packing tubes?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I usually do the long soak method when doing a BHO extraction. Imma try doing a tube extraction and was wondering how packed are your tubes? Are they loosely packed or packed very hard? Thanks everyone!
I lean on the ram, but don't pound.

I average about 4.1 gms/cubic inch using material with about a 10% water content, that has been run through a 10 mesh strainer.

Less for packed buds, but I use 4.1 as an anchor point to have a general idea of how much a column of a given size will hold.

If you calculate volume of a sanitary column, consider that the size given is OD, so you have to subtract the wall thickness first.

For instance, a 4" column with an .083 wall would have a internal capacity of 416 cubic inches, not the 452 cubic inches a 4" ID tube would have.
Curious about your tube, if you're using a CLS there's always a flood method which I find to be a good compromise. Good even coverage of the buds for the most part but still a moving process not a soak.

I typically use a dowel rod just slightly smaller than the tube itself and try to evenly pack with a gentle drop of the rod.
Curious about your tube, if you're using a CLS there's always a flood method which I find to be a good compromise. Good even coverage of the buds for the most part but still a moving process not a soak.

I typically use a dowel rod just slightly smaller than the tube itself and try to evenly pack with a gentle drop of the rod.

Hard to beat the even wetting flooding from the bottom.

I like to flood from the bottom and once the column over flows, dump it and rinse from the top.

If you leave your dump valve open until you recover to -10" between floods, it will keep the material at freezing without soaking.