FIRST GROW! CFL and LED in 2x2x4 tent

Day 4 .This one is growing fast! Her sister not so much. I kinda dug in there to see what was going on and the seed looks like it set its tap root, but no sprout. I have them under 2 cfl and my 180w led 18 inches away. Is this too much light do you think? Seems the sprout is super happy.
I have a question. I am using FFOF and their trio nutes. I also know this is a noob question but since I am almost to feeding. How do I test for ppms? Do i just balance the water out and use a tds meter in it before adding to the soil? Or is there a way to test the soil? I also know to dilute my nutes to a 1/4 at for the first week and work my way up to the full dose after a few weeks I guess I haven't read up on ppm until now. I know I am looking for a tds meter that measures ec and ppm. Do these testers work in soil and water? Help me out. I really don't know.. and I am concerned about it. I want everything to be right. Any advise would be great.


at a young age, they don't need intense light, but using cfls, thats almost impossible to do. don't keep them so far away that they stretch but close enough to feed them. probably about 3 or 4 inches. once they put out their first true leaves, you can feed and intensify the light around 1 to 3 inches. Idk about LED


i use FFOF and the trio also. My water is perfect right out of the tap as far a PH goes. Add the FF trio and nothing changes. Tested my runoff, nothing changed. i quit ph'ing and i have no signs of stress