Empirical proof that I am indeed George Manuel Oliveira!

No, My mother is Mary.

Almost everyone knows that Mary is known as "the mother of God."

And My dads name is Nuno.

The name "Nuno" sounds exactly like saying the words "knew no".

It is known that "Mary knew no man." But if you use semantics, that sounds exactly like saying, "Mary... Nuno- man".

Does everyone follow so far?

The next two sentences sound exactly the same:

Mary knew no man.

Mary... Nuno- man.

My mother was not a vigin when I was concieved, but "Mary... Nuno- man".

Its an almost 2,000 year old hint to My dads name.

Mary is My mother, and Nuno is My father.

"Mary knew no man", sounds exactly like saying "Mary... Nuno- man."

It makes sense to Me.

Do you guys follow?

I am named after a certain arch angel, you dont see me claiming to be divine.

you need to take a serious look at yourself and realize

you are, without a shadow of a doubt, completely insane, please, i beg of you, find help.

I had to tell you that after reading that post or i wouldn't of been able to sleep at night
Fanatic Narcissist: "An individual whose self-esteem was severely arrested during childhood, who usually displays major paranoid tendencies, and who holds on to an illusion of omnipotence. These people are fighting delusions of insignificance and lost value, and trying to re-establish their self-esteem through grandiose fantasies and self-reinforcement. When unable to gain recognition or support from others, they take on the role of a heroic or worshipped person with a grandiose mission."

You fit the bill Perfectly Georgie
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And this is why its so important that I empirically prove that I am "George Manuel Oliveira". I am basing My novel Spirituality off of Myself, science, logic, prophecy, etc..

You should only believe in Me after you see My facts, My evidence, My prophecies, the Bible stories that I have fulfilled, and also after you get to know Me, etc..

I am not a cult leader, so I could care less who believes in Me. Its not like I am trying to start a cult, I just want to be known and respected.

Its a fact that I am alive right now.

Its not a fact that any major religion has their prophet alive.

For example; Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Moses, or any alleged "god", they're all dead.

I am alive.

I will die one day, too, but I have an autobiography of My Life.

You can know for certain exactly what I have said.

You can watch videos of Me, and see what I look like, what I talk like, you can listen to some of My prophecies, you can learn empirical facts about Me, etc..

I will be recorded forever. Its a fact that I am alive, and its a fact that I am a real person; born of mother Mary.

Its a fact that My Name is "George Manuel Oliveira".

Its a fact that My Name means "Farmer God is with us, olive tree."

Its a fact that the Bible mentions the olive tree many times, if you read, "Romans 11:16-26".

Its a fact that Jesus (allegedly) said that he would have a "NEW NAME", if you read "Revelation 3:12".

Its a fact that My mothers name is "Mary".

Its a fact that My initals are GMO, for George Manuel Oliveira.

Its a fact that GMO stands for "Genetically Modified Organism".

Its a fact that My initials, GMO, backwards is OMG.

Its a fact that OMG stands for "O My God".

Its a fact that My dads name is Nuno.

Its a fact that the name Nuno, sounds exactly like saying the words "knew no".

Its known that "Mary knew no man". If you use semantics, that sounds exactly like saying, "Mary... Nuno- man".

I have a myraid amount of facts about Myself.

I am not even showing you all the Bible stories that I have fulfilled.

And My prophecies, and My prophecies are great too.

If I am ever the King of the world, I will have My own global online government. And the people of the world will take the place of the politicians, and the whole world can vote from their computers. My government is the apex of politics.

I could go on why I believe in Myself.

But, I am just a humble person with no power to implement My plans. Its all good in theory, but I am not a lawmaker or politician.

I blog on the internet to try and reach people that can help Me, and the rest of the world.

But, no, no one needs to believe in Me.

I am Blessed!

Can anyone debunk anything I just said? If not, why don't you believe in Me?

I haven't read the bible as much as you, however I went to catholic school for four years so I do know there is some things in the bible about me. You don't have to read into it to much it basically talk about how powerful I am. Remember the devil was an angle who fell from the top.

Fanatic Narcissist: "An individual whose self-esteem was severely arrested during childhood, who usually displays major paranoid tendencies, and who holds on to an illusion of omnipotence. These people are fighting delusions of insignificance and lost value, and trying to re-establish their self-esteem through grandiose fantasies and self-reinforcement. When unable to gain recognition or support from others, they take on the role of a heroic or worshipped person with a grandiose mission."

You fit the bill Perfectly Georgie
i think u need to read this again George.

this IS you....correct
You're a Megalomaniac

Yes, I might be a megalomaniac...

