4 those who can vote who are you voting for and y?


Well-Known Member
pro war? have you heard of McCain?

i'm still not sure, they both have positives. after the budget deficit whoever's gonna inherit its gonna be a rough year

and...really VXTDave? you think McCain's gonna do more for getting us out of Iraq than Obama? Really?

And no matter how bad either are i'm sure either will protect the constitution a lil better than our friend H.W.


Well-Known Member
...have you heard of McCain?
Very much so.

and...really VXTDave? you think McCain's gonna do more for getting us out of Iraq than Obama? Really?
I didn't say that, now did I?

And no matter how bad either are I'm sure either will protect the constitution a lil better than our friend H.W.
Oh really? Both voted for Patriot...That little Act that pisses on the 4th Amendment. If it wasn't for them and their ilk, Bush wouldn't have had a Patriot Act to sign into law, now would he? Last I checked, the POTUS is not a dictator. Bills and acts are not signed into law by the POTUS unless Congress passes them first. With both their voting records, not that you've checked as I have, what makes you think they'll protect our rights against the demons that comprise the Congress? Actions speak louder than words to me and when I see both candidates voting for legislation that allows for continued war, stripping of constitutional rights, and continued deficit spending, I tend to become somewhat jaded.


Well-Known Member
I'm able to vote but I don't think I'm going to. If anything I will go just to WRITE in RON PAUL. He's the fucking MAN!

Obama & McCain makes me :spew:


Well-Known Member
man i cant wait till this election is over, american sucks come campaign season, talk about dividing the country even more. i wonder if the people will ever come together over govt rather than slander each other for their views or what they have been told.


Well-Known Member
I'm able to vote but I don't think I'm going to. If anything I will go just to WRITE in RON PAUL. He's the fucking MAN!

Obama & McCain makes me :spew:
Seamaiden and I will be writing Ron Paul in come the general election as will my son in Guam and my stepson here.


Well-Known Member
Seamaiden and I will be writing Ron Paul in come the general election as will my son in Guam and my stepson here.
Thank YOU!! Tell Seamaiden Hey for me. You all seem like a kickass family. :)
The smart bunch..the bunch with COMMON SENSE. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i guess, shoot
OK, I'll give you the abridged edition, cool?

We will not come together as a people because...

1. We have forgotten what personal responsibility means anymore

2. We elect "representatives" without doing our homework because we don't want to put in the effort.

3. We've given our "representatives" free reign over our lives because we don't want to take the time to scrutinize their actions.

4. We no longer know what true hardship and sacrifice means anymore (although that may be coming).

5. We are willing to accept what the media props up for us without question or we will accept the lesser of two evils ( I was in this category before).

6. And lastly, there are those of us who are diametrically opposed to the previous 5 points that will remain adamant in their convictions and we will remain vocal. Some of us may one day have no choice but to attempt to inspire a Constitutional Convention or even to take up arms.

Please note that I use the term "representative" as our Founding Fathers felt that elected officials were not meant to be leaders. It was "The People" that were to be the leaders, not the other way around. That is what a Representative Republic is all about. See how brainwashed we've become? We immediately speak of these criminals as our leaders. We elected them to represent us, not lead us...But apparently, we'd rather be lead by the nose these days.
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Well-Known Member
OK, I'll give you the abridged edition, cool?
We will not come together as a people because...

...But apparently, we'd rather be led by the nose these days.
i think you summed it all up pretty well in #1. personal responsibility is the backbone of any free society and we seem to be too busy finding others to blame. we have handed over all our responsibility and the power that it engenders. we allow our representatives to make all the decisions, then whine when our wishes aren't taken into consideration. by denying our responsibilities we have created a monster that can no longer be brought under control, so now we spend our time scapegoating whoever the media tells us to and attempting to mollify our frustration and our guilt.

the game of politics is all about laying blame and it is played 24/7 for the amusement of the masses.


New Member
It seems to me that bitching and voting are the two main actions being taken by those that are interested. The rest are so brainwashed they actually believe all those lame TV ads being put out by both sides, although I'm a little Biased towards Obama, I'm pretty sure he is full of BS also. It is again down to the choice of the lesser of the two evils, Always has been since I was old enough to vote. You get your odd independent or Libertarian, but they have no chance in Mainstream America. It's either candidate A or candidate B. I think Obama (A) is the best choice of the two, others like candidate B (B is for Bullshit), ~LOL~. And to those that are throwing their vote away, IE voting for a non-entity (Paul), I say welcome to wonderland, like you are going to make a difference, Ha!