Leaf tips pointing down.


Active Member
Could someone tell me why this is happening please, everything looks healthy apart from this. Oh and I'm growing in coco with an ec of 1.5 and ph of 6.0 .



Well-Known Member
Leaves looking healthy but "drooping" could be an over watering/ lack of oxygen to roots problem.

Could also be caused by root cluster.


Active Member
I too was plagued by this for a while. Plant thriving but the tips curving straight down. I just dialed the watering back a bit, and the new grow did not get the droop. GL with the grow m8


Well-Known Member
Sometimes my soil is a little hot in the beginning
Ye that might just be ur prob there mate, at higher temps the water can retain less oxygen. Unless ofc by "hot" you mean nitro rich :-P
Just what i'm thinking.
but ur right could be nitrogen over or actually under fert its often mistaken as overwatering.
Why idont know because with over/under nitrogen fert i don't think the plant will look like it "thrives"

Once the leaves "claw" they will usually have some very dark green, and some yellowing leaves from the tips. Also i would describe it more lile "clawing" than drooping.

But only the growers knows whats more likely in his case, so ya its a good point you had ;)
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