But, I have tried to tell My psychairtrist that I am probably a megalomaniac with a Christ "complex", My psychaitrist continues to diagnose Me with being "bipolar".

I would rather be diagnosed with megalomania, because I believe that discribes Me better than "bipolar". Bipolar means "manic depressive", and since I quit smoking marijuana, I am neither manic or depressed.

I understand that many people would see Me as grandiose for this AGE, but I wouldn't be the Prophet if I didn't think "outside the box." Of course, some people are going to criticize, judge, call Me names, etc., for being so different, but I want to be santified from the sheeple people, I want to be different.

I am not a bad person, I am just a different kind of person. I am on a new level.

Of course, people are going to call Me names for being so different, but I don't want to be normal. I am happy to be set apart- santified.

Sure, I might be considered as a megalomaniac to some people, but through My grandiosity, I have been an asset to the new AGE, and I hope people will continue to read about Me throughout the AGEs.

It is because I am different, that I am not the same.

I have come up with so many novel prophecies, and I hope people will take heed to what I say. I want to teach My people all that I have to offer.

It seems like the alleged Jesus was misunderstood during Jesus' time, and now Jesus has billions of people that claim to follow Jesus. I want to start My own novel Spirituality, based off of the Truth, facts, evidence, science, logic, and Myself of course.

I am much greater compared to Jesus. I can be empirically proven, Jesus cannot be proven. I have videos of Myself, Jesus does not. I have credible, plausible prophecies, Jesus does not. I could go on how I can be proven, and Jesus cannot be proven.

I believe, in the distant future, all of My prophecies will become mundane, and the people of the future will see all of My prophecies come to fruition, and the future will not see Me as a megalomaniac, but rather as the Prophet.

Yes, I could be a megalomaniac, but I have all good intentions, and I am teaching people novel solutions everyday.

Yes, I might be a megalomaniac...

But, I have tried to tell My psychairtrist that I am probably a megalomaniac with a Christ "complex", My psychaitrist continues to diagnose Me with being "bipolar".

I would rather be diagnosed with megalomania, because I believe that discribes Me better than "bipolar". Bipolar means "manic depressive", and since I quit smoking marijuana, I am neither manic or depressed.

I understand that many people would see Me as grandiose for this AGE, but I wouldn't be the Prophet if I didn't think "outside the box." Of course, some people are going to criticize, judge, call Me names, etc., for being so different, but I want to be santified from the sheeple people, I want to be different.

I am not a bad person, I am just a different kind of person. I am on a new level.

Of course, people are going to call Me names for being so different, but I don't want to be normal. I am happy to be set apart- santified.

Sure, I might be considered as a megalomaniac to some people, but through My grandiosity, I have been an asset to the new AGE, and I hope people will continue to read about Me throughout the AGEs.

It is because I am different, that I am not the same.

I have come up with so many novel prophecies, and I hope people will take heed to what I say. I want to teach My people all that I have to offer.

It seems like the alleged Jesus was misunderstood during Jesus' time, and now Jesus has billions of people that claim to follow Jesus. I want to start My own novel Spirituality, based off of the Truth, facts, evidence, science, logic, and Myself of course.

I am much greater compared to Jesus. I can be empirically proven, Jesus cannot be proven. I have videos of Myself, Jesus does not. I have credible, plausible prophecies, Jesus does not. I could go on how I can be proven, and Jesus cannot be proven.

I believe, in the distant future, all of My prophecies will become mundane, and the people of the future will see all of My prophecies come to fruition, and the future will not see Me as a megalomaniac, but rather as the Prophet.

Yes, I could be a megalomaniac, but I have all good intentions, and I am teaching people novel solutions everyday.

"""it is because I am different, that I am not the same.""""

your getting worse.......full fucking stop.

go to your doctors seriously.

Ps......thanks for saving me and my grandad :)
Dude! Stop snorting your pills make a Dr appointment . I watched all your videos good entertainment. You should point the camera at eye level so we're not looking up your nose, same with your avi. how about a cartoon..
Hell with the empirical proof. Is there any rhetorical proof? And if so is there proof in the pudding? Because if there is then I'm gonna want some. Pudding that is, not proof.
Shit George, I'm just fuckin wit ya. Idc if you're Jesus incarnate or batshit crazy.
My magic 8ball tells me you've got a heart of gold either way. Here's to you kid.
Dude! Stop snorting your pills make a Dr appointment . I watched all your videos good entertainment.

I don't even get prescribed prescription pills that I need to take everyday, so, no, I don't snort My pills.

