NASA Scientists Say We Will Meet Aliens by 2034

you can create new planets... Correct

Yes and no...

Yes, if I had the influence, power, authority, resources, money, etc., I could create new planets.

But, no, right now I cannot create new planets, because I don't have enough influence, power, authority, resources, money, etc..

It is not an easy endeavor to create new planets in todays world, but the notion is simple enough.

Its much easier to say that new planets will be created in the future, but right now the world is being held back by the elites. I believe we have ample resources, as a civilisation, but the elites choose to stagnate our progress.

If I was the King of the world, I would commence on creating all of My benevolent prophecies come to fruition. But, as a person without much power, I am limited to just talking about what I want.

But, I believe all of My prophecies will commence one day.

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Yes and no...

Yes, if I had the influence, power, authority, resources, money, etc., I could create new planets.

But, no, right now I cannot create new planets, because I don't have enough influence, power, authority, resources, money, etc..

It is not an easy endeavor to create new planets in todays world, but the notion is simple enough.

Its much easier to say that new planets will be created in the future, but right now the world is being held back by the elites. I believe we have ample resources, as a civilisation, but the elites choose to stagnate our progress.

If I was the King of the world, I would commence on creating all of My benevolent prophecies come to fruition. But, as a person without much power, I am limited to just talking about what I want.

But, I believe all of My prophecies will commence one day.

you said on RF that you have a cure for cancer ..correct :)
i need you to cure my grandad George please
Wow man. Where were you when I was posting regularly here in TnT.
Entertaining stuff. I'm surprised I didn't see a bunch of trolls hanging out in this thread.

And George if you really think you are 'Christ' please let me win the mega millions jackpot. If I do, ill worship you for the rest of my life
Wow man. Where were you when I was posting regularly here in TnT.
Entertaining stuff. I'm surprised I didn't see a bunch of trolls hanging out in this thread.

And George if you really think you are 'Christ' please let me win the mega millions jackpot. If I do, ill worship you for the rest of my life
i wouldn't bother , he thinks he has a cure for cancer...... He was wrong
Wow man. Where were you when I was posting regularly here in TnT.
Entertaining stuff. I'm surprised I didn't see a bunch of trolls hanging out in this thread.

And George if you really think you are 'Christ' please let me win the mega millions jackpot. If I do, ill worship you for the rest of my life

Don't we all wish we could win the mega millions jackpot, including Me.

I don't gamble much, because I know the odds are in favor of the "house", and the odds are against Me. But, I do make a $5 friendly bet with My friends when we watch NASCAR.

I would be considered "poor" by USA standards, but I always have plenty of food to eat, clothes to wear, and a roof over My head, so I am not doing so bad. I am content with what I have. I am saving up money right now, so I can move back to My house, and get My grow operation up and running again. I will be happy to make between $50-$100k per year, once I am growing again. And then, I can save up enough money to buy some land, and start an outdoor grow, and then make the big bucks... if all goes as planned.

So, you and Me both want to win the mega millions jackpot. I am not some genuie in the bottle.

So how exactly are you Christ? Or maybe the better question is what does you being Christ make you?

If you are really interested in Me, you can read My free online autobiography.

I don't care to repeat Myself thousands of times, so I can direct you to where you can see most of My prophecies, evidence, facts, sentiment, conjecture, beliefs, speculation, theories, etc..

If you just want to learn the basics about why I believe in Myself, just read the first few pages: but if you are interested in knowing some of the things I know, read through the entire thread, but that will take some time, because it is like My free online autobiography.

Please click on the link below to read My free online autobiography.

There should be enough information in the link above to keep you learning for at least a few days, and then you will know all about Me.

If you are really interested in Me, you can read My free online autobiography.

I don't care to repeat Myself thousands of times, so I can direct you to where you can see most of My prophecies, evidence, facts, sentiment, conjecture, beliefs, speculation, theories, etc..

If you just want to learn the basics about why I believe in Myself, just read the first few pages: but if you are interested in knowing some of the things I know, read through the entire thread, but that will take some time, because it is like My free online autobiography.

Please click on the link below to read My free online autobiography.

There should be enough information in the link above to keep you learning for at least a few days, and then you will know all about Me.

blah blah blah

what a shame......and your a fucking adult WHAT.IS WRONG WITH YOU!!
Obviously. But I want to hear his response. I won't flame you over it either,G. Just curious as to your answer.

You should only believe in Me after you see My facts, My evidence, My prophecies, the Bible stories that I have fulfilled, and also after you get to know Me, etc..

I am not a cult leader, so I could care less who believes in Me. Its not like I am trying to start a cult, I just want to be known and respected.

Its a fact that I am alive right now.

Its not a fact that any major religion has their prophet alive.

For example; Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Moses, or any alleged "god", they're all dead.

I am alive.

I will die one day, too, but I have an autobiography of My Life.

You can know for certain exactly what I have said.

You can watch videos of Me, and see what I look like, what I talk like, you can listen to some of My prophecies, you can learn empirical facts about Me, etc..

