I like to think of it like sports and athletes. Take the NFL or NHL for example. You have all these amazing athletes pretty much already considered elites amongst the general populace. They are in a top league of their own. Then out of that bunch you have a group of all stars and MVP's who stand out among the rest. But there's always gonna be that one player that really fucking stands out. THE TRUE ELITE. The Wayne Gretzky's and Michael Jordan's(can you tell I haven't watched sports in decades?), the Tom Brady's, the Sydney Crosby's. The player will reign for years until the next true great one comes along.
No doubt you or I could pick some nice moms but as a personal/hobby grower I just can't imagine being able to compete with selections that some growers and collectives can make from numbers in possibly the thousands. Think of just the bioassay aspect on sampling 100 different plants.
.... but what do I know... I'm just a newb.

I just may never ever even see an elite cut in my life.