Please help. Pictures included. issues with first grow


Well-Known Member
Not sure exactly what it is but on some of my leaves i have yellow or brownish spots. I am not sure if it is from getting water on leaves and them burning from light, but pretty sure that is not the issue.

I have included photos as well.

I am a first time grower so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.



Well-Known Member
Either feeding too much or a soil that has too many nutrients in it already, too "hot"
See my issue was that I potted them right into big pots right away even tho I shokld have transplanted to a smaller pot first. Went Straight to a 7 gallon. So was thinking it's because I didn't transplant correctly. I feel like the pot is to big and the roots haven't expanded or whayever so all nutrients im feeding are just sitting in the pot. Sorry if I don't have the right terminology. Not an expert. First timer

So now I dont know what I could do to fix the problem since I already made a mistake by not transplanting correctly and can't go back to smaller pots.

Should I just water with straight water or what do you guys recommend.


Well-Known Member
If its that big in its own 7 gallon pot then I would probably wait a week or more between watering . let the pot dry out a little till it starts to feel light then water it with plain water for the next watering . thoroughly soak the pot making sure yoi have a good amount of runoff then let it dry out again. Give it nutes in a couple weeks or wait till it tells you what it needs