Why Are Gas Prices So Low?


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many people are going to get milked clean after the next stock market crash.
A lot.

When this bubble bursts this time the reaction of the American people will be different than last time. I don't think we'll accept bailing out too big to fail 100 cents on the dollar again.

Our history shows we'll just blame the party in charge instead of the system, but if it happens while the wounds from last time are still healing, people may dig a little deeper.


Well-Known Member
There is an excess of oil on the global market and OPEC refuses to cut production to maintain a stable price.

The speculation that I have read is that they are doing this to drive oil prices below $60 a barrel and keep them there long enough to shut down shale oil fracking production in North America because it's only profitable at prices above $55 a barrel.

Again, speculation.

Wait a minute......you mean if the SUPPLY of oil INCREASES......the cost DECREASES?

That's crazy talk.

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
A lot.

When this bubble bursts this time the reaction of the American people will be different than last time. I don't think we'll accept bailing out too big to fail 100 cents on the dollar again.

Our history shows we'll just blame the party in charge instead of the system, but if it happens while the wounds from last time are still healing, people may dig a little deeper.
I think they might be "banking" on that happening, dhs stocking up on hollow points, militarization of our police force, less and less civil protests allowed (including student fees increases in california), so called "fema" camps they are real whether or not they are fema camps my family lives out in the middle of nowhere and they went to check one of them out. But anyways there is a little bit of evidence to show that they are preparing for something. Who knows if it is global war, civil war, economic destruction, or the US wanting something other than democracy.

I really think it is crazy how the greeks elected the communist party but we are all going to see how this one plays out! :D


Well-Known Member
I think you might have missed the point. The dollar being higher than other sinking currencies is like saying cat shit smells better than dog shit. Go ahead and take a whiff.

How the currencies relate to each other now doesn't answer the inflation part many are experiencing.
I see your point now.

The dollar is gaining value against other currencies, while simultaneously being worth less here. SOMEONE is getting rich, just not us.


Well-Known Member
A lot.

When this bubble bursts this time the reaction of the American people will be different than last time. I don't think we'll accept bailing out too big to fail 100 cents on the dollar again.

Our history shows we'll just blame the party in charge instead of the system, but if it happens while the wounds from last time are still healing, people may dig a little deeper.
Good Lord, let's hope so. The ability of American sheeple to keep believing what the gubmint is shoveling seems to be boundless.


Well-Known Member
Create gold? Fusion or fission? I am not at all worried about that happening. The rest is almost as silly.

I would give odds that with all of the gold trading in certificates we don't have a fraction of what's sold in real physical gold.