'the boy who came back from heaven' recants everything


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'The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven' Recants Everything

Business Insider
[email protected] (Shane Ferro)7 hrs ago
© AP Photo/Tony Dejak Beth and Kevin Malarkey, left to right, talk with their son Alex after surgery at University Hospital's Case Western Reserve Medical Center Friday, Jan. 9, 2009, in Cleveland.
"The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven" actually never went.
Alex Malarkey, a young boy who co-authored a book with his father about going to heaven and returning to earth first published in 2010, wrote an open letter to Christian publishers retracting his story.
In 2004, Malarkey and his father, who is a Christian therapist, were in a bad car accident that left the six-year-old boy paralyzed and in a coma.
According to the book's Amazon page, "When Alex awoke from a coma two months later, he had an incredible story to share. Of events at the accident scene and in the hospital while he was unconscious. Of the angels who took him through the gates of Heaven itself. And, most amazing of all ... of meeting and talking with Jesus."
The letter that Alex, who is now 16, wrote to publishers says he made the whole thing up: "I said I went to heaven because I thought it would get me attention. When I made the claims that I did, I had never read the Bible. People have profited from lies, and continue to. They should read the Bible, which is enough."
Two major Christian bookstores, Lifeway and Tyndale House, have announced plans to pull the books from stores.
Last April, Alex's mother, Beth Malarkey, wrote on her blog that the book was untrue. She also implied that Alex has not received the proceeds from the book sales:
It is both puzzling and painful to watch the book The Boy who Came Back from Heaven to not only continue to sell, but to continue, for the most part, to not be questioned... The ones making money from the book are NOT the ones staying up through the night, struggling for their breath, or were they the ones at six years old, waking up unable to move or breathe and in a strange place after last remember seeing a car coming right at the car he was riding in.


'The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven' Recants Everything

Business Insider
[email protected] (Shane Ferro)7 hrs ago
© AP Photo/Tony Dejak Beth and Kevin Malarkey, left to right, talk with their son Alex after surgery at University Hospital's Case Western Reserve Medical Center Friday, Jan. 9, 2009, in Cleveland.
"The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven" actually never went.
Alex Malarkey, a young boy who co-authored a book with his father about going to heaven and returning to earth first published in 2010, wrote an open letter to Christian publishers retracting his story.
In 2004, Malarkey and his father, who is a Christian therapist, were in a bad car accident that left the six-year-old boy paralyzed and in a coma.
According to the book's Amazon page, "When Alex awoke from a coma two months later, he had an incredible story to share. Of events at the accident scene and in the hospital while he was unconscious. Of the angels who took him through the gates of Heaven itself. And, most amazing of all ... of meeting and talking with Jesus."
The letter that Alex, who is now 16, wrote to publishers says he made the whole thing up: "I said I went to heaven because I thought it would get me attention. When I made the claims that I did, I had never read the Bible. People have profited from lies, and continue to. They should read the Bible, which is enough."
Two major Christian bookstores, Lifeway and Tyndale House, have announced plans to pull the books from stores.
Last April, Alex's mother, Beth Malarkey, wrote on her blog that the book was untrue. She also implied that Alex has not received the proceeds from the book sales:
It is both puzzling and painful to watch the book The Boy who Came Back from Heaven to not only continue to sell, but to continue, for the most part, to not be questioned... The ones making money from the book are NOT the ones staying up through the night, struggling for their breath, or were they the ones at six years old, waking up unable to move or breathe and in a strange place after last remember seeing a car coming right at the car he was riding in.


Lol, can't wrap my mind around the fact that there are that many people who would not question a story told by a 6 yr old kid who has gone through major trauma, woke up in a strange place while likely high on pain-killers.
'The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven' Recants Everything

Business Insider
[email protected] (Shane Ferro)7 hrs ago
© AP Photo/Tony Dejak Beth and Kevin Malarkey, left to right, talk with their son Alex after surgery at University Hospital's Case Western Reserve Medical Center Friday, Jan. 9, 2009, in Cleveland.
"The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven" actually never went.
Alex Malarkey, a young boy who co-authored a book with his father about going to heaven and returning to earth first published in 2010, wrote an open letter to Christian publishers retracting his story.
In 2004, Malarkey and his father, who is a Christian therapist, were in a bad car accident that left the six-year-old boy paralyzed and in a coma.
According to the book's Amazon page, "When Alex awoke from a coma two months later, he had an incredible story to share. Of events at the accident scene and in the hospital while he was unconscious. Of the angels who took him through the gates of Heaven itself. And, most amazing of all ... of meeting and talking with Jesus."
The letter that Alex, who is now 16, wrote to publishers says he made the whole thing up: "I said I went to heaven because I thought it would get me attention. When I made the claims that I did, I had never read the Bible. People have profited from lies, and continue to. They should read the Bible, which is enough."
Two major Christian bookstores, Lifeway and Tyndale House, have announced plans to pull the books from stores.
Last April, Alex's mother, Beth Malarkey, wrote on her blog that the book was untrue. She also implied that Alex has not received the proceeds from the book sales:
It is both puzzling and painful to watch the book The Boy who Came Back from Heaven to not only continue to sell, but to continue, for the most part, to not be questioned... The ones making money from the book are NOT the ones staying up through the night, struggling for their breath, or were they the ones at six years old, waking up unable to move or breathe and in a strange place after last remember seeing a car coming right at the car he was riding in.


Yes, I saw the same thing on the news channel tonight.

Lol, can't wrap my mind around the fact that there are that many people who would not question a story told by a 6 yr old kid who has gone through major trauma, woke up in a strange place while likely high on pain-killers.
But when his story reinforces religious beliefs people tend to lose objectivity.
Fucking hilarious. You would think the last name of Malarkey would have been enough to question the boy's story in the first place! http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/malarkey
noun \mə-ˈlär-kē\
: foolish words or ideas

Full Definition of MALARKEY
: insincere or foolish talk : bunkum
See malarkey defined for English-language learners »
Variants of MALARKEY
ma·lar·key also ma·lar·ky
Examples of MALARKEY
  1. He thinks everything politicians say is just a bunch of malarkey.
  2. <the old lady declared that everything politicians say is pure malarkey>
It's like The Last Temptation of Christ when Jesus hears one of the disciples preaching to a crowd about things he did not do and did not say. When jesus confronts the disciple about this, the disciple retorts with my jesus is much more powerful than you, and told him to go away. The people that go in for this type of thing have many concerns, but the truth isn't one of them...
Fucking hilarious. You would think the last name of Malarkey would have been enough to question the boy's story in the first place! http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/malarkey
noun \mə-ˈlär-kē\
: foolish words or ideas

Full Definition of MALARKEY
: insincere or foolish talk : bunkum
See malarkey defined for English-language learners »
Variants of MALARKEY
ma·lar·key also ma·lar·ky
Examples of MALARKEY
  1. He thinks everything politicians say is just a bunch of malarkey.
  2. <the old lady declared that everything politicians say is pure malarkey>
It's like The Last Temptation of Christ when Jesus hears one of the disciples preaching to a crowd about things he did not do and did not say. When jesus confronts the disciple about this, the disciple retorts with my jesus is much more powerful than you, and told him to go away. The people that go in for this type of thing have many concerns, but the truth isn't one of them...
didn't notice that...will if that wasn't a bunch of malarkey I don't know what is
Props to him though for admitting he fabricated the whole thing. Cant believe it was all his idea though. Poor kid...should be tryna cop feels on nurses not making up stories about the afterlife.