Growing Apprenticship


Is the something available that a master grower will take in a dedicated learner aka apprentice to work for skills from a legal state if the individual is willing to work for rent food etc? Crazy idea probably but thought I'd ask?
For the price you mention(room and board) you could grow your own wot the rest of us done learn the basics then after the basics you learn the tricks then after the tricks .........well.......then you can say you have some experience........and as my old man says money can't buy EXPERIENCE.......
Its not rocket science every peice of info you could possibly need is available online just grow and it will come naturally after a few grows then you fine tune and dial in as much as you can ...
Now there is a glut of pot in Washington state. They were selling it, wholesale, for $21 a gram, now it is getting close to two bucks a gram! And yet, the stores are still selling it for $25- $35 a gram; bastards!

Pot is so easy to grow. The trick in the future is to get the most THC per watt of power. The little grower is doomed. Monsanto and ADM will be the future. Assembly line grows will ensure a quality product at a decent price. The smaller boutique grows will be a curiosity, small niche markets; but it will be big growers making most of the product.

In any gold rush, it is not the miners that make the fortunes, it the suppliers. Levi Strauss created an empire by supplying pants to miners. And Mark Twain got famous for reporting on the miners. Most miners made just enough to eat and saved enough to go to the next gold rush.

Study electrical engineering, chemistry, horticulture, and botany. Learn business and finance. Don't strive to be a migrant farm worker.
Go to ur desired legal state. Get ur medical badge. You'll be more marketable that way.
It shows a desire on your part to get the ball rolling.
Pot is so easy to grow. The trick in the future is to get the most THC per watt of power. The little grower is doomed. Monsanto and ADM will be the future. Assembly line grows will ensure a quality product at a decent price. The smaller boutique grows will be a curiosity, small niche markets; but it will be big growers making most of the product.

I think you're absolutely right. But, like home-brewers and micro-breweries, there will be connoisseurs who will pay more for "handcrafted" bud. Maybe not a lucrative business opportunity, but I think anyone who produces a pound or two every 3-4 months wouldn't have a problem selling it (in the future you describe) for $5 a gram to friends/neighbors who appreciate independently grown bud. $2k for a pound which might cost $300 to grow (not counting the time spent learning to grow, which I agree, is not the best use of time unless the individual is a connoisseur themselves and would incur that expense just to produce weed for their self.).

Its not rocket science every peice of info you could possibly need is available online

I disagree. It's difficult to determine from online conversations whether people are talking about hydro or soil, indoor or outdoor, short or tall grow, cool or hot climate, humid or dry, using ro water or tap, etc. Without some crucial context, a lot of the information found online will sound contradictory to anyone who begins learning by googling.

IMO, this hobby needs a wiki. A single, community-developed and constantly-revisable encyclopedia of everything about growing weed. You might add that 5.8 is the desired PH for growing, another might add "in hydro." Someone else might add that 5.8 is best for veg, 6.0 for flower.

Instead of little details like that spread across a billion conversations, they would accumulate in one topical reference. I know some people feel it's a badge of honor to learn the hard way. ("I walked a mile through snow every day to go to school. You kids have everything easy!"). That's fair. But, the same could be applied to forums. When I was a teen, if you wanted to grow you moved to northern california and found someone to learn from. There were none of these forums which allow you to ask questions to nameless/faceless people who respond immediately. A wiki is just taking the same concept further: structuring information for more efficient, easier access. Write once, read many.
Totally agree az everything you have said is spot on and as you mentioned growing is an ART FORM not a production line every plant is unique in its own way and will produce fruits according to its MASTERS commands and the DEMAND will remain forever because of the people who AREN'T just satisfied with the middle of the road CRAP and will go that extra mile for good old QUALITY......because ......for me quality ALWAYS comes first.......only my op but one I believe in strongly.......:joint:......
I think you're absolutely right. But, like home-brewers and micro-breweries, there will be connoisseurs who will pay more for "handcrafted" bud. Maybe not a lucrative business opportunity, but I think anyone who produces a pound or two every 3-4 months wouldn't have a problem selling it (in the future you describe) for $5 a gram to friends/neighbors who appreciate independently grown bud. $2k for a pound which might cost $300 to grow (not counting the time spent learning to grow, which I agree, is not the best use of time unless the individual is a connoisseur themselves and would incur that expense just to produce weed for their self.).

Oh, for sure. For me it's a great hobby. But as pot is going for close to $100 an ounce up here, the incentive to invest time and money into growing is diminishing.

I live where there isn't much sun. Lack of sun is a big factor in seasonal depression. I spend hours a day in my grow area, fiddling with the lights or reading. It's good for my mental health.

But the days of growing a dozen plants to make a buck are growing (growing ha ha) to an end. I like a boutique whiskey and I like craft beer, but the majority is Seagram's and Budweiser.
Totally agree az everything you have said is spot on and as you mentioned growing is an ART FORM not a production line every plant is unique in its own way and will produce fruits according to its MASTERS commands and the DEMAND will remain forever because of the people who AREN'T just satisfied with the middle of the road CRAP and will go that extra mile for good old QUALITY......because ......for me quality ALWAYS comes first.......only my op but one I believe in strongly.......:joint:......
Every plant is NOT unique. People use clones because they don't want differences. Clone a good strain, breed in some good genetics and viola! you'll have a superior product each and every time. People go to McDonalds because it is a quality meal no matter where you go. Joe's Diner might be better or it might not, depending which Joe's Diner and who's cooking when you show up.

There are hundreds of strains of potatoes, yet 99% of all potatoes sold are of just two varieties. Same with tomatoes.
Wipe your mouth son ..........because you ARE TALKING SHIT.......Yea we all like the easy life but it is the people who prefer the BEST they can afford that will keep this age old quality v quantity argument mention things like MacDonalds and Budweiser but forget to mention the Times in life(and their r plenty)when substandard is not enuff like a home cooked meal or a fine wine or even as YOU mentioned a plain old can of beer.CLONES yes but most people keep their clones because of the quality and overall appeal of the product is that not right(not because it produces a ton of shit weed)that's what millions of seeds are for to seek the CHOSEN one in outher words QUALITY.......
Anouther thing you said.100 bucks an ounce lmfao wot the fuk kinda weed r YOU buying .........shit by the sounds of it......I live in the UK and consider myself pretty well connected all over but still 6k is ALWAYS the asking price for a GOOD kilo of smoke so carry on and say that their is no profit to be made growing a good bit of weed because I no thousands of people who would totally disagree with you and your logic....