I am glad that you found My videos of Myself to be good entertainment, I am trying to teach as many people as possible what I believe in. Some of the things I teach are facts, and also some of My beliefs and conjecture.

What did you learn from My videos of Myself?

It should be manifest that I am the Prophet, if you watched all of My videos. I might be apathetic, but I still can teach. I am not some kind of actor, so I don't really know how to behave in front of a camera.

I am super glad that you enjoyed My videos of Myself, its one of My goals to share Myself with as many (sane) people as possible. The more (sane) people that I reach, the more witnesses that can testify that I am real, knowable, empirical, observable, and basically an infallible fact of life.

I will ask again: what did you learn from Me in My videos? Please be as detailed as possible.

Thanks ;-)

If you see a new account pop up on your credit, from Harley Davidson Credit, don't worry about it. It's for my new Harley.

Yeah right ;-)

My bank account would go into the negative after one payment, hah.

Seriously, I don't believe I provided enough of My information for anyone to steal My identity.

I don't even get prescribed prescription pills that I need to take everyday, so, no, I don't snort My pills.

I am glad that you found My videos of Myself to be good entertainment, I am trying to teach as many people as possible what I believe in. Some of the things I teach are facts, and also some of My beliefs and conjecture.

What did you learn from My videos of Myself?

It should be manifest that I am the Prophet, if you watched all of My videos. I might be apathetic, but I still can teach. I am not some kind of actor, so I don't really know how to behave in front of a camera.

I am super glad that you enjoyed My videos of Myself, its one of My goals to share Myself with as many (sane) people as possible. The more (sane) people that I reach, the more witnesses that can testify that I am real, knowable, empirical, observable, and basically an infallible fact of life.

I will ask again: what did you learn from Me in My videos? Please be as detailed as possible.

Thanks ;-)

What did I learn? Hmm... You seem like a nice person you care for your family. You have some far out ideas,and did time. I liked the all terrain space buggy idea. I liked the alien and the ufo story wish you would post them in my thread. I don't think you should believe everything you see on youtube. I don't think your the messiah. You should read the bible start at the beginning and read all the way through cover to cover. The housing ideas are cool you should check this thread out. It's the moon cocoon https://www.rollitup.org/t/anti-technology-science.833341/
What did I learn? Hmm... You seem like a nice person you care for your family. You have some far out ideas,and did time. I liked the all terrain space buggy idea. I liked the alien and the ufo story wish you would post them in my thread. I don't think you should believe everything you see on youtube. I don't think your the messiah. You should read the bible start at the beginning and read all the way through cover to cover. The housing ideas are cool you should check this thread out. It's the moon cocoon https://www.rollitup.org/t/anti-technology-science.833341/

You don't need to believe I am the Messiah, but you should believe the facts about Myself, because they are indeed facts.

Anyways, I posted in your "Alien Tech" thread.

i didn't understand why he's proven who he is .

it don't make sense <<<<< ;)

I have proven who I am, because anyone can claim anything on the internet.

But once something is empirically proven, it becomes a fact.

I am a fact of life.

Of course, I don't need to prove who I am, because I know I am a fact, but some people might not believe My "claims," so I can prove some things.

And now, you guys can call Me "George" in confidence, because I have proven that I am indeed George Manuel Oliveira.

I know that I am telling My Truth, but the Truth can be subjective to different people, but if you prove the Truth, the Truth becomes less subjective, and more of a fact.

My existence should not be questioned in the future.

I am the Fact of Life.

I have proven who I am, because anyone can claim anything on the internet.

But once something is empirically proven, it becomes a fact.

I am a fact of life.

Of course, I don't need to prove who I am, because I know I am a fact, but some people might not believe My "claims," so I can prove some things.

And now, you guys can call Me "George" in confidence, because I have proven that I am indeed George Manuel Oliveira.

I know that I am telling My Truth, but the Truth can be subjective to different people, but if you prove the Truth, the Truth becomes less subjective, and more of a fact.

My existence should not be questioned in the future.

I am the Fact of Life.

we know your names george ...... etc

so what .
Fanatic Narcissist: "An individual whose self-esteem was severely arrested during childhood, who usually displays major paranoid tendencies, and who holds on to an illusion of omnipotence. These people are fighting delusions of insignificance and lost value, and trying to re-establish their self-esteem through grandiose fantasies and self-reinforcement. When unable to gain recognition or support from others, they take on the role of a heroic or worshipped person with a grandiose mission."

You fit the bill Perfectly Georgie
you defintly need to read this again buddy ...... dont forget the pizza :)