Can I switch LPs?

The Hippy

Well-Known Member

funny thing is, is it not illegal to make concentrates and edibles? Also if you used a tilray document, then you will need a new document..... I am with bedrocan, they are no better, the meds are mediocre and sometimes they are sold out...... Arughh F the MMPR.....
I'm with Tilray and got this* when they said it was a milled blend of flowers on their website. I called and learned it is leaf and stem. I would not have paid money for this. I cannot vape it, it's dust and scorches from the chlorophyll or whatever that grass smell is. I was registered by my doctor directly and want to know if I am allowed to switch providers. Thanks.

* See pic. Jar opening is 1-1/2"
OMG...pure trash from the can


Well-Known Member
easier said than done in a lot of cases...REALLY sucks!!
Not tryin to be a dick but why is it so hard to stop fukin with those rip off government sponsored pot sellers & just buy off the street ?
I mean what did Canadians do for weed before all this legalization shit started ?

Again im not trying to be an asshole i just truly dont understand , i know about being sick & needing product , my wife has severe MS a rely's heavily on pot & ive got a list of shit wrong with me that'd make ya puke so i know how it is .

I just dont get why any of you guys put up with paying outlandish prices , get total shit weed half the time , then to add insult to injury the rotten fucks charge you guys nearly $20 an ounce for shipping that should cost less than $3 ?

Where is the up side to how things have ended up with MMJ in Canada ? Just seems like you guys are gettin screwed royally at every turn , im a half hour from the Ambassador bridge & feel like standing at the border & hand out free zips of fire to Canadian patients .


Well-Known Member
Politics as usualy man. The Americans control our government with this Harper clown, and the Americans don't want Canada overgrowing them. The flip side is Canada grows literally the best weed in the world, medical or otherwise, and they're trying to kill that market so that the Americans can compete. Canada should be producing thousands of kilos of prime quality for dollars a gram, but we're stuck with microwaved 'legal' garbage'. I just buy from my buddy, who knows how to grow in his own small garden, fuck coporation.


Well-Known Member
It's about control panhead...the government doesn't want us to treat ourselves because they can't make a lot of money off it....they also don't believe in it's medicinal benefits because Harptler is a religious nut....and on and on ad nauseum...


Well-Known Member
Not tryin to be a dick but why is it so hard to stop fukin with those rip off government sponsored pot sellers & just buy off the street ?
I mean what did Canadians do for weed before all this legalization shit started ?

Again im not trying to be an asshole i just truly dont understand , i know about being sick & needing product , my wife has severe MS a rely's heavily on pot & ive got a list of shit wrong with me that'd make ya puke so i know how it is .

I just dont get why any of you guys put up with paying outlandish prices , get total shit weed half the time , then to add insult to injury the rotten fucks charge you guys nearly $20 an ounce for shipping that should cost less than $3 ?

Where is the up side to how things have ended up with MMJ in Canada ? Just seems like you guys are gettin screwed royally at every turn , im a half hour from the Ambassador bridge & feel like standing at the border & hand out free zips of fire to Canadian patients .
it's about being legal. i have a DG who is ready to throw the switch but won't until the Government OK's it. otherwise they could be thrown in jail....or have to pay thousands in lawyer bills and have the equipment gone/wrecked. it's really messed up. if you read about the injunction, the judge intentionally left out 2 of the Plaintiffs for relief because their licenses expired but Health Canada wasn't renewing them with any sort of changes after October's a real mess & makes you scratch your head asking "where is the common sense here?"
i really think that if one of the judges or politicians needed MMJ, a new light would be shining but since it's all "demon weed" they will never change.
how can either country classify MJ as class 1-no medical use-yet have medical MMJ that messes with my mind!


Well-Known Member
It's about control panhead...the government doesn't want us to treat ourselves because they can't make a lot of money off it....they also don't believe in it's medicinal benefits because Harptler is a religious nut....and on and on ad nauseum...
wait until someone in his family or close circle need it, then his opinion will change!


Well-Known Member
wait until someone in his family or close circle need it, then his opinion will change!
Boy aint that the truth , im guilty of this as well , even though i grew pot for decades i never ever believed it had any real medical benifits & woulda argued with anybody saying it had medical value , when my wife was diagnosed with Multiple Scleurosis she got on the pill merry go round with the doctors .

She has muscle spasms so bad it looks like she's having a seizure , she was a school teacher so using MJ was out , our bulldogs started noticing warning signs of when she was getting ready to have tremors & spasms , she'd get real quiet & real still then a tear or two would drop out of her left eye , allways the left eye , after the tears we had about 5 minutes till she started shaking herself to pieces , in that time our pooch named Adof would flip out & run around while the other pooch named " Hoss " would sit at her feet & place his head in her lap & stare at me until she seized , he wouldnt leave her side until she was finished having the attack & regained her thought process & focus , if i tried makin him move he'd bite me .

She would tell me that it felt like the room was spinning 100 mph before an attack & durring the attacks.

All i could do was hold her tight & try n get muscle relaxers into her before she lost the ability to talk or swallow , muscle relaxers were worthless & did NOTHING to lesson the severity of her tremors or spasms .

