I Supect The Seeds I Just Got Are Bad ...


Well-Known Member
My one white widow seedling is looking yellow on the tips and my blueberry seedlsings look fine. OH SHIT! I hope it is something else and not a bad seed like u have.


Well-Known Member
My one white widow seedling is looking yellow on the tips and my blueberry seedlsings look fine. OH SHIT! I hope it is something else and not a bad seed like u have.
If you ordered from chronic and they are nirvana ... then they probably are bad ... :neutral:


Well-Known Member
Some of you already know I ordered some Nirvana White Widow seeds from Dr. Chronic and I truly think they are just plain bad ... I tried germinating 6 seeds and only two popped up once they cracked open ... one never open it's baby leaves and died ... the other is sick ... growing very slowly ... I suspected something was wrong when the tap root didn't develop after cracking through ... all the healthy seeds I've germinated had tap roots that grew in the water ... that's how I germinate seeds ... the ones that didn't I knew would take longer to develop if popped or wouldn't make it ...
I've germinated 100's of seeds and I've never had this problem with soil I know is good ...
... I just find it hard to believe it's too hot for it to develop ... if the other plants can do it ... I see no reason why the WW can't either ...
I checked Chronic's non- germination policy ...

13. My seeds will not germinate
  • We carry out regular tests on all our seeds as do the breeders ,Our stock is always fresh , it is not our policy to sell seed stock more than 6 months old .

    If you do experience problems we suggest you contact the breeder and inquire if any other consumers have experienced problems . We will NOT replace seeds that have not germinated due to grower error .
So as far as they are concern it's my fault ... but the seeds did germinate ... it's just that they are sick ... I will contact Chronic and see what they have to say ... or if they will respond ... I tried to contact Nirvana, but their email page is down ...

I'll post if I get a response ...

It is funny you mention white widow seeds. I got my WW seeds for Arjans homeboy, the dude you see him with in all the videos. I gave him euros and he gave me WW in a greenhouse package. I have not been able to get any of them to pop. I asked for tipps a while back. I plan to see what arjan has to say at this years cup hopefully he will at least give me some more..


Well-Known Member
I did order from the DR. and he will not send more. That sucks ass. I do not want to order anymore. I only wanted to order one time and thats it so I would not have to worry about customs. I am just going to try to take care of them and hopefully they will still produce for me.


Well-Known Member
Well I really don't what more of the bad seeds ... I would like some healthy ones if that's possible ... but sounds like he's not going to do that ...

... I decided to give him another chance to respond to the issue. I didn't include my order number in the first email, so I did that this time ... will let you folks know what happens ...


Well-Known Member
you guys acctually think the doc is gonna compensate for the shitty seed? Didnt you guys read the warning disclaimer right before you purchased? If you havnt, go visit the site and refresh your memories.


Well-Known Member
My WW seedling i think is sick now. The to tips of the leaves are like a tan brown color, is that what yours is doing too? or how is yours looking?


Well-Known Member
About the same as yours ... I have 3 that popped up ... they are growing slow:-? ... if at all ... They are deformed and one has the brown tips as you described ... I will put up pictures when I can ... :peace:


Active Member
sounds like the problem is with nirvana and not Dr.C as hes just a reseller, hopefully Nirvana replaces them bad seeds...Ill be ordering seeds soon and waiting for some clones for my first grow :hump:


Well-Known Member
I personally think WW is a tough seed to crack lol.....

very good strain, but fickle as helllllllllllllll!!!!!

One of theee best strains in my opinion but honestly i have grown sooo many strains and have had theee toughest time with WW, tougher than any strain i have ever grown.....

don't ask me why, i know my way around a grow room and been around the block a few times (still make my share of oooopses) but WW is a tough one to put it lightly...

i'll keep growing her because i like her soo damn much, but i wont put her in the same trays as my other strains lol

i wonder how many would agree, and im sure theres people that have grown WW for years and have it down to a science (those brains i want to pick ;)


Well-Known Member
I guess its the luck of the draw with the seeds. I sent an email to the DR too. At least he will know he is possibly giving out bad seeds.


Well-Known Member
my sw is dying first to leaves poped same thing she died came back to life and is dying again. my other plants fine. I think it's the strain. I keep seeing and hearing about the white strain. white widow, snow white, white russian, etc... very hard to grow very xpensive. i pay 480 an oz


Well-Known Member
Make sure its not being overwatered. But other than that I dont see why your plant is dong what its doing. thats really strange hard to grow or not.


Well-Known Member
not over watering soil stays real moist for days. i try to wait till it's pretty dry then
i soakem down. sux I got pinched for having some weed on me I won't be able to smoke it till febuary. I should veg it till dec then flower. yummy treat after a long 6 months.


New Member
u guys do realize that not every seed is gonna b healthy and grow good the seed breeders cant test the seed b4 they ship it out to you. so u have to grow it to see if its a good seed.:peace:


Well-Known Member
u guys do realize that not every seed is gonna b healthy and grow good the seed breeders cant test the seed b4 they ship it out to you. so u have to grow it to see if its a good seed.:peace:
uh... when I pay 10 bucks per seed I expect it to be a quality seed, at least properly developed and not a premi.