White people, particularly men:

says the guy who jut got caught lying his retarded ass off.

You're not smart enough to catch me doing anything.

You must really have a shitty life. You seem jealous because others didn't make the same poor decisions you did. Just keep in mind that opportunity squandered is only your fault.

Now I think I'll get my black ass up and go pick up some white chicks at the brasserie. The French girls like me for some reason.
You're not smart enough to catch me doing anything.

You must really have a shitty life. You seem jealous because others didn't make the same poor decisions you did. Just keep in mind that opportunity squandered is only your fault.

Now I think I'll get my black ass up and go pick up some white chicks at the brasserie. The French girls like me for some reason.

yeah, i'm sure you will.


All moochers on society will be either deported or shot. It pisses me off that I get up everyday and go to work so the God damn government can give my money away to pieces of shit that contribute nothing.

you need to work on that homicidal rage of yours, vanilla face!
Such a waste of all these threads, race race race thats all people on her result to after couple discussions...

White kid and black kid adopted by the same parents, you ask them each the same question and im sure theyll give you same answer. If people whatever the race could be raised without some asshole older parent ect, spewing shit in there ear bout why they CANT make it. How would they ever do so?

You think a white family that lives in a black majority community doesnt ever get racist slurs or singled out for being white?

Theres race on all ends of the spectrum. How about making a post on racism happening more often everyday towards middle eastern folk.

Stop bitching about how your skin color is holding you back and grow up, work and have ambition. Add some life direction and some goals. THATS FOR ANY RACE.

Theres black successful people everywhere. Albiet obama doesnt cry himself to sleep knowing TON of amercians talk shit about him everyday.

If people cannot handle what comes out of another persons mouth than they have some soul searching to do. Alittle self confidence will go a long way.
You're not smart enough to catch me doing anything.

You must really have a shitty life. You seem jealous because others didn't make the same poor decisions you did. Just keep in mind that opportunity squandered is only your fault.

Now I think I'll get my black ass up and go pick up some white chicks at the brasserie. The French girls like me for some reason.

What is that in your avatar??? It looks like a weather balloon.
What is that in your avatar??? It looks like a weather balloon.