My first home built (pics)


Active Member
Just going to stick to CFL's just it's cheap and i am only doing it for the simple enjoyment, the guy at my shop said that they don't produce much heat! i don't live in a hot climate really anyway lol (UK). i was thinking of investing in a couple of fans but not sure, cause it would mean cutting more holes etc and it's pretty hard to do without a jig-saw lol.

I am not starting to grow them like for a month.. just waiting for some shit to settle.. etc.

Are CFL's really all thath bad? i am a noob remember!


Active Member
Yeah i am only trying to at least complete a full grow, so i am trying to keep things slow and simple for starters, take time to gather information before each step you know?

Like a freshers course. If i ever get the money the space or the time to get like a proper sweet set up then or even a better one then yeah sure.

BUt for now it basics basics basics, easyiest way to learn! can't get caught out as much.....


Well-Known Member
the highest wattage cfl's i've found in sunny england is 30w but the cool white one's seem to b a bit more exspensive but i found a web site that sell just about any bulb but the cfl's r still only 30w.the web site is called lampspec
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Well-Known Member
What light are you using?

I would suggest a 4 lamp 24" fluorescent that you could change lamps color 2700k for flower and 6500k for veg nice and cool and as much light as you could handle in that small area
Budget sounds like a problem for him if you read earlier in his post. I have dropped a couple thousand in my grow room even with alot of DIY, but $150 for a t5 light may be out of his budget. Personally I prefer t5 > cfl anyday for long run cost analysis and efficiency, but for this grow he wants to get by on the cheap. He could go with shoplights that use t8's and get 2700k + 6500k for about $50 total or stick to his original CFL plan and spend similar money.



Well-Known Member
Budget sounds like a problem for him if you read earlier in his post. I have dropped a couple thousand in my grow room even with alot of DIY, but $150 for a t5 light may be out of his budget. Personally I prefer t5 > cfl anyday for long run cost analysis and efficiency, but for this grow he wants to get by on the cheap. He could go with shoplights that use t8's and get 2700k + 6500k for about $50 total or stick to his original CFL plan and spend similar money.


I dig the idea of T5's. But cost (outlay) MH is looking good. (both about the same)
MH will toss more light too.

The t5's will spread its light better.

I think I'm going T5 for veg anyways.
(Or just shop lights)


Active Member
:peace:I am deciding to go with a 125w CFL blue for vg and red for flowering, the grow box is only, Remeber i am UK, 700mm wide, 400mm deep and 1000mm tall, so that would be more than enough light for 3-4 plants?? Budget is now definatly a factor, my old car fucked and had to get a new one so that kinnda slapt me in the wallet and i felt it :cry:

But got a B-Day coming up might get some cash to help fund the Grow! lol, Guess what i bought with that money nana!?



Well-Known Member
:peace:I am deciding to go with a 125w CFL blue for vg and red for flowering, the grow box is only, Remeber i am UK, 700mm wide, 400mm deep and 1000mm tall, so that would be more than enough light for 3-4 plants?? Budget is now definatly a factor, my old car fucked and had to get a new one so that kinnda slapt me in the wallet and i felt it :cry:

But got a B-Day coming up might get some cash to help fund the Grow! lol, Guess what i bought with that money nana!?

i my self have been using that light,, was doing fine for me with 4 plants ,, but wasent able to fin the grow :( any way,, from my exp was ok for 4weeks and looked health,, happy growing and birthday :)


Active Member
i my self have been using that light,, was doing fine for me with 4 plants ,, but wasent able to fin the grow :( any way,, from my exp was ok for 4weeks and looked health,, happy growing and birthday :)
Yeah?! well that settles it! 125w CFL here i come! Thanks had a hell of a Bday! out with the lads! there was weed a plenty!

good shit dude going to take sum advise from your pics good grow
Happy to help mate if you've got any questions just ask away!


Active Member
As the date that i'am going to start my grow comes closer, i am starting to look at my box and think that, like suggested, the fan may not be sufficient to pull enough air. I am UK so my dimensions are in mm so try to keep up. it's 400x700x1000 and the fans spec is.

Fan dimension 80 x 80 x 25mm
Fan speed 1800 R.P.M.
Fan airflow 21.15 CFM
Fan air pressure 1.49mm H20
Fan life expectancy 80000/hrs
Bearing type Twin Ball Bearing
Voltage rating 12V
Noise level 18.08 dB(A)

do i need a few more?? the fans are like £5.00 so i am ok buying 2 maybe 3? Let me know as i'll need to buy, build and clean before the big day lol!


