The first one kinda went through a bunch of stresses and I didnt get any purple off it, It is definatly a daytime up med, I got a short and tall plus a short and tall male out of the seeds I popped, I am hoping to see the full potential of them in this run. The short male we up potted in a 5 gallon, still has not lost the half albino leaf trait lol. Mine has no real cure on it and it is some daytime fire, I want to build motors again when I am sampling. I held a mom of the short and tall ED so I will be having them around for a long time. My good night is usually a white widow or BASH from OGS, Amnesia hash plant- dutch cut x Blue satilite 2.2 love it, just like they say velvet hammer to the head, then moves into the body, very nice. I am trying a small pump with hose and a pole to direct the hose to the pots to ease my watering. Peace MD.