I'm voting for McCain....


Well-Known Member
hmm...vote for mcain and vote for war......FUCKING WAR, KILL A KID, MAYBE A PARRENT...WAR...vote for obama and what? theres a chance of being part of the GLOBAL COMMUNITY LIKE THE REST OF THE PLANET? fuck, smoke some more crack.

i don't usually swear but sometimes..SOMETIMES.. Americans are just stupid.
don't get all patriotic now since i called just a few stupid.
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Well-Known Member
Hey cc are you stereotyping again? I'm not a liberal, democrat, republican, or for that matter any of those others meaningless titles you like to give to others & yourself. I apologize if my civilized nature bothers you.

Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
I am voting for who I think is most likely to move in the direction of lessening the drug war, decriminalizing pot and less likely to get us into WW3. I am voting for Obama.

I am done voting for Republicans after doing so for about 2 decades.


New Member
I am voting for who I think is most likely to move in the direction of lessening the drug war, decriminalizing pot and less likely to get us into WW3. I am voting for Obama.

I am done voting for Republicans after doing so for about 2 decades.
Good,, Another convert, welcome aboard the Obama express.

Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
Good,, Another convert, welcome aboard the Obama express.
Even though he's Republican, I do like McCain. I just don't think he and his party is good for the presidency.

I have some big reservations about Obama as well but I still feel its a better shot for what I want out of the next president than what McCain will be offering.


Well-Known Member
Even though he's Republican, I do like McCain. I just don't think he and his party is good for the presidency.

I have some big reservations about Obama as well but I still feel its a better shot for what I want out of the next president than what McCain will be offering.
Shit he couldn't fuck up any worse than Bush.

I think McCian is just kiss-ass Bush's and reveryone else in the republican party to get into office.


New Member
McCain will be like Carter and Obama will be like Marx......I think McCain will cause enough suffering via policy that this will inspire a Reagan like revolution. Obama will implode this economy, this society....we'll be Northern Venezuela, and we will again trade with Cuba....yeah.