I will be recorded forever. Its a fact that I am alive, and its a fact that I am a real person; born of mother Mary.

Its a fact that My Name is "George Manuel Oliveira".

Its a fact that My Name means "Farmer God is with us, olive tree."

Its a fact that the Bible mentions the olive tree many times, if you read, "Romans 11:16-26".

Its a fact that Jesus (allegedly) said that he would have a "NEW NAME", if you read "Revelation 3:12".

Its a fact that My mothers name is "Mary".

Its a fact that My initals are GMO, for George Manuel Oliveira.

Its a fact that GMO stands for "Genetically Modified Organism".

Its a fact that My initials, GMO, backwards is OMG.

Its a fact that OMG stands for "O My God".

Its a fact that My dads name is Nuno.

Its a fact that the name Nuno, sounds exactly like saying the words "knew no".

Its known that "Mary knew no man". If you use semantics, that sounds exactly like saying, "Mary... Nuno- man".

I have a myraid amount of facts about Myself.

I am not even showing you all the Bible stories that I have fulfilled.

And My prophecies, and My prophecies are great too.

If I am ever the King of the world, I will have My own global online government. And the people of the world will take the place of the politicians, and the whole world can vote from their computers. My government is the apex of politics.

I could go on why I believe in Myself.

But, I am just a humble person with no power to implement My plans. Its all good in theory, but I am not a lawmaker or politician.

I blog on the internet to try and reach people that can help Me, and the rest of the world.

But, no, no one needs to believe in Me.

I am Blessed!

Can anyone debunk anything I just said? If not, why don't you believe in Me?

You should only believe in Me after you see My facts, My evidence, My prophecies, the Bible stories that I have fulfilled, and also after you get to know Me, etc..

I am not a cult leader, so I could care less who believes in Me. Its not like I am trying to start a cult, I just want to be known and respected.

Its a fact that I am alive right now.

Its not a fact that any major religion has their prophet alive.

For example; Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Moses, or any alleged "god", they're all dead.

I am alive.

I will die one day, too, but I have an autobiography of My Life.

You can know for certain exactly what I have said.

You can watch videos of Me, and see what I look like, what I talk like, you can listen to some of My prophecies, you can learn empirical facts about Me, etc..

I will be recorded forever. Its a fact that I am alive, and its a fact that I am a real person; born of mother Mary.

Its a fact that My Name is "George Manuel Oliveira".

Its a fact that My Name means "Farmer God is with us, olive tree."

Its a fact that the Bible mentions the olive tree many times, if you read, "Romans 11:16-26".

Its a fact that Jesus (allegedly) said that he would have a "NEW NAME", if you read "Revelation 3:12".

Its a fact that My mothers name is "Mary".

Its a fact that My initals are GMO, for George Manuel Oliveira.

Its a fact that GMO stands for "Genetically Modified Organism".

Its a fact that My initials, GMO, backwards is OMG.

Its a fact that OMG stands for "O My God".

Its a fact that My dads name is Nuno.

Its a fact that the name Nuno, sounds exactly like saying the words "knew no".

Its known that "Mary knew no man". If you use semantics, that sounds exactly like saying, "Mary... Nuno- man".

I have a myraid amount of facts about Myself.

I am not even showing you all the Bible stories that I have fulfilled.

And My prophecies, and My prophecies are great too.

If I am ever the King of the world, I will have My own global online government. And the people of the world will take the place of the politicians, and the whole world can vote from their computers. My government is the apex of politics.

I could go on why I believe in Myself.

But, I am just a humble person with no power to implement My plans. Its all good in theory, but I am not a lawmaker or politician.

I blog on the internet to try and reach people that can help Me, and the rest of the world.

But, no, no one needs to believe in Me.

I am Blessed!

Can anyone debunk anything I just said? If not, why don't you believe in Me?

i thought RF people had told you that these are facts but ....youve got a hat to prove it i know George blah blah

these are irelavant facts with link to u being Christ.......pointless truth, means NOTHING!!

take your meds George:)
i thought RF people had told you that these are facts but ....youve got a hat to prove it i know George blah blah

these are irelavant facts with link to u being Christ.......pointless truth, means NOTHING!!

take your meds George:)

This is your opinion.

Do you know what they say about opinions?

They say, "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one".

My facts about Myself are not irrelevant.

This is your opinion.

Do you know what they say about opinions?

They say, "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one".

My facts about Myself are not irrelevant.

why am i an asshole George when iv tryed REPEATEDLY to help you with ....well....everything!!

iv been nice and understanding to you ...........and you've let the WHOLE WORLD down by not delivering.

your not Christ George, and everybody EVERYBODY!!! knows this as a fact <<<< a true fact ;)

take your meds George or snap out of this madness and confusion in your mind

sit in a dark room for an hour, just you and your might hear your thoughts the way we do ....insane.

where ever you see your self in 20 years ...... Isn't going to happen unless you see your sanity.

good luck, you fucking need it .

Ps....thanks for being our savior........asshole!!