One day were both sittin on the sofa in our theater room getting ready to watch a movie , i light up a doob while im digging out the movie when i look over & lil Hoss has his head on her lap so i know its comming , her pills were on the 3rd floor in the gun safe so i said FUCK IT TAKE A TOKE OF THIS ! & had her smoke one puff after another until she wolfed down about half the joint in 2 minutes , i roll fattys so she smoked atleast a gram .

So im expecting to see her start shaking all over & seizing up at any second , instead she started talking & said the room wasn't spinning anymore & she felt normal , a few seconds later the pooch Hoss took off & grabbed his squeeky toy & started playing , we watched 2 movies that night & she had no tremors or spasms .

The next day i told her i was gonna try medicating her with my pot vs the pills & she agreed , she knew something happened when she hogged down that joint , we started keeping pre rolls in every room & whenever she feels strange she starts smoking as fast as possible before she's not able to use her hands .

If we catch it in time & she gets enough in her using pot has taken away roughly 75% of her muscle spasms , the tremors will stop 90% of the time & in the 10% where it dont stop the tremors it decreases the severity of the tremors .

I woulda argued with anybody that pot was worthless as a medicine until my loved one had great success treating herself with it , now i keep joints in every room , fridge full of medibles as well as hash & keif on hand at all times for her , all 3 of her doctors approve of her using Medical Mj .

Ive told that story in front of the Detroit City council as well as the Flint City council when they were deciding the fate of dispensarys , i brought my wife with me both times so they could see exactly who med mj was helping .

I hope your law makers dig their heads out their asses & figure out the simplest way to profit from med mj , which is allowing private enterprise to open dispensaries without complicated & expensive fee's , then tax all med mj sales .


Well-Known Member
This is a multi million dollar game....and you have to cough it up before you even get approved to plant 1 seed. There are 15 licenced producers and maybe 3 have put out anything of note...then you might not get the same quality with the next order....and these outfits are expanding.....everyone knows this system is not for sick people.


Well-Known Member
Boy aint that the truth , im guilty of this as well , even though i grew pot for decades i never ever believed it had any real medical benifits & woulda argued with anybody saying it had medical value , when my wife was diagnosed with Multiple Scleurosis she got on the pill merry go round with the doctors .

She has muscle spasms so bad it looks like she's having a seizure , she was a school teacher so using MJ was out , our bulldogs started noticing warning signs of when she was getting ready to have tremors & spasms , she'd get real quiet & real still then a tear or two would drop out of her left eye , allways the left eye , after the tears we had about 5 minutes till she started shaking herself to pieces , in that time our pooch named Adof would flip out & run around while the other pooch named " Hoss " would sit at her feet & place his head in her lap & stare at me until she seized , he wouldnt leave her side until she was finished having the attack & regained her thought process & focus , if i tried makin him move he'd bite me .

She would tell me that it felt like the room was spinning 100 mph before an attack & durring the attacks.

All i could do was hold her tight & try n get muscle relaxers into her before she lost the ability to talk or swallow , muscle relaxers were worthless & did NOTHING to lesson the severity of her tremors or spasms .

One day were both sittin on the sofa in our theater room getting ready to watch a movie , i light up a doob while im digging out the movie when i look over & lil Hoss has his head on her lap so i know its comming , her pills were on the 3rd floor in the gun safe so i said FUCK IT TAKE A TOKE OF THIS ! & had her smoke one puff after another until she wolfed down about half the joint in 2 minutes , i roll fattys so she smoked atleast a gram .

So im expecting to see her start shaking all over & seizing up at any second , instead she started talking & said the room wasn't spinning anymore & she felt normal , a few seconds later the pooch Hoss took off & grabbed his squeeky toy & started playing , we watched 2 movies that night & she had no tremors or spasms .

The next day i told her i was gonna try medicating her with my pot vs the pills & she agreed , she knew something happened when she hogged down that joint , we started keeping pre rolls in every room & whenever she feels strange she starts smoking as fast as possible before she's not able to use her hands .

If we catch it in time & she gets enough in her using pot has taken away roughly 75% of her muscle spasms , the tremors will stop 90% of the time & in the 10% where it dont stop the tremors it decreases the severity of the tremors .

I woulda argued with anybody that pot was worthless as a medicine until my loved one had great success treating herself with it , now i keep joints in every room , fridge full of medibles as well as hash & keif on hand at all times for her , all 3 of her doctors approve of her using Medical Mj .

Ive told that story in front of the Detroit City council as well as the Flint City council when they were deciding the fate of dispensarys , i brought my wife with me both times so they could see exactly who med mj was helping .

I hope your law makers dig their heads out their asses & figure out the simplest way to profit from med mj , which is allowing private enterprise to open dispensaries without complicated & expensive fee's , then tax all med mj sales .
as bad as your story is, it's good to see people "seeing" the medicinal value. it works wonders on all kinds of stuff. my wife got off ALL the narcs thanks to MMJ. my mom is a nurse & hated the stuff-still does-but she can see that it helps people so her opinion is if it helps you & doesn't hurt you or anyone else, why not. if it works better than the pills, do it.
i asked her if she got cancer would she try RSO fully expecting a glare & a flat out NO!....she said she would consider it. you could have knocked me over with a feather!


