Islam can dish it out, but can't take it

Rob Roy is a lolbertarian so unraveling his convoluted bullshit might seem like distortion, but only because of the oxymoronic nature of lolbertarianism.

Says the "Anarchist" that rationalizes why HE can get a government check, while advocating the abolition of that same central authority out of one side of his mouth, then chewing on some government cheese on the other side of his mouth.

If you want to "Abandon Conflict" you could at least be a little more consistent in practicing what you preach instead of being the one that seeks personal benefits from the use of the gun in the room.

What is so convoluted and funny about my being consistent with my distaste for the use of initiated force?

If you find consistency funny, I'm a gas.

If you advocate two sets of rules, one for you and one for other people to follow, (or else)... you're the joke.

If you advocate two sets of rules, one for you and one for other people to follow, (or else)... you're the joke.

Even the other right wingers think you're a utopian loon. Your entire argument against anarchism is an ad hom against me. I don't have a problem with you finding a way to stop supporting war like I did by not paying taxes. Just because you're jealous about it doesn't mean I am opposed to you gaining liberty.
Even the other right wingers think you're a utopian loon. Your entire argument against anarchism is an ad hom against me. I don't have a problem with you finding a way to stop supporting war like I did by not paying taxes. Just because you're jealous about it doesn't mean I am opposed to you gaining liberty.

No my argument isn't against Anarchy. It is against your pretending to be an Anarchist, all the while brushing the crumbs of the government cheese sandwich away from your mouth, while fiddling for a pen to cash your government check.

You could construe that as an attack on you, but if you can't recognize the inherent hypocrisy in failing to practice what you preach, you might reconsider how you define the term "loon".

If you don't like war, it's a reasonable assumption that is because you favor Peace. If you favor Peace, and then accept money TAKEN from others without their consent, you are pissing on Peace.

I'm not jealous of a hypocrite, there is no compelling reason for me to be.
Collecting a disability check: basically sexual assault.

Sexual assault and accepting money that was gotten thru coercive means both involve the use of non-defensive force don't they?

The term you are avoiding is "consent". That is what if it had been consensually given, in either case above would take the situation into a new meaning....but in BOTH cases it wasn't freely given was it?

Sex without consent is an assault. Taking money without the consent of the owner is an assault.

Nobody is saying you need to put a roll of quarters up your ass for them to have similar methods of how they are employed.

You really wish you were an Anarchist, maybe in YOUR head you are, but in the real world a person that puts gasoline on a fire isn't a fireman, he's an arsonist.
Collecting a disability check isn't rape. The same goes for having to sell things to black people.

Well, no shit.

However, using non defensive force in any instance... if you are raping somebody, stealing their money or being forced to associate with a person that smells like government cheese are all instances of the application of illegitimate force. In THAT way they are similar.

Also, you shouldn't store the quarters there, it will tarnish them.
It isn't pro-anarchism. It is only anti-me. That's cool though, haters gonna hate.

If you want to put out fires, stop adding wood to the pyre.

I don't hate you, I am against war. We both make that claim. One of us rationalizes some acts of initiated aggression, one of us doesn't.
If you want to put out fires, stop adding wood to the pyre.

I don't hate you, I am against war. We both make that claim. One of us rationalizes some acts of initiated aggression, one of us doesn't.

Collecting a disability check from veteran's affairs isn't an act of aggression idiot. Paying taxes to support war on the other hand...

Why do you support war, yet insist you don't?
You are the one who has been comparing those two things to rape for what may actually be years. Funny, in this post you acknowledge they are not alike (emphatically such that they are NOTHING alike) but then turn around and continue comparing them to rape. Then you make a sexual reference...

How is your being against war, advanced by your being for your receiving the spoils of war?

The sexual reference ? I'll see your roll of quarters and raise you a loon.
Collecting a disability check from veteran's affairs isn't an act of aggression idiot. Paying taxes to support war on the other hand...

Why do you support war, yet insist you don't?

It's funny that you call me an idiot, but can't see that your behavior is contradictory to what you preach.

I don't support war or theft of other peoples stuff.

The money you receive is not a result of a mutual interaction and exchange between two willing parties. You can wish that were not so, even call me a loon for pointing it out, but it doesn't change the fact.

I don't know why, but I can't help seeing "Red" from That 70s Show when I see the Chief of Defence Staff.


Apparently, the Prime Minister lied about what we're doing in Iraq.
Of course, it was not a lie, just the usual deceptive language of politics.
When is a lie not a lie?

Of course, it was not a lie, just the usual deceptive language of politics.
When is a lie not a lie?

Of course, it was not a lie, just the usual deceptive language of politics.

Wait a many lies deep are we at, now? 3...4 ?
Once they start layering them, it seems to compound the effect of obfuscation.
Says the "Anarchist" that rationalizes why HE can get a government check, while advocating the abolition of that same central authority out of one side of his mouth, then chewing on some government cheese on the other side of his mouth.

If you want to "Abandon Conflict" you could at least be a little more consistent in practicing what you preach instead of being the one that seeks personal benefits from the use of the gun in the room.

What is so convoluted and funny about my being consistent with my distaste for the use of initiated force?

If you find consistency funny, I'm a gas.

If you advocate two sets of rules, one for you and one for other people to follow, (or else)... you're the joke.


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