1st grow. Any advice on what to do to this plant to increase yield.

The person who done this for me has lstd and super cropped his way to many of 3pound plus plants. So I trusted him to do this. Hope he was right I'll let all you guys know :)
Well I hope your wrong haha. I was hoping everyone's number would be around the same but sofar iI've got everywhere from 1oz to just under a pound she's in full sunlight all day so here's hoping I get at least 1oz haha
Looks better with a wider canopy, but make it level so all those get equal energy. I've had to do this a few weeks into flower in order to not hit the light, all those side nugs get bigger. Better stake all those tops though.
Just let it grow and see what happens, you should of just added support to it like ruby said and I think you would have been happy with results, don't feel bad though, we all learn from mistakes and that's one you'll know not to do again..
If you have a good strain to grow, it doesn't take alot of work to get primo bud, good soil, good PHed water, no tap water, do not over feed, better to under feed, make sure it gets sunlight from sunrise to sunset to prevent streching, I always support my plants even if not really needed so they can fatten as much as they want, if you start with basics like that and add in some patience, you should start getting some nice harvest, also try to learn everything you can from what others have done with success, there is nothing like growing primo bud for your first time, it's awesome knowing you grew what you and others are enjoying. Good luck and happy growing..
I will keep posting pics :) in you opinion does this plant looks like it's streching due to lack of sunlight? I Dunno how much direct sunlight it gets but it isn't 12 hours. I just thought it was lanky due I sativa type plant haha.
If you are 8-10 weeks from harvest, you could get 4 oz. She'll bush up, but unless she's something very special, she just doesn't have the energy stored to do more. As others mentioned, more hours of daylight would have helped.
Not sure how you guys keep pulling these random estimates out of the air. Its easier when you have zero expectation as when you do get 10 oz or 1 gram its no bother. Where are the pics?
Yep ...no expectations and anything you do get is a nice bonus ;)
. I understand I might've made the wrong decision but there's only one way to learn I guess haha.

The most commen new grower mistakes are they/you try to do too much , they worry about increasing yeild with tricks like supercropping & topping the plant , before you learn to read the signs of healthy & happy plants those type methods to increase yeilds actually set you back in the learning process .

The best way to learn to grow great dope is ride the 1st grow out& do as little as possible,keep the bugs away & lightly fertilize once in veg & once in bud & thats it .

On your next grow you ramp up the feeding schedule to feeding twice in veg & twice in bud , tbis way you see exact differences between your 1st & 2nd grow & can see how different amounts of nutes affect the plants health .

IMO right now you've read too much about tricks to increase yeilds & not enough about standard botany pratices , new growers that are in a rush to try multiple tricks at once in hopes of larger harvests are rarely rewarded & allmost allways do more harm than good .

I grew in soil over 20 yrs before switching to hydroponics & did the bare minimum , i fed once in veg , once in early bud & 1 last time in mid bud & was regularly pulling down 12 to 16 zips per plant , no super cropping , no lst , no high priced grow shop nutes ect .

when your just starting to learn about growing less is allways better, if you add or change something you only do one thing per grow , that way you know exactly what to expect & what changes took place from your intervention .

Too much too fast & you'll get poor results every time , my advice is to stop reading about ways to increase harvest until you've had a harvest , instead read about plant health & how/when to apply different amounts of NPK , soil preperation & grow area prep .
Fuck the nay sayers, the only way to learn is experimenting, there's no only way to grow weed. I've gotten far more than an ounce on smaller plants, there's nothing wrong with yours. You should have good expectations about your hard work. Next crop will always teach something else.
Just so its clear guys im not saying their is anything wrong with your plant im just pointing at it should be flowering season soon maybe it was put out a bit late.
Hope u get more than an oz but my thinking is it needs another 4 weeks veg to think that a few oz is possible....gd luck
So this is about 4 days growth. Dunno if it's a good or bad amount of growth. After this photo I trimmed off a few of the lower branches sorta like a lollipop technique but not to the full extent. So deceied she was my experiment plant so yeah. Will leave her alone now and let you guys know what happened. Also going to go back soon and trim some of the surrounding bush back so she gets more light


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Not sure how you guys keep pulling these random estimates out of the air. Its easier when you have zero expectation as when you do get 10 oz or 1 gram its no bother. Where are the pics?

I've posted hundreds of pix. My estimates are based on long experience. Take them or not. Just trying to give an honest opinion.