Islam can dish it out, but can't take it

you dont read the Quran with heartiness. dont take a word, if you want to understand, read complete of the sura.

2.190 - Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors.
2.191 - And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.
2.192 - But if they cease, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
2.193 - And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and Faith in Allah; but if they cease, let there be no hostility except to those who practise oppression.
Yep, I declare before Allah, all you Kafir, practice oppression. That is all it takes. That is why Jihad will tolerate nothing less than Dominion. We have to cease. (2.192) Why not post what it says about us Infidels?

So, Jihad though these sutra, say the oppressor is "the West" and because of Secular Govt. And they get to, are suppose to, slaughter us, until we, I guess.

So, that is what is wrong. Thanks.

And if you get over into Koran 9.x and forward it get worse than this.

Hey we all get it. Allah is Merciful when the Clerics say so. And that is not before the women are in Burkka and the men dead in the ditch.

Thanks for being real. I read it hearty, alright.
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do you know how many people were killed by USA in Iraq ? and how many illegitimate child born after the war? these are reactions of those cruelty.
quit being an apologist for the christian jihad which kills hundreds of thousands of innocent muslims.

Nope I meant two Wrongs Don't make a Right! Period!!! @UncleBuck..

I don't apologise For Anyone else Esp...Fairy Tale Believing Idiots!!

Innocent by what standard...Ours'? Theirs'? Humanity's?

Christian, Muslim, Jew...He said, She said, They said!! All a Crock Of Shit!!!

2015 - Not The Middle Ages Any more....get it!!?
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do you know how many people were killed by USA in Iraq ? and how many illegitimate child born after the war? these are reactions of those cruelty.

And ours was a reaction to Sad-damn Insane's cruelty. And his was a reaction against Sunni Jihad cruelty, which was used by Gestapo cruelty.

You see how that dog don't hunt? That false logic chain you propose goes back 70,000 years. You cannot justify this with, "Oh everyone does it."
Nope I meant two Wrongs Don't make a Right! Period!!! @UncleBuck..

I don't apologise For Anyone else Esp...Fairy Tale Believing Idiots!!

Innocent by what standard...Ours'? Theirs'? Humanity's?

Christian, Muslim, Jew...He said, She said, They said!! All a Crock Of Shit!!!

2015 - Not The Middle Ages Any more....get it!!?

don't have a fucking meltdown.

those 135,000 dead innocent muslims were civilians killed in a needless war at the behest of our born again christian president.

you say you don't care about any of the fairy tales but you only condemn muslims. dumb transparent bigot.

And by you false logic you are not thinking it though. The USA bombed the crap out of the place but did not go around raping women, like the victors of war usually do. Nor did we even raise our flag. Saddam was suppose to keep a cork on Iran's route to the sea, through there, but left the door open and attacked Kuwait. We could not let them strike for Saudi Oil because we knew Turkey could not and would not stop Iran, from cutting across to Syria, the land route to the Med and taking the Soviet Navy Base there. Yeah, it's complicated, but we know it was not about WMD.

We did not perform mass executions as ISIL does. And we did not cut off people's heads on video.

So, boy, are you confused. We didn't create this, nor is it a retaliation as you suggest. It is the ancient war TAUNT. OK? Toss the heads about.

They want us all to send warriors to fight them. ISIL is something that got stood up by the Sunni Sect of Jihad, and was there under Saadam all along. These are the ones left from the fight against Iran. These are the Northern Tribes around Mosul and Tikrit, Saadam home town.
This is that army we let drift off and go home.
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i did not say ISIL does the right thing.

USA government is the most dangerous and brutal killer in the world. they lets israil to killing people. dont you heard sabra and shatilla? USA's savageness cannot be compared with others... can you read me?

7.179 - Many are the Jinns and men we have made for Hell: they have hearts wherewith they understand not, eyes wherewith they see not, and ears wherewith they hear not. They are like cattle, nay more misguided: for they are heedless (of warning).
i did not say ISIL does the right thing.

USA government is the most dangerous and brutal killer in the world. they lets israil to killing people. dont you heard sabra and shatilla? USA's savageness cannot be compared with others... can you read me?

7.179 - Many are the Jinns and men we have made for Hell: they have hearts wherewith they understand not, eyes wherewith they see not, and ears wherewith they hear not. They are like cattle, nay more misguided: for they are heedless (of warning).

Hey, I respect you. You are being honest. I hope @londonfog is getting this.

I know you are warning us as cattle. As I say, I get it. If we seem savage so far, you have seen nothing, yet. We think we are being nice, and keeping the damage to the minimum.
You haven't seen us, yet, being savage on purpose.
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they go haywire because of the brutality, u cannot understand them cos this did not happen to you... dont you see the pictures of rape that unclebuck posts them? everybody knows these. ask that to your google uncle.
they go haywire because of the brutality, u cannot understand them cos this did not happen to you... dont you see the pictures of rape that unclebuck posts them? everybody knows these. ask that to your google uncle.

This? This is one case of a very few. And it is nothing compare to what happens when Sunni Conquest rolls in.

A US soldier was sentenced to 100 years in prison yesterday for one of the worst known cases involving US troops in Iraq - the gang rape and murder of a 14-year-old girl and the killing of her father, mother and sister.
The horrific slaying of Abeer Qassim al-Janabi and her family happened in Mahmoudiya, around 20 miles south of Baghdad, on March 12 last year.