I love the heirloom tomatoes and that's mainly what I grow, if you have a hybrid that will beat the taste of a Cherokee Purple though let me know and I'll give it a shot if I can find it.

Also I've gotten great size and production out of various types of heirloom tomatoes. My two favorite that I usually grow every year are Cherokee Purple and Mortgage Lifters. I tried some Black Krim last year and wasn't very impressed. I have some new (to me) heirloom varieties to try this year... Amish Paste, Belgium Giant, Brandywine, and a Black Plum cherry tomato.
I planted a few hybrids last year, I had like 5 bushes of super sweet 100 cherry tomato plants and a few bushes of the Burpee super beefsteak tomatoes... The super beefsteaks produced a lot and did well but the taste just wasn't there. The cherry tomatoes produced like crazy and were great. I had a couple starts of a hybrid cherry sweet orange tomato that were given to me and they didn't hardly produce anything.
Here's a few of my heirlooms from last year. I'm probably going to do more peppers this year but I'm sure I'll have plenty of tomatoes.