Euro is having trouble?

Just checked and the euro has dropped a little but who knows if this is going to get crazy next week or not. This world banking thing is such a load of crap they should fix it.
Is there something in particular with the global system of payments you see as being broken? I agree the Euro is broken (or ill-conceived), but not the "world banking thing". What are you talking about exactly?
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Screw Europe, they are falling into becoming another Islamic enclave. Over there they are so determined to instill sickening rules and regulations and bending over (forward) to these special interest groups. They are anti-semitic, pro-weirdo sex and transgenderizing the populace, getting rid of nationalism... we here in the (real west) need to distance ourselves from these troglodytes.
Screw Europe, they are falling into becoming another Islamic enclave. Over there they are so determined to instill sickening rules and regulations and bending over (forward) to these special interest groups. They are anti-semitic, pro-weirdo sex and transgenderizing the populace, getting rid of nationalism... we here in the (real west) need to distance ourselves from these troglodytes.

Who is "we" and how are you a representative ?
Wait a minute, I think I got're Obama, aren't you :mrgreen:
I'm actually pro-conservative and think Obamy is a blight for America. Liberals have ruined everything and continue to do so.
The Euro is in trouble because everyone is shitty themselves since Greece decided to swing way far left.

The QE thing is bizarre, it's a stated policy goal of the ECB to cause a minimum of 2% inflation even tho they know wages arnt increasing by that amount.

Yet their stated goal is to decrease deflation...

They were at the finish line, and it's like they're literally afraid of victory so they have to botch the whole thing like a pack of retarded dishcloths.
The QE measures coupled with Greece deciding they want to live off credit means the Euro vs Dollar will break the 1.1 to 1 barrier. We may see even money.

When the Swiss unpegged the Euro it sent shockwaves and taught us a lesson. I wonder if we actually learned anything? The losses caused by the CHF maneuver was pretty drastic.
The QE measures coupled with Greece deciding they want to live off credit means the Euro vs Dollar will break the 1.1 to 1 barrier. We may see even money.

When the Swiss unpegged the Euro it sent shockwaves and taught us a lesson. I wonder if we actually learned anything? The losses caused by the CHF maneuver was pretty drastic.
How will it effect US exports remains to be seen too.

Im glad metals are priced in dollars.
How will it effect US exports remains to be seen too.

Im glad metals are priced in dollars.
50 years ago it would have been crippling. We've become a service economy over here and just buy our shit from China now. A strengthening dollar just means we can afford more Chinese shit.

It's not hard to see a world wide collapse when our house of cards tumbles, it's just knowing how to survive it that will be key.

We'll most likely look to those who caused it to fix it, we never learn.
The QE measures coupled with Greece deciding they want to live off credit means the Euro vs Dollar will break the 1.1 to 1 barrier. We may see even money.

When the Swiss unpegged the Euro it sent shockwaves and taught us a lesson. I wonder if we actually learned anything? The losses caused by the CHF maneuver was pretty drastic.

Something tells me most people on here don't have any idea of what you are talking about. :lol:
Luckily, our man in the Alps is on top of it:

Something tells me most people on here don't have any idea of what you are talking about. :lol:
Luckily, our man in the Alps is on top of it:

Those Swiss are slippery b*sta*ds, when it suits they suckle the tit of Europe (don't forget the 1940's you alpine freaks) and when it's not they be like "Pfff, we're not in Europe".

I don't really care either way, I make a lot of my money in dollars, so... :D
Yanis Varoufakis is being sworn in as finance minister in Greece :shock:
This should get very interesting on several levels, very soon.

Yanis Varoufakis, 53, is known for his running commentary on the financial crisis in a series of blogposts that have won him thousands of Twitter followers and the respect of Syriza’s leadership.

John Maynard Keynes with a hint of Karl Marx is how one analyst described the self-proclaimed “accidental economist” who is now to become Greece’s finance minister and a key negotiator with its international creditors.

That's going to thrill some people. :lol:
