InB4 the Eco-Loons


Well-Known Member
It's official, 2014 was the hottest year on record.

That's right, the hottest since we have been keeping records or 1/333,000,000th of the earth's existence.

A few articles I read said this marks the end of the hiatus in warming that some of our fellow members (science deniers) have claimed didn't happen, contradicting their own climate heroes who on numerous occasions have offered explanations to explain said hiatus.

The answer, of course, is to tax ourselves into submission on energy usage, give beeeelions of dollars to Democrat financial supporters...err, I mean green energy carpetbaggers and who could forget the necessity of carbon credits.

But, it's totally not about the money, it's just a coincidence that all solutions happen to effectuate in your wallet. o_O
Oh look, yet another science denial thread by a right wing clown. They push this shit endlessly, right along with all the talk about all the groups of people they hate.

Denial? I embraced the fact that we had a hot year compared with a sample set of 1/333,000,000th of the earth's history. Failure one on your part.

I challenge you to find a post of mine that says I hate any group of people. Failure two.
It's official, 2014 was the hottest year on record.

That's right, the hottest since we have been keeping records or 1/333,000,000th of the earth's existence.

A few articles I read said this marks the end of the hiatus in warming that some of our fellow members (science deniers) have claimed didn't happen, contradicting their own climate heroes who on numerous occasions have offered explanations to explain said hiatus.

The answer, of course, is to tax ourselves into submission on energy usage, give beeeelions of dollars to Democrat financial supporters...err, I mean green energy carpetbaggers and who could forget the necessity of carbon credits.

But, it's totally not about the money, it's just a coincidence that all solutions happen to effectuate in your wallet. o_O
I bet you hate federal grant money used to install solar panels for businesses and homes. Damn Obama helping to save energy and money.
Denial? I embraced the fact that we had a hot year compared with a sample set of 1/333,000,000th of the earth's history. Failure one on your part.

I challenge you to find a post of mine that says I hate any group of people. Failure two.

Provide a citation for your claim that scientists have no data regarding climate throughout geological history. The onus of proof is on you for making the claim, since it contradicts a vast body of research. That would be massive denial on your part, by the way.

I said that right wing clowns love to talk about groups of people they hate, and you are certainly a right wing clown and you have certainly expressed extreme disdain which I would characterize as hatred toward at least two groups. The most obvious is the overwhelming majority of climate scientists, which you describe as "eco-loons" and the other is "liberals". So yes, you are a right wing clown who denies science and like other right wing clowns, you love to talk about groups of people you hate.
Provide a citation for your claim that scientists have no data regarding climate throughout geological history. The onus of proof is on you for making the claim, since it contradicts a vast body of research. That would be massive denial on your part, by the way.

I said that right wing clowns love to talk about groups of people they hate, and you are certainly a right wing clown and you have certainly expressed extreme disdain which I would characterize as hatred toward at least two groups. The most obvious is the overwhelming majority of climate scientists, which you describe as "eco-loons" and the other is "liberals". So yes, you are a right wing clown who denies science and like other right wing clowns, you love to talk about groups of people you hate.

Lol, nice try.

It's mindless minions like yourself that I call Eco-Loons, not the climate scientists. Strike one.

Accusations against them also doesn't equate to anything close to hatred. Strike two.

Pointing out liberal hypocrisy, stupidity and wanting them relegated to the "backseat" of our political system, also isn't hate. Strike three.

Your posts against Conservatives and MMGW skeptics come far closer to toeing the line of hatred than anything I've posted.
Provide a citation for your claim that scientists have no data regarding climate throughout geological history. The onus of proof is on you for making the claim, since it contradicts a vast body of research. That would be massive denial on your part, by the way.

As for the hate spewing, you can continue trying to convince yourself all you want, but I'm not convinced. You started a thread to bash people who agree with the vast majority of climate scientists as "eco-loons". So not only are you denying the science and making outrageous claims about research based on the entire geological history of the planet, you're inventing neologisms (classic sign of psychopathy) to describe with a wide brush everyone who agrees with the vast majority of climate scientists. That is even worse than calling the scientists "eco-loons". You're an extremist.
Provide a citation for your claim that scientists have no data regarding climate throughout geological history. The onus of proof is on you for making the claim, since it contradicts a vast body of research. That would be massive denial on your part, by the way.

As for the hate spewing, you can continue trying to convince yourself all you want, but I'm not convinced. You started a thread to bash people who agree with the vast majority of climate scientists as "eco-loons". So not only are you denying the science and making outrageous claims about research based on the entire geological history of the planet, you're inventing neologisms (classic sign of psychopathy) to describe with a wide brush everyone who agrees with the vast majority of climate scientists. That is even worse than calling the scientists "eco-loons". You're an extremist.

Actually, I have no burden of proof as I'm not proposing regulations to be enacted or trying to change the status quo, that's you and the chuckleheads like you. ALL the burden is on the MMGW crowd. We will happily go on thwarting your efforts and living our lives exactly the same way we were living them before the Eco-Loons dreamed up the latest manufactured crisis to attack our lifestyle.

I started a thread to bash people? Which thread was that? Certainly not this one.

As to the rest, I'm simply taking a page out of the liberal playbook and marginalizing my opponents. I point out the lies, failed projections, junk science, exaggerated consequences and debunked agendas of the past. I'm sorry it hurts your feels.
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They don't have enough combined IQ or creativity to make me squirt a tear, let alone off myself. I pity them, when I'm not chuckling at their hive mentality.
considering your sources of info.
You really shouldn't be talking.
Bet you consider yourself a compassionate conservative.
Most of us think your a right wing crackpot
Denial? I embraced the fact that we had a hot year compared with a sample set of 1/333,000,000th of the earth's history. Failure one on your part.

you call the demonstrable findings of climate scientists a "hoax". only idiots do that.

failure 1.

I challenge you to find a post of mine that says I hate any group of people. Failure two.

i can cite tons of posts of you expressing homicidal rage at union members (and their families, hoping they starve) as well as anything remotely left.

failure 2 (in a series of ongoing failures from you).