Omg dont do it! Nutrients should be introduced gradually, and plants observed inbetween doses. The next watering should always be plain, in order to further observe the plant for changes. You seem anxious to use it all my friend. Remember, an overdose will set you back weeks in an already lengthy 4 monh process. The products you mentioned are supplements not nutes. I would focus on starting my base nutrients at 3-4 weeks old, in minute (1/4 strength) doses, between plain waterings. Bud Candy and Sweet are the same type of product and not to be used together...pick one, and dont use it until flowering starts (they tell you to use it in veg, but they want you to deplete it all). Big bud is to be used only during the specified weeks of flower. Start half strength and observe before going full. Finally Sweet Grape and Citrus will only bring out these traits if your plant strain naturally has a citrus or grape trait. Like say Lemon Kush or Grape Ape. It is not going to make any strain taste like lemon or grape. Be careful with this stuff it contains esters that may affect natural flavor on a negative note. I do use the sweet raw as it is nuetral. Realize bud candy and sweet are mostly just sugar and carbs, pick one and use it during the specified weeks of flowering.