knocking the thrichomes off using friction (for example rubbing over a screen), lower temps below 4%C so the thrichs solidifie and fall off leaf (i.e. ice/bubble extraction), or waashing the THC off using a lipid substance which THC IS soluble in (i.e.butane extraction)..... None of these involve heat.

Post me a link to something explaining the condensing method and I'll read it.


Active Member
just read properly through the water hash method that site mentions... nobody seems to give importance to freezing the weed before you do it. so go along with what the site says if that is your chosen method, but leave the weed in the freezer for the whole day before that, and instead of water prepare an ice bath (a bowl full of crushed ice and water - temp will be at 0 after about 20 min) and blend it together.
also, "window screen" will leave you with a harsh-tasting green pulp. buy 40 - 60 mesh wire screen to filter if you can, do a bit of research on the internet it can't be that expensive.
a friend of mine grows on a very large scale though and he detests water hash, so just bear in mind not everyone likes it...


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of 'condensing' using heat so you'll need to explain this process to me.

The only methods I have heard of for hash either involve knocking the thrichomes off using friction (for example rubbing over a screen), lower temps below 4%C so the thrichs solidifie and fall off leaf (i.e. ice/bubble extraction), or waashing the THC off using a lipid substance which THC IS soluble in (i.e.butane extraction)..... None of these involve heat.

Post me a link to something explaining the condensing method and I'll read it.
just going to fetch my little boy from nursery so will post you a link later!


Well-Known Member
Heat DOES affect THC potency, otherwise why aren't we all drying our weed using heat? Dry to smoke in 30 mins?.....not if you wanna get stoned.
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Well-Known Member
Use some sort of silk screen to collect the trichs, then when youv got enough (you can do this with a very small amount) cut a section of plastic away from a plastic bag, the ones with the seal along the top that youd probs get your weed in, this section of plastic should have on sealed side so youv got a piece that you can fold. put your kief into this and get a knife, heat the knife gently try pressing it on another piece of the same plastic it should sound tacky but shouldnt melt or warp the plastico once you got the heat right press it down hard on your kief packet and itl melt into one piece, let it cool and remove it fold it in half or quarters and repeat the process.

Pow theres your blonde hash trust me this is an excellent way to make your hash very controllable and you can see everything happening, i just made a few grams yesterday with the quarter of white rhino i got :D


Well-Known Member
nah man, I meant the kief melts, the plastic just stays the same you can reuse the plastic it doesnt even warp if you use the right amount of heat


Well-Known Member
well i dont know i didnt invent the method did i? the direct heat would probably fuck the kief up.

Listen man, it works.


Well-Known Member
im not saying it doesnt, im just sayin it would work without so why do u need to use it.

im still a noob tryin to learn,lol. just wanted to know what difference it made. if any


Well-Known Member
like i say the direct heat might fuck the kief up, or the kief could melt to the knife or the pressing surface where it would be harder to remove than it would be from the plastic. they are just guesses as to why the plastic is needed though.

Sorry if i seemed like an arse in the other posts but trust me man its easy to do, you only need things that are readily availible its cheap and you can do it with small amounts :)


Active Member
for some reason i cant post properly - i was trying to say, water hash methods are allright but nobody seems to mention the importance of freezing the Weed before doing this. The tutorial i linked you to is fine but just remember to leave the weed overnight in the freezer, then use water from an ice bath (a bowl with ice and water in it, should be at 0*C after 45 min) to blend the green.