is this a new technique?


Well-Known Member
i thought of this idea about a year ago and i tryed it but my air pump wasn't strong enough....... Then this guy turns up on youtube !!! Thief lol :)

please feel free to criticize as much as u like :)

i might try it for real if it turns out legit :)

1st problem with this is you are killing beneficial bacteria and any beneficial microorganisms (bugs). Bacteria and other organisms in the soil help break down nutrients.

If your going to have it sterile why not just use something other than soil? True Hydro or some other media.
1st problem with this is you are killing beneficial bacteria and any beneficial microorganisms (bugs). Bacteria and other organisms in the soil help break down nutrients.

If your going to have it sterile why not just use something other than soil? True Hydro or some other media.
why will it kill the beenies ?

its only air, if you use organic nutes it should be fine .
If your set on using it thats on you. If your adding nutes to soil you already defeated the purpose of using soil.
it wont necessarily kill all your bennies but more than likely the ecosystem of your soil will be out of balance. Like I said before if your going to do sterile just do hydro.
a lot easier to use perlite even river sand does the same trick
i can see that , and then you just water them like soil ...... Alot less bother than hydroponics Imo.

quantumwot's hydrosoil technique:)

its got a ring , that fucker stole my idea.. Lol
it wont necessarily kill all your bennies but more than likely the ecosystem of your soil will be out of balance. Like I said before if your going to do sterile just do hydro.
it won't kill any doesnt kill them in hydroponics.

i think its a good alternative to .... Erm .... IDK?

i allready do this technique abit with 3" of prerlite at the bottom of my soil pots to give the roots some air and room to grow . can still water them like soil ....... Even with the new QUANTUMWOT HYDROSOIL 2000 technique you can achve much greater rewards from the plant you love :)

did i sell it to u ?
I love the concept! It looks like a lot of work though. If you could figure out an auto-water technique then it might work. Maybe a drip system on a timer or something like that. It would need to be scaled up a notch or two for bigger plants also. Go try it out and let us know how it works.
it won't kill any doesnt kill them in hydroponics.

i think its a good alternative to .... Erm .... IDK?

i allready do this technique abit with 3" of prerlite at the bottom of my soil pots to give the roots some air and room to grow . can still water them like soil ....... Even with the new QUANTUMWOT HYDROSOIL 2000 technique you can achve much greater rewards from the plant you love :)

did i sell it to u ?

Nah, I wont buy it haha... Its like making Hydro just a bit more natural. I like to keep the two separate. If I am using soil I want all the benefits including the micro organisms. In hydro I use no bennies, completely synthetic taking full advantage of the delivery system of synthetic nutes. Organic nutes being more natural need to be given a little time to be broken down and that would probably be the major difference between the new technique and traditional hydro.

Curious as to what your sweet spot for your soil PH will be though considering this is a hybrid and traditional hydro is about 5.8 while soil is around 6.5.

I encourage you and the many growers who will use this technique to document all you experience and share it with RIU. Try and get a sticky with this technique after completing your grow and note the benefits and problems you have experienced. Pretty sure you wont be the only one doing it.
people!! Slow down :)

is this allready a tryed and tested technique? Am i missing something ?

this seems a really good idea to me, im struggling to find any i missing something?

this seems like a technique which enhance's a soil grow ...... I don't think its there to replace hydroponics or hempy , in fact it's got nothing to do with these, its all about a better soil grow:)

This isn't really anything new, just adding air to a self watering bucket in bucket system, which will allow "overwatering" without the associated issues. This might be a good method for keeping mother plants, low maintenance, good growth, stops bug issues(mostly). I've also wondered about doing something like this but in a deeper pot/bucket so that the saturated area only comes up to the mid point in the container and the top half would have the ability to dry out a little more, even if only the top 1/2"-1", mainly because surface level roots like a wet/dry cycle, even in true hydroponics, generally you want the top level of roots to not be totally submerged. Conversely I've considered doing a DWC "slurry", where you would have a thinned out "mud" and bubble it, probably a 50/50 of organic medium and water., although I really don't want to deal with a mud slurry up spilled water is enough of a pain..nevermind mud.
This isn't really anything new, just adding air to a self watering bucket in bucket system, which will allow "overwatering" without the associated issues. This might be a good method for keeping mother plants, low maintenance, good growth, stops bug issues(mostly). I've also wondered about doing something like this but in a deeper pot/bucket so that the saturated area only comes up to the mid point in the container and the top half would have the ability to dry out a little more, even if only the top 1/2"-1", mainly because surface level roots like a wet/dry cycle, even in true hydroponics, generally you want the top level of roots to not be totally submerged. Conversely I've considered doing a DWC "slurry", where you would have a thinned out "mud" and bubble it, probably a 50/50 of organic medium and water., although I really don't want to deal with a mud slurry up spilled water is enough of a pain..nevermind mud.
good points:)

it wont do any harm if you leave it to go totally dry ........ You can just water as normal , just with the added benifit of more oxygen :)

it shows on the vid in my op that he keeps them saturated.......this isn't needed :)

just water as normal :)