Islam can dish it out, but can't take it


Well-Known Member
How could you possibly know this unless you have lived the life of a non white female to compare to your white male life ?
because as whites we know that the minorites are treated poorly.

but i've been in situations where i was the minority and not treated so nice.

it just reminds you to be nice to everyone, we're all human, we all make mistakes..i try not to hold against.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I think you're just jealous that you don't get a disability check from the government. I would rather be a tax payer honestly, but then my tax dollars would support wars and inequality.

I think you would rather not discuss your hypocrisy.

In fact when you take money that was acquired by force (a war like action) your hypocrisy is still present. You are benefitting from the actions of "war" and then out of the other side of your mouth you claim to be against war.

You're a smart guy, but a bit childish when it comes to your own rationalizations of your behavior.

Inequality is when two standards are used. The one for you and then the one for everybody else.

Have a great night.


Well-Known Member
In fact when you take money that was acquired by force (a war like action) your hypocrisy is still present. You are benefitting from the actions of "war" and then out of the other side of your mouth you claim to be against war.
Your the one who adds money to the war fund by paying taxes...

You make it sound like I went to your house with a gun to take your shit. This is why nobody takes you neckbearded brony ancaps seriously, you compare everything to rape and describe taxation as an act of war. If you hate taxes so much, why insult someone like me who has found a way to avoid paying them?

I know why. You're jealous.


Well-Known Member
I can not know that I have privilege.
You misinterpreted my post

You compared your life to a life you have not experienced a hypothetical life that does not exist
you can only "speculate" that you believe your life as a white man would be better

personally i would rather have oprah winfreys life than yours , again this is my double speculation, for all i know being you might be great
and being oprah might not be so great