2015 Denver Cup

Do you think it will be better now?? That was two years ago right? Are going to attend again Snaps?
Naw I'm not bothering. Its just a crowd of stoned hippies being marketed too. Lame.

I imagine they have a bigger venue.

Still I can get high at home or a vape lounge. The crowd, all the marketing and whatnot just turned me off. The only reason to go to a cup is if your paying to be a judge.

Definitely not a relaxed atmosphere.
Deglamorization of Marijuana

I have watched some videos from last years cup in denver..what a joke..Hey everybody...lets see who can smoke 7 grams the fastest....wait that was bongathon

Actually it was this.TokinGLX is up in Denver along with his other half wit Redband...I watched this whole vid....dumb idiots.

Don't they sell and give awway a lot of seeds at these things? That's what I'm interested in.

Indeed and that's why I'm going, probably just the first day and just to get some tax free products on the cheap. I got all kinda shit last year including a Prefect Temp enail and some seeds. I'm gonna get there super early on the frist day, hit up the stuff I wanna buy, then head home right away.

Marketing, yes it's done there, to excess.

Get over yourself already. Some of us aren't cranky old men and actually like to buy cool new shit.

Also yea, if your're not from Co then I imagine it would be cool with all the free dabs and shit. But yea from what I saw last year nothing they are giving out is that stellar. I'll stick with all the fire I already have.

PS> Some of the panels and shit can be educational if your're into that sort of thing.

Free ones, for sale ones, testers, I don't give a shit I'll take all of them.
They are pretty expensive. I got a 3 pack from Sincity last yr for a bill. Most were like fifty to sixty a pack. Most of the places were selling out of some strains the first day. Get there really early, the line gets big quick.