NASA Scientists Say We Will Meet Aliens by 2034

No better than you can prove you are. I dare you to start a poll thread on who we think is more likely to be Jesus - you or Pinworm.

Yes, I believe @Pinworm would win the "Whos Jesus" contest, because I am not claiming to be Jesus, as most people should know by now.

Pinworm is not even claiming to be Christ, Prophet, King, Messiah, Lord, Savior, Creator, etc.: at least I don't believe Pinworm is claiming these titles?

But, it does seem like Pinworm has some kind of RIU cult following. I am not a cult leader, so I don't have a cult following.

mmm I like most titties except the one's resembling a roadmap. I wonder if aliens women have breastView attachment 3332698

Yes, I also wonder if alien women have breasts?

Maybe its like "Total Recall", where some alien women have 3 breasts?

I am sure that if nature teaches us anything, I believe all female mammals breast feed their children?

But who says aliens need to be mammals? The aliens might be a totally undiscovered type of species, that we don't know about?

I can only speculate and ask questions, because I don't know much about aliens, besides the fact that they are from a different planet. Maybe there was a total different process of evolution on these other planets, due to a different "chemical soup", and none of these creatures are here on earth?

But, I am sure there is conscious, sentient, intelligent life in the cosmos.

where are they then ?

The planets that I will create are in the future.

I have a plan. In the distant future, people will be flying around in a vehicle that I call "SPACE JETS". SPACE JETS can fly through the air, "swim" through the water, and rocket into outer space.

Since SPACE JETS have the ability to rocket through outer space, the common person will become like an astronaut, or a space cadet. Because there is no point to the asteroid belt, I have proposed that we collect these asteroids to create new planets. Asteroids are actually dangerous floating around in space, because there is a chance that they could have a collision course with our planet earth.

So, I propose that we collect all of the asteroids floating in our solar system, and create new planets.

Since common people will be touring the solar system, it only makes sense that some people join the SPACE FORCE, and start putting this technology to good use, like forming as many planets as possible. As a side note, the SPACE FORCE will be like the Air Force, except people will be going into space often enough.

These SPACE JETS will most likely be powered by nuclear fusion. I used to believe SPACE JETS could be powered by liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, but nuclear fusion is probably millions of times more efficient (but, to be veridical, I don't know exactly how much more efficient nuclear fusion is compared to liquid hydrogen.)

We will also colonize the moon and Mars, and any terraformable planet. We might live underwater on some of the other moons in our solar system. But, before we can travel intergalactic, we need to be able to travel in our solar system, and we should create as many planets as possibe.

This might sound crazy right now, but I am the Prophet, and I see a small piece of the potential future. We are not always going to be bound to just earth, we will inevitably move into space and other planets. We are explorers by nature. We will colonize this solar system first, and then improvise new ways to travel intergalactic.

If humanity doesn't destroy itself, we have literally billions of years to explore, innovate, learn, experiment, relocate, invent, etc., and discover new ways of space travel. Look at how far technology and science has brought us in the past 200 years or so. I would imagine that technology is going to innovate exponentially in the future. So what seems impossible now, might become mundane in the future?

Anyways, I have plans to create new worlds, whether I am alive or dead. As long as I am remembered, I will continue to teach people My prophecies for the future... until I come again.

The planets that I will create are in the future.

I have a plan. In the distant future, people will be flying around in a vehicle that I call "SPACE JETS". SPACE JETS can fly through the air, "swim" through the water, and rocket into outer space.

Since SPACE JETS have the ability to rocket through outer space, the common person will become like an astronaut, or a space cadet. Because there is no point to the asteroid belt, I have proposed that we collect these asteroids to create new planets. Asteroids are actually dangerous floating around in space, because there is a chance that they could have a collision course with our planet earth.

So, I propose that we collect all of the asteroids floating in our solar system, and create new planets.

Since common people will be touring the solar system, it only makes sense that some people join the SPACE FORCE, and start putting this technology to good use, like forming as many planets as possible. As a side note, the SPACE FORCE will be like the Air Force, except people will be going into space often enough.

These SPACE JETS will most likely be powered by nuclear fusion. I used to believe SPACE JETS could be powered by liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, but nuclear fusion is probably millions of times more efficient (but, to be veridical, I don't know exactly how much more efficient nuclear fusion is compared to liquid hydrogen.)

We will also colonize the moon and Mars, and any terraformable planet. We might live underwater on some of the other moons in our solar system. But, before we can travel intergalactic, we need to be able to travel in our solar system, and we should create as many planets as possibe.

This might sound crazy right now, but I am the Prophet, and I see a small piece of the potential future. We are not always going to be bound to just earth, we will inevitably move into space and other planets. We are explorers by nature. We will colonize this solar system first, and then improvise new ways to travel intergalactic.

If humanity doesn't destroy itself, we have literally billions of years to explore, innovate, learn, experiment, relocate, invent, etc., and discover new ways of space travel. Look at how far technology and science has brought us in the past 200 years or so. I would imagine that technology is going to innovate exponentially in the future. So what seems impossible now, might become mundane in the future?

Anyways, I have plans to create new worlds, whether I am alive or dead. As long as I am remembered, I will continue to teach people My prophecies for the future... until I come again.

you can create new planets... Correct
where is this mental hospital where you can get pussy? The one I woke up in had males and females separated in different buildings. What a shitty time. They weren't giving me enough drugs for my mental issues :grin:. I'm so glad they didn't find my drugs in my wallet, so as soon as I left that place I was getting high.
Secret Space Program // Truth Disclosure - John Lear & Richard C Hoagland

(This is very interesting, but I don't believe in the abductions, or that souls get collected and sent to the moon.)