Well-Known Member
This is a multi million dollar game....and you have to cough it up before you even get approved to plant 1 seed. There are 15 licenced producers and maybe 3 have put out anything of note...then you might not get the same quality with the next order....and these outfits are expanding.....everyone knows this system is not for sick people.
it's for wallets only...and not ours!

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
as bad as your story is, it's good to see people "seeing" the medicinal value. it works wonders on all kinds of stuff. my wife got off ALL the narcs thanks to MMJ. my mom is a nurse & hated the stuff-still does-but she can see that it helps people so her opinion is if it helps you & doesn't hurt you or anyone else, why not. if it works better than the pills, do it.
i asked her if she got cancer would she try RSO fully expecting a glare & a flat out NO!....she said she would consider it. you could have knocked me over with a feather!
I worked with a guy that cured his cancer with hash oil (I refuse to call hash oil RSO...He didnt invent this)

He was eating 3, 500mg caps a day for just under a year. I believe it was cancer of the limp/lymph? nodes


Well-Known Member
That shit in the cup isnt fit to make cannabutter with like they claim .

Have the penalties for growing changed from what they were before any mj use was legal for any reason ?

What are the current penalties for running an underground grow op in Canada nowdays ?

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Boy aint that the truth , im guilty of this as well , even though i grew pot for decades i never ever believed it had any real medical benifits & woulda argued with anybody saying it had medical value , when my wife was diagnosed with Multiple Scleurosis she got on the pill merry go round with the doctors .

She has muscle spasms so bad it looks like she's having a seizure , she was a school teacher so using MJ was out , our bulldogs started noticing warning signs of when she was getting ready to have tremors & spasms , she'd get real quiet & real still then a tear or two would drop out of her left eye , allways the left eye , after the tears we had about 5 minutes till she started shaking herself to pieces , in that time our pooch named Adof would flip out & run around while the other pooch named " Hoss " would sit at her feet & place his head in her lap & stare at me until she seized , he wouldnt leave her side until she was finished having the attack & regained her thought process & focus , if i tried makin him move he'd bite me .

She would tell me that it felt like the room was spinning 100 mph before an attack & durring the attacks.

All i could do was hold her tight & try n get muscle relaxers into her before she lost the ability to talk or swallow , muscle relaxers were worthless & did NOTHING to lesson the severity of her tremors or spasms .

One day were both sittin on the sofa in our theater room getting ready to watch a movie , i light up a doob while im digging out the movie when i look over & lil Hoss has his head on her lap so i know its comming , her pills were on the 3rd floor in the gun safe so i said FUCK IT TAKE A TOKE OF THIS ! & had her smoke one puff after another until she wolfed down about half the joint in 2 minutes , i roll fattys so she smoked atleast a gram .

So im expecting to see her start shaking all over & seizing up at any second , instead she started talking & said the room wasn't spinning anymore & she felt normal , a few seconds later the pooch Hoss took off & grabbed his squeeky toy & started playing , we watched 2 movies that night & she had no tremors or spasms .

The next day i told her i was gonna try medicating her with my pot vs the pills & she agreed , she knew something happened when she hogged down that joint , we started keeping pre rolls in every room & whenever she feels strange she starts smoking as fast as possible before she's not able to use her hands .

If we catch it in time & she gets enough in her using pot has taken away roughly 75% of her muscle spasms , the tremors will stop 90% of the time & in the 10% where it dont stop the tremors it decreases the severity of the tremors .

I woulda argued with anybody that pot was worthless as a medicine until my loved one had great success treating herself with it , now i keep joints in every room , fridge full of medibles as well as hash & keif on hand at all times for her , all 3 of her doctors approve of her using Medical Mj .

Ive told that story in front of the Detroit City council as well as the Flint City council when they were deciding the fate of dispensarys , i brought my wife with me both times so they could see exactly who med mj was helping .

I hope your law makers dig their heads out their asses & figure out the simplest way to profit from med mj , which is allowing private enterprise to open dispensaries without complicated & expensive fee's , then tax all med mj sales .
Wow that's so great she had you to encourage her. Had to wipe a tear on that story. Very Happy for you both !
Another story of hope.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
That shit in the cup isnt fit to make cannabutter with like they claim .

Have the penalties for growing changed from what they were before any mj use was legal for any reason ?

What are the current penalties for running an underground grow op in Canada nowdays ?
Min 6 months in the canfor over 5 plants, even if your medical and over your plant count it may trigger jail. The most lewdachris thing is they even count cuttings a a plant.


Well-Known Member
That shit in the cup isnt fit to make cannabutter with like they claim .

Have the penalties for growing changed from what they were before any mj use was legal for any reason ?

What are the current penalties for running an underground grow op in Canada nowdays ?
@The Hippy is right.. Mandatory minimum.. No questions asked. Also 6 months for every ounce of dried marijuana. Mandatory. I think most would fight their asses off in court..especially if you have a medical need accompanied by a doctors note.