Nutes.... Needing suggestions

OK.. I'm a new grower. I'm currently using soil with 3 gallon containers. I have purchased a few different bottles of nutes ranging from Botanicare Sweet Grape and Sweet Citrus, along with Advanced Nutrients Big Bud and Bud Candy. I also have unsulphured molasses, along with general All purpose plant food from Miracle Grow (not used so much)... Does anyone know if it is safe to mix all of these in plants together, but in separate doses?
OK.. I'm a new grower. I'm currently using soil with 3 gallon containers. I have purchased a few different bottles of nutes ranging from Botanicare Sweet Grape and Sweet Citrus, along with Advanced Nutrients Big Bud and Bud Candy. I also have unsulphured molasses, along with general All purpose plant food from Miracle Grow (not used so much)... Does anyone know if it is safe to mix all of these in plants together, but in separate doses?
Maybe combinations or something?


Well-Known Member
OK.. I'm a new grower. I'm currently using soil with 3 gallon containers. I have purchased a few different bottles of nutes ranging from Botanicare Sweet Grape and Sweet Citrus, along with Advanced Nutrients Big Bud and Bud Candy. I also have unsulphured molasses, along with general All purpose plant food from Miracle Grow (not used so much)... Does anyone know if it is safe to mix all of these in plants together, but in separate doses?
I got nothing but brain pain.

Keep it simple, man. It is a PLANT.


Well-Known Member
I think, but not positive, that all those are additives during flower.

Can't beat Lucas formula for simplicity. I was given a whole line of nutes as a sample, plus the whole line of general organics but stayed with Lucas formula just because it's simple.


Well-Known Member
Omg dont do it! Nutrients should be introduced gradually, and plants observed inbetween doses. The next watering should always be plain, in order to further observe the plant for changes. You seem anxious to use it all my friend. Remember, an overdose will set you back weeks in an already lengthy 4 monh process. The products you mentioned are supplements not nutes. I would focus on starting my base nutrients at 3-4 weeks old, in minute (1/4 strength) doses, between plain waterings. Bud Candy and Sweet are the same type of product and not to be used together...pick one, and dont use it until flowering starts (they tell you to use it in veg, but they want you to deplete it all). Big bud is to be used only during the specified weeks of flower. Start half strength and observe before going full. Finally Sweet Grape and Citrus will only bring out these traits if your plant strain naturally has a citrus or grape trait. Like say Lemon Kush or Grape Ape. It is not going to make any strain taste like lemon or grape. Be careful with this stuff it contains esters that may affect natural flavor on a negative note. I do use the sweet raw as it is nuetral. Realize bud candy and sweet are mostly just sugar and carbs, pick one and use it during the specified weeks of flowering.
Wow.. Thanks guys! I haven't yet mixed anything, it was more of a 'preparation" question. I just wasn't sure if there were any combinations with say two of these products that might benefit the plants. I definitely sincerely appreciate all of the insights you have all shared, and learned some in the process. Even the sarcasm can be food for thought.
*Keep the crystals flowing*

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
OK.. I'm a new grower. I'm currently using soil with 3 gallon containers. I have purchased a few different bottles of nutes ranging from Botanicare Sweet Grape and Sweet Citrus, along with Advanced Nutrients Big Bud and Bud Candy. I also have unsulphured molasses, along with general All purpose plant food from Miracle Grow (not used so much)... Does anyone know if it is safe to mix all of these in plants together, but in separate doses?
Damn hydro shops got another one!
Sweet grape, sweet citrus, bud candy and molasses are all just sources of carbs.
Big bud is a flower additive to be used weeks 2-4 with the addition of some base nutrients.
I don't recommend using the MG, but if u do start at 1/4 strength. Add big bud weeks 2-4 of flower and bud candy from weeks 2-flush.


Well-Known Member
Mg is fine if you have a tight budget. It has a nice even NPK ratio with micros. Just need some cal mag and your all set. Theres many people who use MG nutes and get pretty decent results. Having a good soil is more important though in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
If you go and mix a million things together eventually you will find that one or a combination of a couple will bind to one or more nutrient and precipitate it out of the solution (aka you will see it as a solid at the bottom, not usable) and may cause lockout and a deficiency.
Damn hydro shops got another one!
Sweet grape, sweet citrus, bud candy and molasses are all just sources of carbs.
Big bud is a flower additive to be used weeks 2-4 with the addition of some base nutrients.
I don't recommend using the MG, but if u do start at 1/4 strength. Add big bud weeks 2-4 of flower and bud candy from weeks 2-flush.
Thank u! Any help is appreciated.. Just starting out so yeah, I guess I went overboard... At least I'm good on carbs for awhile lol
If you go and mix a million things together eventually you will find that one or a combination of a couple will bind to one or more nutrient and precipitate it out of the solution (aka you will see it as a solid at the bottom, not usable) and may cause lockout and a deficiency.
OK.. That definitely tells me not to do it. I appreciate the insight. I'm finding I'm very glad I became a member on here, and very thankful for everyone helping me. I'll post some pics once things start going..


Well-Known Member
I use a simple (cheap) 3 part hydro nute branded by my local grow shop, even though I grow primarily in soil. Throw in a bottle of calmag for periodic use, and I've never had any issues.

After two years of indoor growing and dozens of (great) harvests in my perpetual, nobody could convince me to spend excessive amounts of money on marketing nonsense.

Keep it simple.



Well-Known Member
general hydroponics, maxi 2 part grow n bloom, cheap but very good nutes and easy for new growers as they normally balance ur ph if u follow the directions. my tap ph is 6.7, after adding maxi, my ph is a perfect 5.7-5.8 every time..ive done side by side compares w/ nutes in the past on 4x4 ebb n flow tables and the gh nutes, 3 part, nova and maxi all produced better than many of the more expensive brands..


Well-Known Member
Hey, just remember this:

This plant don't need you to grow.

You complicate things.

Keep it simple and just let the plant do what it does.


Well-Known Member
general hydroponics, maxi 2 part grow n bloom, cheap but very good nutes and easy for new growers as they normally balance ur ph if u follow the directions. my tap ph is 6.7, after adding maxi, my ph is a perfect 5.7-5.8 every time..ive done side by side compares w/ nutes in the past on 4x4 ebb n flow tables and the gh nutes, 3 part, nova and maxi all produced better than many of the more expensive brands..
Maxigrow + Maxibloom + Koolbloom powder is what I have been using. Works great. Koolbloom is optional, but nice to have a very low N bloom booster.


Well-Known Member
Maxigrow + Maxibloom + Koolbloom powder is what I have been using. Works great. Koolbloom is optional, but nice to have a very low N bloom booster.
i agree completely, the koolbloom powder actualy produced results for me, wile the koolbloom liquid had no effect.. the maxi series though cheaper than the nova and 3 part is just as good if not better, all my tests GH results speak for themselves..Also if debating between fox farm and advanced 3 part, fox farm foiliar pro was better, and plantlife 3 part was better than fox farm,,out of all i tried, gh was always top of the list in yields, taste, and overall health of the plants..


Well-Known Member
ive also added mad farmer nutrient uptake solution or N.U.T.S., OR GH diamond nector to my nutrients over the last year, and though ive never used them in side by side tests, i believe they help overall plant health i prefer the nuts but diamond nector is cheaper and results seem to be roughly the same. both are humic and fulvic acids wich help plants to use your nutrients more effectively..