Active Member
Pacman123, and anyone else interested, in how i built my box........

I regret not taking bit by bit photos but to late so i will try to best describe how i built the box with tweaked photos and a few odd sketches. used paint so....... pretty weak lol

I will use the dimensions that i used purely as an example but as the design of the box is quite simple it is easily made taller, wider, deeper depending completly on your own needs etc.

The process of building the box is simple but if you have any questions let me know i have 4 years of experience under my belt of the construction industry as a site supervisor and know alot about various trades, there's a saying in england it goes, "jack of all trades, Master of none" i kinnda fall into that lol. I use mm in UK but i will put (in) dimensions in (brackets).


I measured the area in which the grow box was going to be placed. To get a fair idea of how big the box could be.

my box is measured at 700mm (27.5in) wide, i decided that 400mm (15.7in) was sufficient depth and finally there is a window directly above it and the cill hieght is 1100mm (43.3in) so i decided that i would try to hide it so i madie it 1000mm (39.3in)

So we have our dimensions. we need our wood, I spent ages on my design but could only assume that building a full frame would only result in shadows being cast as the frame would stick out! so i went for 4No lengths of MDF as supports that the sides are all simply screwed to., I know MDF is banned in USA but there are other alternatives! Just ask at local timber yard, I'd stay away from questions like what wood do you recommend for grow box?? Make sure you try to match my dimensions properly as it helps when coming to making your box light tight :-? yip! thats what i meant. they were 1000mm long (39.3in) 25mm (1in) deep and 125mm wide (4.9in) these are our main "supports".
the other wood i used was 10mm thick ply wood 6 sheets at different sizes, they were to suit the dimensions i first measured but here's a reminder, 2 @ 1000mm (39.3in) x 700mm (27.5in) for door and back.2 @ 400mm (15.7in) x 1000mm (39.3in) for left and right side. 2 @ 700mm (27.5in) x 400mm (15.7in) for Top and bottom and finally if you look at the photo there are two strips of thin hard wood, this is 25mm x 30mm (1in x 1.5in) and used only on the door to fill the central gap again helping to make your box light tight! I am not sure on the lengths as it all depends on your workmanship, so recommending getting at least 1400mm (55in) as i also used two legths as little feet (see photo) The different types of wood are highlighted i won't insult your intellagence any more i am sure you can tell which is which!?

The best way to build it is to build the sides,then the back fixed on the tops and bottoms the hardwood light stoppers or whatever and finally the door. see sketchs so you can see how the sides are built as these are the main parts. you have to keep in mind as well that you will be fixing the majority of the screws in the same wood for a different part so save space for the top and bottom when screwing as you may strike a screw so it won't hold properly also screwing straight in to ply wood will split it so if you've got the paitence drill a small pilot hole before you screw, this is threw both the ply and support so the screw does not split the support as well! Also the hardwood is better glued on as screwing it will surely split it!

Make sure when constructing the box all sides of the wood are in line, and "flush" making for a nice soild construction. There a few sketches of how you should fix it are shown below there pretty shit but hey there right!

the reason i could'nt hinge off the side of my box for the door was that i used garden gate hinges and they were two thin and could not accomodate the thickness of the ply i was using for the door. they are better as they can support the weight of the ply better than a cupboard hinge would from a DIY shop.

so what i did was fix two blocks of wood to the side of the box so that it would be "flush" with the thickness of the door this enabled me to fix the hinges to these and then to the door see the last sketch for a better description, i will post photos when i get some batteries for me camera! my phone just cant get clear photos, keep dropping it and a think i've scratched the camera lens.

I've also got a great way of how to cut a hole for your fan if you don't or cant get a jigsaw or if your scared to asked for a lend of one. See the last sketch it kinnda explains step by step in that sketch. but still if you have any questions let me know. You will need a Drill and a 10mm drill bit, a Box CPU fan (any size it will work as long as it is a Box fan, mine is 80x80), pencil and hacksaw blade! not the whole saw! you'll when you look at the sketch.

I am sorry i waffled on abit i got carried away i hope this will help people. If your unsure about things then ask me questions, and if you've got anything to say about my description then let me know!

I was reading back over that and thought Flush was the wrong term to use on this site lol, all it means is that the wood's edges will lie along each other forming a smooth edge. or a "flush" edge. just though i better clear that up! ;)


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