Islam can dish it out, but can't take it


Well-Known Member
You know the lawsuit basis, threatened only, against FOX, by the Mayor of Paris?

No you don't.


Well-Known Member
You know the lawsuit basis, threatened only, against FOX, by the Mayor of Paris?

No you don't.
So, no you have no idea what moon you bark at do you? There is a law, almost unique to France, which has no freedom of speech and already had a bunch of bullshit baked in after 5 Constitution in 200 years.

It is illegal to to Insult the honor of France, its Citizens or Paris.

So, this is what Fox apologized for. There will be no lawsuit, with international standing. It is all bs, politics of don't blame the Muslims.


Well-Known Member
@Doer why are you quoting and debating yourself
It isn't a debate. You just make stuff up to ask stupid questions. I asked you, and everyone else if you know.the basis. You remained the dumb mute.

So, I ignored the truly ignorant here, and answered the question.

And you call that a debate. What is wrong with you? You seem a bit slow.


Well-Known Member
It isn't a debate. You just make stuff up to ask stupid questions. I asked you, and everyone else if you know.the basis. You remained the dumb mute.

So, I ignored the truly ignorant here, and answered the question.

And you call that a debate. What is wrong with you? You seem a bit slow.
The Mayor was going to sue Fox because of the lies it kept trying to spread about the city. pretty much slander.
Why are you helping spread these lies.