making cannabutter for brownies. should i decarb first? help please!


New Member
Okay so i am new to cannabutter and decarbing. I feel overloaded with different information. I want a guide on a process that won't take longer than a couple hours to do if possible. Should i decarb the bud before making cannabutter? What's the space for mistakes when decarbing? And a good way to make the cannabutter would be appreciated! Thanks for any help!
I may be wrong but I think de-carb is essentially drying. I use dry trim. Simmer your material (barely bubbling) on low for 45 minutes, strain it out. You're done.
I may be wrong but I think de-carb is essentially drying. I use dry trim. Simmer your material (barely bubbling) on low for 45 minutes, strain it out. You're done.
Just wondering. Whats better making the butter with double broiler or just adding the butter and bud right over the stove in the pot? And is it a good idea to add water? Sorry Im New at this! And when it's over the stove dies that cunt for decarbing or should i do that in the oven first?
Just don't over heat it. I just use a pan. I used to add water but then you gotta freeze it and separate it later. I also used to use my juicer to strain it out, but that can get messy. Now I use a metal strainer for the bulk and then squeeze the leftovers in cheesecloth or something similar. Mind you it has cooled off somewhat at this point. Lots of goodness will be in that leftover material. Your house will stink.
from what ive read decarbing is the proper way of activating the thc. i just made butter from 40gs of trim and didnt feel shit. i decarbed for 20mins at 220, let it sit with door open for 10mins then cooked it in crockpot with 1lb butter for 4hrs and then strained and cooled. I let it dry, and made cookies and didnt feel anything. wasnt happy i spent all my trim on that. my roommate who has a tolerance of a newbie, didnt even feel anything either. the butter surely smelled like weed. dont get what i did wrong. i know i have a very high tolerance but my roommate is K.O.d on 2 hits usually.
Just don't over heat it. I just use a pan. I used to add water but then you gotta freeze it and separate it later. I also used to use my juicer to strain it out, but that can get messy. Now I use a metal strainer for the bulk and then squeeze the leftovers in cheesecloth or something similar. Mind you it has cooled off somewhat at this point. Lots of goodness will be in that leftover material. Your house will stink.
Should i decarb the bud first? Or
just go straight to the pan with butter and water? I feel like using water Klingon give me a better chance of bit running it my first time.
from what ive read decarbing is the proper way of activating the thc. i just made butter from 40gs of trim and didnt feel shit. i decarbed for 20mins at 220, let it sit with door open for 10mins then cooked it in crockpot with 1lb butter for 4hrs and then strained and cooled. I let it dry, and made cookies and didnt feel anything. wasnt happy i spent all my trim on that. my roommate who has a tolerance of a newbie, didnt even feel anything either. the butter surely smelled like weed. dont get what i did wrong. i know i have a very high tolerance but my roommate is K.O.d on 2 hits usually.
Have you made butter before? Was the crock too hot? i would like to decarb to get the full effect but i don't wanna ruin all the bud
crock was on low/simmer so i know i never burnt it. I used 1.5cups of water aswell to have as a slight buffer since they just seperate upon cooling anyway.

not sure what I did wrong.
cooking the stuff at all is already doing the process of decarboxylation. When you make the butter, you are already doing it. I can't see why a separate decarb process would be worthwhile or quicker. I just cook the stuff in water and butter for about 3-4 hours. Other people do it much longer. Some people do it for less time. nobody really knows the best option. We are all just guessing.

method that has never failed me is:

low simmer the cannabis in water for about an hour.
melt in the butter and continue cooking on relatively low heat, for a further 2 or more hours.
pour everything in a bowl/container and leave to cool.
scrape the butter off when solidified. A freezer can make this part much easier.
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I've never actually used trim, i hash out my trim then make butter. Just dissolve the hash into the butter and simmer for a while. never done anything else. Last batch worked out to about .5G's hash per cookie and knocked heavy smokers down, but it was a stuff.
I've never actually used trim, i hash out my trim then make butter. Just dissolve the hash into the butter and simmer for a while. never done anything else. Last batch worked out to about .5G's hash per cookie and knocked heavy smokers down, but it was a stuff.
Hash butter is awesome. However .5 is. Huge dose! That's a super active dose for just buds. .1 or .2 of hash should be equivalent to .5 of buds. Did you decarb your hash. It's even more important in hash edibles than bud.

Okay so i am new to cannabutter and decarbing. I feel overloaded with different information. I want a guide on a process that won't take longer than a couple hours to do if possible. Should i decarb the bud before making cannabutter? What's the space for mistakes when decarbing? And a good way to make the cannabutter would be appreciated! Thanks for any help!

Also to the op.
decarb does happen slightly during cure process
However. For edible we must fully decarb because it will never be activated by a lighter(like smoked buds). 125 for 45 minutes is my method. But usually do a qp or so at a time so could be less with smaller amounts.

Also. After buds are decarb we want 208f for extended time to transfer into butter/oil. If useing butter always clarify first. IMO coconut oil is by far superior to butter.

Set a double boiler because adding water directly into oil and bud will change molecular makeup. The h2o will make it much more difficult for thc and others to transfer to fatty substances.

Crock pots can work. But often remove much impurities and the edibles Taste like ass.

So best method nice and easy
1. Decarb
2. Double boiler set up with butter/ oil
3. Add decarbed product to simmering double boiler. I use w candy thermoset and when the temp gets to 210 I continue for 4 hours.

4. Strain through cheesecloth.
5. And like magic the best medicine is ready! Use right away or store in refrigerator.

Good luck. Medibles are amazing. Active doses for my recipe are .5 grams.
Hash butter is awesome. However .5 is. Huge dose! That's a super active dose for just buds. .1 or .2 of hash should be equivalent to .5 of buds. Did you decarb your hash. It's even more important in hash edibles than bud.

Decarb? IDK..this thread is the first I've ever heard of It's been awhile since we've done it, my buddy actually figured out the process, I'm too lazy, I'd just smoke the hash....whatever we did it worked. My mother, who never uses, ate one of the cookies thinking they were just chocolate chip, after i told her not to and they were labeled what they were - big letters "HASH COOKIES" ....she didn't leave the couch for 6 hours.
Decarb? IDK..this thread is the first I've ever heard of It's been awhile since we've done it, my buddy actually figured out the process, I'm too lazy, I'd just smoke the hash....whatever we did it worked. My mother, who never uses, ate one of the cookies thinking they were just chocolate chip, after i told her not to and they were labeled what they were - big letters "HASH COOKIES" ....she didn't leave the couch for 6 hours.
Yes. Hash medibles are awesome. However. I still think .5 grams is an epic dose. Even fur a veteran smoker. .2 max should be enough to put your mother under for 24h
Unless you bake for an hour or more decarbing isn't going happen during baking. 250° for 25-30 minutes until out-gassing stops is a full decarboxillation. Some 80% of the THC in a plant is not decarbed and eating it will do little to nothing. My brownies reach 220° or less after 25 minutes at 350°, with the temperature probe exposed, so it was probably less.
Unless you bake for an hour or more decarbing isn't going happen during baking. 250° for 25-30 minutes until out-gassing stops is a full decarboxillation. Some 80% of the THC in a plant is not decarbed and eating it will do little to nothing. My brownies reach 220° or less after 25 minutes at 350°, with the temperature probe exposed, so it was probably less.
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Awesome chart. I think I could decarb longer after looking because unusually make cookies that make in 12 minutes. Thanks for sharing!