The Drunk Thread!

that song during the trailer is so fucking good.

things arerough so getting drunk now
just ran into grant rrom a copy of the new cd
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Here I go, all you cunts.I work up this morning, all I had in the fridge were 4 bottles of Magners Irish Pear Cider, ( My wife drinks that piss) I had 1 half a can of Fosters laying around, and some coffee from the day before. Fuck, I say's to myself. So, I drank the 1/2 of Fosters (Amazing how long it stay's palatable) and made some breakfast for my kid, before he went to school. Put him on the bus, went back inside. I then drank the Magners. Start of a bad day?
This is my drunking story of the day.(I forgot to smoke), so far.
It's early yet, though.
Do you think this is a bad way to live (my son loves me)
Lol never seen that one, but I'm a full grown man. I'm a a hoochie coochie man, I'm a MANE!
If you are ever bored, stoned(optional), watch some classics for the sake of our generation. Jeremiah Johnson, Full Metal Jacket, Platoon, 1941, Andy Griffith Show, I'm not sure where to end.

We should have a thread for classic films people should watch.