What do you like in a street dealer?


Hey guys,

I am proud and happy to state that I've been in the business of dealing weed in the streets for a while now...

I have many loyal customers but aim to get some of them more loyal like they won't go somewhere else. As of right now, I have many tactics I do on occasions and there are things I do on a daily basis.

- I am NEVER late on a transaction
- I drive to their spot wherever they want
- I drive drive up to 30miles for orders over 1/2 ounce
- I deliver in SmellProof baggies (costs me about 1,50$/bag)
- I print labels directly on the bag the strain they're smoking and the weight it contains
- I always overdeliver, minimum 0.2 and maximum can be up to 2.0 grams
- I do not spam them using retarded phone apps
- I do call/txt my clients I haven't seen for a while (1 month+)
- I give free weed when customers refer me a good new client*
- My weed is over-average quality and I underprice street level (130$/oz of White Russian as an example)
- I take 1 day off per 2-3 weeks but I make sure to schedule them the next day
- I know details about the weed I am selling, and I smoke it every night before bed
- I only change my phone number every 8-12 months (depending on my "feel")
- I never ask my clients anything personal about them, except if they wanna talk about it
- I'm gentle, respectful, well groomed, healthy and intelligent (not the "thug" like lol)

*for new refferals, i make sure the guy/gal isn't a fed by forcing them to smoke 1 bowl with me before doing the transaction. some find it weird, some find it very nice because it's free weed. that's my method that i call a "fed check".

Things my clients might like less is the fact that most of the time I travel with a digital scale, smellproof baggies, the computer that prints the labels, my burner phone, 1 pound of weed and a co2 metal handgun. I do not show any of that to my clients! But some of them have seen the handgun when I sell QPs and HPs (I hide it under my shirt incase something happens). I kindly explain them that sometimes bad shit happens but clients are clients and I threat weed dealing as a very professional business model.

Anyways, tell me what you think! I wanna know more so I can increase my sales, get my customers happier and continue to have a good business rolling for a while...
I might consider creating a facebook account without my face on it and making my clients add me on there incase they lose my number. So before they buy, I could send them in PM a pic of the new crop I am getting..? :p
Make a phone app. business will boom.
What do you mean? Ideas..? Send me a PM man, I know a few programmer I been with back in college :p.

I had an idea of an app that backups my clients list every 72h, checks for the ones that haven't called me for a while, makes it possible to send a message to the ones that actually contact me every 2-3 days, etc.

What you think?
What do you mean? Ideas..? Send me a PM man, I know a few programmer I been with back in college :p.

I had an idea of an app that backups my clients list every 72h, checks for the ones that haven't called me for a while, makes it possible to send a message to the ones that actually contact me every 2-3 days, etc.

What you think?
You just have to keep your clients happy. Are you willing to suck dick?
- I do not spam them using retarded phone apps

First, this isn't a weed dealing site, it's a growing site.

Second, funny you reply to an 'app' comment, yet you state the above within your own quote.

Third, what is "a while"? If you were a good low-level dealer, you wouldn't need to come populate a site like this looking for advice. There isn't a chance in hell you deal in qps if you come here looking for advice.

Have fun out there :)

Hey guys,

I am proud and happy to state that I've been in the business of dealing weed in the streets for a while now...

I have many loyal customers but aim to get some of them more loyal like they won't go somewhere else. As of right now, I have many tactics I do on occasions and there are things I do on a daily basis.

- I am NEVER late on a transaction
- I drive to their spot wherever they want
- I drive drive up to 30miles for orders over 1/2 ounce
- I deliver in SmellProof baggies (costs me about 1,50$/bag)
- I print labels directly on the bag the strain they're smoking and the weight it contains
- I always overdeliver, minimum 0.2 and maximum can be up to 2.0 grams
- I do not spam them using retarded phone apps
- I do call/txt my clients I haven't seen for a while (1 month+)
- I give free weed when customers refer me a good new client*
- My weed is over-average quality and I underprice street level (130$/oz of White Russian as an example)
- I take 1 day off per 2-3 weeks but I make sure to schedule them the next day
- I know details about the weed I am selling, and I smoke it every night before bed
- I only change my phone number every 8-12 months (depending on my "feel")
- I never ask my clients anything personal about them, except if they wanna talk about it
- I'm gentle, respectful, well groomed, healthy and intelligent (not the "thug" like lol)

*for new refferals, i make sure the guy/gal isn't a fed by forcing them to smoke 1 bowl with me before doing the transaction. some find it weird, some find it very nice because it's free weed. that's my method that i call a "fed check".

Things my clients might like less is the fact that most of the time I travel with a digital scale, smellproof baggies, the computer that prints the labels, my burner phone, 1 pound of weed and a co2 metal handgun. I do not show any of that to my clients! But some of them have seen the handgun when I sell QPs and HPs (I hide it under my shirt incase something happens). I kindly explain them that sometimes bad shit happens but clients are clients and I threat weed dealing as a very professional business model.

Anyways, tell me what you think! I wanna know more so I can increase my sales, get my customers happier and continue to have a good business rolling for a while...
co2 gun huh.. ill sell you a shotty for the.low black market price of 800..... shells cost extra... you could just put a shotgun rack on the back of ur schwinn when your making moves... you fucking dumb dipshit. i hope u get robbed
Hey guys,

Things my clients might like less is the fact that most of the time I travel with a digital scale, smellproof baggies, the computer that prints the labels, my burner phone, 1 pound of weed and a co2 metal handgun. I do not show any of that to my clients! But some of them have seen the handgun when I sell QPs and HPs (I hide it under my shirt incase something happens). I kindly explain them that sometimes bad shit happens but clients are clients and I threat weed dealing as a very professional business model.
I didn't see this shit earlier, I automatically ignored the rest after I read the first line. I'll be laughing about this shit for years to come. Just picturing your dumb ass pulling a co2 gun on someone robbing you with a real gun, or even a knife! ROFLMAO. Let me guess you'll pull some ninja shit and straight blast that fool in the eyes and then take their gun and blast da ass.

Dumbest shit I've ever read on RIU.
co2 gun huh.. ill sell you a shotty for the.low black market price of 800..... shells cost extra... you could just put a shotgun rack on the back of ur schwinn when your making moves... you fucking dumb dipshit. i hope u get robbed
I'm so glad you pointed that out. I didn't even read his whack ass comment until I saw you say something about a co2 gun. I laughed until I cried. This dude is gonna get shot for sure.
Hmmm. One of those tickets that get punched (hole punch). Buy 5 get the 6th one free. Just kidding. Drugs are bad mmmkayyy