I can't even stand to be in the same structure as a dead body...they freak me the fuck out.I knew a guy whose uncle was a mortician...he helped him sometimes...he said the bodies move and twitch and sit up and groan and belch and fart...TO HELL with that!
Doesn't sound too far off from life with Mr.Pooks now lol! Anyway the dead don't bother me,the live ones you got to watch out for.:blsmoke:
Yeah, they dad died when I was 11.I remember my brother tried to make me touch my dad's body in the coffin...I started to freak and my mom made him stop.
my brother died several months ago and I had to go to the hospital and identify the body. I touched him and never ever again will I do that....
someone left me that rep associated to this thread and im trying to figure out how it relates the current discussion:confused: or if i offended somebody

click the name of the thread in the rep and it will take you to the repped post.

wasabi pea time. i love eating until i cry.